Topic: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available

We are already preparing TotalMix FX in version 1.81, available as public preview below.


Fix: Mono Cue bug in DAW mode

Added: DURec keys of UCX II now available in ARC USB menu

Changed: the Undo of DSP data uploads to the device has been complately re-written to make it bullet-proof

Only Mac

as above, plus:

Fix: graphics issue with the vertical divider of 2 row mode (only under Ventura)


TMFX Mac: Link removed

TMFX Win:  Link removed


Mac: Exit TotalMix FX and copy the app into the Applications folder, overwriting the old file.

Windows: Exit TotalMix FX and copy the new version into Windows\System32, overwriting the old file.

We appreciate any feedback!

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available

Hi MC,

Huch - the official 180 release was about just a month ago - seems that RME Devs never get boring  :-)

just installed the beta in my environment 2 days ago. Works fine so far.

I never recognized any graphic issues before, in 2-row mode. i usually use it in 3-row Mode.
I also did not recognize any DSP issues during the undos...

Will check it in detail in the next days and let you know.

PS: You still have in mind my feature request "sending the colours via osc"?
But it would be just a nice to have thing... ;-)

Regards, maggie

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available

maggie33 wrote:

You still have in mind my feature request "sending the colours via osc"?
But it would be just a nice to have thing... ;-)

How about absolute / global OSC-control? This would be more than a nice to have thing. This would be crucial for my work, and I’ve now waited 10 years for it.

What would be the tactic to get RME to actually do something about this? TMFX is great, but it still lacks the fundamental feature that would give us full control and ability to be more creative with our interfaces.

I’m heavily invested in RME, (mostly due to TMFX and the years ago promised Global OSC), and I’ve been checking these forums almost daily, just to see when this feature will arrive.

Pretty much all my (polite) questions about the global OSC have been ignored. (Some others have received replies that it’s still on the list but that’s it.)

I understand that there’s been a lot of work with the drivers lately, especially as Apple seems to be intentionally making things harder again. (+ covid + chip shortage etc.)

However, this feature was promised long before all of that, and I also hope you could see this from my point of view as a customer relying on your gear and support… and as someone who took your word for it when you said the feature will come!

Please at least give us some update about when this might happen. There are many of us still waiting! More or less patiently.

Fireface UFX+ | Fireface UFX | Babyface Pro | 12Mic

Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available


What do you exactly mean with "global osc control"? Just want to understand.
In my opinion, TMFX is fully controllable via OSC.

Or do you mean "global" via MIDI?

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

5 (edited by bsfreq 2023-04-25 20:24:19)

Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available

maggie33 wrote:

What do you exactly mean with "global osc control"? Just want to understand.

Controlling of all submixes simultaneously, without switching between them.
Direct access to functions, allowing linking and free control of faders and buttons on multiple submixes etc. Beyond what's currently possible with TMFX's own groups features.

Mentioned many times on these forums, for example here:
and here: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=18648

Fireface UFX+ | Fireface UFX | Babyface Pro | 12Mic

Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available


How do you determine when a public beta release qualifies for the final release? The number of bugs fixed in this release is kind of next to none, so kind of assuming this release is pretty much good to go unless someone finds something else?

Thanks, and just curious.

Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available

bsfreq wrote:

Controlling of all submixes simultaneously, without switching between them.
Direct access to functions, allowing linking and free control of faders and buttons on multiple submixes etc. Beyond what's currently possible with TMFX's own groups features.

Mentioned many times on these forums, for example here:
and here: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=18648

Maybe i still did not get what you exactly mean with "free control of faders and buttons on multiple submixes"?

An example from my own:

I want to control each fader in each submix directly via osc (i use scripts to do that) and i have a GUI which consists of about 100 Volume Sliders...:

my script consists of these parts(schematic example, i do not have the exact code in my mind). When i touch a fader, these actions are executed:

Scenario: i am on Sub AN1/2 and i want to control fader16, which belongs to Sub AN3/4 HW Input

1) remember the current submix in a variable:
    sCurrentSub="1/pager1/currentSubbmix text" so sCurrrentSub="AN1/2"
2) i touch fader 16 (which belongs to Sub AN3/4 and AN1/2 IN)
  2a) script fires ot the corresponding setSubmix Command from Page4
  2b) script sets the according value from my fader
3) on touch release from the fader the script sets the Sumix back to the value stored bbefor in sCurrentSub.

This is the basic scheme, which lets me control almost everything in my own GUI...

But - as i said: Maybe i misunderstood what you exactly mean?

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available

maggie33 wrote:

But - as i said: Maybe i misunderstood what you exactly mean?

Well, I also didn’t exactly explain everything I need, just that I would need the global OSC control support / ability to access faders, solo buttons, etc without submix switching.

What I mean with ”free control on multiple submixes”, is that I have to be able to keep multiple submixes partly in sync (some submixes with synced faders, some with synced faders + solo states etc. And no, there’s not enough fader / solo groups on TMFX for this).  Also, I have to be able to keep the sync when controlling more than one fader at a time, and not with latency added from a script that would only adjust the fader on a submix after I release the fader in another. I’m using multiple controllers too, so things would get really complicated / slow with scripting.
On the other hand, with global OSC I could simply copy the OSC address of a fader to direct address of a fader on another submix, for example with OSCulator, and I could choose which submixes receive values from which others, as TMFX would send out these direct values when adjusted.
Adding different controllers to this would be super simple too, no scripting necessary!

I’ve pretty much maxed out what I can do with the current OSC implementation using multiple TMFX windows and OSC-addresses. There have been other users mentioning other scenarios where global OSC support would be needed. Automation of TMFX etc..

Fireface UFX+ | Fireface UFX | Babyface Pro | 12Mic

9 (edited by maggie33 2023-05-03 04:21:40)

Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available

Well, I also didn’t exactly explain everything I need, just that I would need the global OSC control support
-> "global control" seems to be a buzzword for me. I think it makes more sense to describe the details step by step.

/ ability to access faders, solo buttons, etc without submix switching.
-> faders, solo, mute, global mute, global solo is currently possible for me? I am sure, you played around with the Routing Mode in TMFX in two windows at the same time (SUBMIX vs FREE) - each controlled by a different OSC Instance? maybe i didnt really understood what you mean...

What I mean with ”free control on multiple submixes”, is that I have to be able to keep multiple submixes partly in sync (some submixes with synced faders, some with synced faders + solo states etc.
-> i do not really understand what you mean. maybe its because it is already late night here smile more details?

And no, there’s not enough fader / solo groups on TMFX for this).
-> in my little world - 4 fader- (plus one adhoc), 4 mute- and 4 solo- groups are enough for each unit. but ok - you can adress this as a detailed feature request to rme, if you need more groups?

Also, I have to be able to keep the sync when controlling more than one fader at a time
-> exactly what i do - but i do it programatically in the OSC (software) controller(s). f. ex. i select by my own, which faders i select at the moment - and  even independant of the submix settings of TMFX. of course: OSC is networrk based -> one command after another. but i have no latency issues (after lot of debugging). ok. not easy, but relizale to "self expand the fader groups".

, and not with latency added from a script that would only adjust the fader on a submix after I release the fader in another. I’m using multiple controllers too, so things would get really complicated / slow with scripting.
-> you talk about latency? but you use OSCulator? sorry - but its exactly the same i do in my "scripts". And i use multiple controllers, too. Which controllers exactly do you have? Connected via Wifi? If yes - please dont mention latency. On the other hand: both of us seem to have a complex/irregular environment. Its quite normal that there does not exist a allaround solution for everyone (in german: "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau", Joke). So, beeing creative is the best workaround for me.

On the other hand, with global OSC I could simply copy the OSC address of a fader to direct address (if the host is connected and acting as a kind of bridge) of a fader on another submix, for example with OSCulator, and I could choose which submixes receive values from which others, as TMFX would send out these direct values when adjusted.
Adding different controllers to this would be super simple too, no scripting necessary!
-> Sure - i also have a lot of ideas, espacially to implement idependant MIDI CC for each element in TMFX. Would be nice to control the units without a hos connection via USB. But i understand that it is surlely not easy -  just because there are win/osx/iOS plattforms on the one side and all the Hardware Units on the other side which are parially introduced more than 10 years ago.

Moogs Model 15 App is a good example - although it is not possibble to map a certain MIDI Channel to a CC. But - its Okay. Have to do some workarounds...

I’ve pretty much maxed out what I can do with the current OSC implementation using multiple TMFX windows and OSC-addresses. There have been other users mentioning other scenarios where global OSC support would be needed. Automation of TMFX etc..
-> Maybe, its worth to dive in deeper. As i said before: OSC brings you the interface to get direct access. In complex environments, its worth to fiddle out the circumstances which match as good as possible for you. And what other people/users say is not really relevant (for me)

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

10 (edited by bsfreq 2023-05-03 16:38:11)

Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available

Thanks for your output maggie33.

I don’t think it’s worth explaining my whole setup here.

However, my main point is that ”Global” / Absolute (whatever you want to call it) OSC control with direct addresses has been said to be added, would make things at least a 1000x easier, and would allow control scenarios not currently possible. This has been discussed and asked for multiple times over the years. Latest related post seems to be from today here: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=37368
I’m not too much into scripting, and I try not to spend another decade diving into new languages instead of spending that time making music. Absolute OSC control for TMFX would get me where I want, quickly and easily.

maggie33 wrote:

-> in my little world - 4 fader- (plus one adhoc), 4 mute- and 4 solo- groups are enough for each unit. but ok - you can adress this as a detailed feature request to rme, if you need more groups?

Simply having more groups is unfortunately not enough for me, as groups in TMFX don’t allow opposite states of buttons which I need in my use case. Global OSC would.

maggie33 wrote:

-> you talk about latency? but you use OSCulator? sorry - but its exactly the same i do in my "scripts". And i use multiple controllers, too. Which controllers exactly do you have? Connected via Wifi? If yes - please dont mention latency.

Sorry, I was tired and apparently misread your earlier post about how you’ve setup your scripts.
I misread ”1) remember the current submix in a variable:” and thought that you saved the fader value in a variable, and the fader sync only happened after you release the fader. And by ’latency’ (perhaps the wrong word to use in this context) I meant that the whole time adjusting the fader, nothing would happen in other submix/es before you release the fader. I see now that’s not the case.

However, I’ve maxed out TMFX windows and controllers, and for syncing my controllers I have locked some TMFX windows to some submixes and controllers (+MIDI-OSC controller sync)
Also, I need feedback from TMFX (have TMFX send the current values to my controllers when powering on my system) With global OSC I would get all the values without having to build some hideous submix-jumping script that may or may not work.

maggie33 wrote:

In complex environments, its worth to fiddle out the circumstances which match as good as possible for you. And what other people/users say is not really relevant (for me)

Trust me, I have fiddled. big_smile  And I understand that if your setup works for you, other people’s need are not that relevant. But that’s exactly why we need global OSC. It would really work for any situation and all the needs.

Perhaps we leave this thread for the 1.81 beta now, hope that Global OSC is added in the next one, and continue OSC-related discussion in more related threads.

All the best

Fireface UFX+ | Fireface UFX | Babyface Pro | 12Mic

Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available

I don't understand 1.81 is in beta, and someone open topic that 1.83 is out already ??? Where can I follow TM releases by version, I found out about new versions all over the forum.

Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available

"Checking for update" in the Totalmix menu would be a new feature...?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: TotalMix 1.81 public beta for Windows/Mac available

Explained here https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=37449

Matthias Carstens