1 (edited by bkatz 2023-05-20 10:36:49)

Topic: Help on revamping FF800 studio with new PCs


Have been using RME products for over 20 years, but first time posting on the Forum.

I have searched around in the form for help, but I can't find a clear/recent answer to this problem with the Fireface 800 on today's (2023) computer hardware.

We have a studio with about a dozen Fireface 800 and 400 units. All are very good, and we like them very much. However, in updating computer hardware, we have lost basic Firewire connectivity.

How can one use these high-quality units in a modern studio? We see some tests of USB-C > Thunderbold > Firewire adapter chains. That may work for 1 (or not, depending on this forum), but it is not really realistic for multiple units.

Is there any reliable proposal for getting these units into operating conditions?
Has anyone made or can RME recommend a tenable solution?
- Is there a PCI breakout box on USB-C that could house the Firewire PCI interfaces?
- Is there a true/reliable USB-C / Firewire400-800 adapter?

Alternatively, trade-in offers for an upgrade would be welcome!

Even have a Digiface lying around still...

Thanks in advance,

Re: Help on revamping FF800 studio with new PCs

Be aware not all USB-C ports are also Thunderbolt ports! With FireWire devices, only Thunderbolt ports can work, using adapters. If you want to use PCIe cards with FireWire ports, they need specific chipsets. So to get accurate replies, you should add some exact informations about your computer systems / setups. Issues can be related to different things, macOS / Windows versions, driver and firmware versions, hardware …

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Help on revamping FF800 studio with new PCs

Sure, I understand.
However, we are trying to be flexible, so I am looking for solutions that could work with Win and iOS.
Ideally, something flexible to work with different engineer's laptops.
If there are specific setups that work or don't, we can try to adapt.

However, I do want at least one robust solution. There is a budget for some new machines, as long as they are cheaper than replacing the bank of FF800s. So, not a question of restrictive versions, drivers, but rather suggestions on best options.


4 (edited by oli77sch 2023-05-20 14:50:48)

Re: Help on revamping FF800 studio with new PCs

The Apple FireWire-Thunderbolt2 and TB2-TB3 adapters normally work very well, also in chain and also on Windows computers. Thunderbolt 4 ports aren’t downward compatible in general. But on the other side, in the specs of some new Apple computers (M2 processor) with TB 4 ports, they recommend their adapter for TB2 devices, so I don’t know…
There are also some interesting products by Sonnettech, Thunderbolt housings for PCIe cards like the Echo Express SE1 for example. If you can find a PCIe FireWire card with a compatible chipset (TI) it would we a robust solution.
On software side I would suggest to make sure to have the newest available firmware on the RME units which is v1.71 for Fireface400 and v2.77 for Fireface800, both from 2012 (!).

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2