1 (edited by murrman 2023-04-25 12:17:39)

Topic: [Solved] Fireface UCX-ADAT 1/2 stopped working after update driver

After update - I powered UCX off and on and rebooted the computer and noticed my output stopped.   

Totalmix is showing signal and volume at ADAT1/2 in the playback section,
but I have no sound / signal to my amp/speakers from that physical output.

I am wondering if something reset with the update?  Any ideas on settings to check??

Thought I would check here to see if i am missing something before I reported a bug.

2 (edited by waedi 2023-04-25 04:08:01)

Re: [Solved] Fireface UCX-ADAT 1/2 stopped working after update driver

murrman wrote:

Totalmix is showing signal and volume at ADAT3/4 in the playback section

Is this playback section the middle row of channels in Totalmix ?
The so called software playback channels ?

For listening this signal it has to be routed to a hardware output channel ( bottom row channels in Totalmix).
A screenshot of your totalmix would be helpful.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: [Solved] Fireface UCX-ADAT 1/2 stopped working after update driver

Which physical output? What's the UCX connected to?

Daniel Fuchs

4 (edited by murrman 2023-04-25 12:19:02)

Re: [Solved] Fireface UCX-ADAT 1/2 stopped working after update driver

Found the issue - the new driver reset the Fireface UCX settings to factory

It set the Output format for ADAT 1/2  to ADAT  instead of SPDIF
- when I set it back to SPDIF it worked!