1 (edited by GussySound 2023-05-07 14:27:28)

Topic: MIDI I/O problem, UFX III

Hi everyone, I have a strange thing with MIDI IN/OUT ports.

I have Kurzweil PC3K (synth/sampler), Nord Stage 3, UFX 3 (my new interface) and UFX (the old one). My DAW is ProTools. I work under Windows 10. For some reasons, I cannot get midi signal from my Kurzweil midi out into RME in. I checked all the setting, all the cables and connectors. Everything seems to work perfect. When I connect Nord to RME - both midi ins get signal. When I connect Kurzweil to Nord - Nord receives midi messages from Kurzweil. Moreover, when I send midi from Kurzweil to RME, but through Nord midi thru - it also works. However, as soon as I connect Kurzweil directly to RME - RME doesn't receive any midi. The similar situation with both interfaces: UFX and UFX 3. And I remember that a few years ago, with my old UFX it used to work. At some point I switch to USB MIDI and don't know when MIDI ports stopped working for kurzweil. But now, when I got UFX 3, I started to check everything and discovered this.

MIDI OUT with Kurzweil also doesn't work, but here I'm not sure, because it could be something with ProTools as well. Any ideas? Thank you a lot.

2 (edited by waedi 2023-05-07 22:12:33)

Re: MIDI I/O problem, UFX III

On the backside of the Kurzweil is a switch MIDI Thru / Out, is it on OUT ?
Also check the faders on the Kurzweil, faders C, D and E are for volumen...(may be also midi-volumen?)

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: MIDI I/O problem, UFX III

thanks, yes, it's thru/out switch for the second midi out. Unfortunately, doesn't help

4 (edited by waedi 2023-05-08 16:07:41)

Re: MIDI I/O problem, UFX III

You can play the Nord from Kurzweil, then Kurzweil is sending Midi ok.
You can record Midi from Nord, then Midi interface works correctly.
But you can't record Midi from Kurzweil.
Then you do something different from recording Nord.
Checking cables

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

5 (edited by GussySound 2023-05-25 02:54:00)

Re: MIDI I/O problem, UFX III


I bought a new midi cable and everything started to work, finally with a few connection variations, I've learned that my MIDI out socket on Kurzweil is a bit loose. And because my Nord is placed on the same stand with Kurzweil, while my RME is located in about 2 m away, in a rack, the cable is at different angles with RME and Nord, so it sits more or less loose. wink