1 (edited by Maddcow 2023-05-12 07:53:07)

Topic: TotalMix 1.83 released yet?

Hi all
I use a Mac app (MacUpdater) that notifies me when one of my apps has been updated and today I was notified that TotalMix has been updated to v1.83....but I can't find this anywhere. 

Has TM 1.83 been released or should I notify the MacUpdater dev that it's a false alert?

Re: TotalMix 1.83 released yet?

Maddcow wrote:

Hi all
I use a Mac app (MacUpdater) that notifies me when one of my apps has been updated and today I was notified that TotalMix has been updated to v1.83....but I can't find this anywhere. 

Has TM 1.83 been released or should I notify the MacUpdater dev that it's a false alert?

Go back to the list of the entries in the TotalMix section and scroll to the top…

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

3 (edited by Maddcow 2023-05-12 11:14:16)

Re: TotalMix 1.83 released yet?

Yes, I did that and according to the sticky, 1.81b2 is the most recent. However, the latest Thunderbolt driver package for the UFX+ contains TotalMix 1.82…..so the official posts in this forum are out-of-date, hence why I’m wondering if 1.83 is out there somewhere but we haven’t been notified.

4 (edited by waedi 2023-05-12 12:10:05)

Re: TotalMix 1.83 released yet?

With 1.82 you're up to date.
The downloads for Totalmix apps was probably published for beta testing.
Totalmix is part of the driver installer and in the latest driver versions installers TM1.82 is in.
Therefor separat download is not needed presumably.
do you have a link to that MacUpdater app ?
Wondering what that is...

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: TotalMix 1.83 released yet?

TM FX 1.83 is up on the server in the usual downloads folder, but not yet published here or anywhere else. So that app uses a crawler which found the zip in our downloads folder on the server. Drivers with 1.83 included are also not yet published as they are still in final testing.

5 minutes later: ok, Mac drivers with TM FX 1.83 are up now.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix 1.83 released yet?

Maddcow wrote:

Yes, I did that and according to the sticky, 1.81b2 is the most recent. However, the latest Thunderbolt driver package for the UFX+ contains TotalMix 1.82…..so the official posts in this forum are out-of-date, hence why I’m wondering if 1.83 is out there somewhere but we haven’t been notified.

Seems I’m out of date myself… sorry, my reply wasn’t really helpful.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2


Re: TotalMix 1.83 released yet?

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 72#p202472

Matthias Carstens