Topic: Installer fails


I have a windows 10 laptop and tried to install the current installer for the UCX soundcard. I have done this 1000 times before. However, on my current laptop, the installer wont run.

What I did:

1) Download driver version driver_usb_win_1210
2) Extract driver
3) Double-click rmeinstaller.exe

After double clicking the vcredist pre-installer pops up. Afterwards noting happens. At this point I expect the dialog for installation to show up but it does not show.

What I did for solution:

1) Deactivate virus protection - I use the Windows Defender only
2) Installed the proper vcredist file for VS 2015 manually. Before, vcredist 2015-2019 was installed and conflicted with the installer - has been removed though.
3) Checked the Microsoft Event Log. The log indicates no execution error - the installer reports to be started and afterwards stopped again.

Does anyone have an analysis tool to find the reason for the failure? I assume that I have installed some kind of problematic dependency when I installed Unreal Engine - a readible error message would be really helpful to fix.

Thank you and best regards



Re: Installer fails

The analysis is in C:\Windows - DPINST.LOG.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Installer fails

Good morning,
interesting: the driver installation does not produce any entry in the log file.

I just found the following: the task manager shows that the rmeinstaller runs but the UI just does not show. And since the installer expects me to click "yes" to really install nothing is installed.

Seems to be more a UI problem related to the rmeinstaller rather than a driver problem..

Re: Installer fails

I have the same problem.  TotalMix disappeared from my PC.  I've downloaded the driver link and installed.  When I click Install it takes about 1/2 second and says All Done!  Nothing has actually happened.  Nothing has changed.  Still no TotalMix.  How do I install?  I need this, I can't work without it.

Re: Installer fails

Hi goweftus9,

I have tried a lot to have the driver run but so far I was not able to install the driver version 1210. It seems to be more related to the installer itself which just does not show up and not the driver since I can see the rmeinstaller running in the task manager - I just cannot push "Ok" since the UI is not visible.

However, I have just installed the old driver version 1093 - this is the latest driver for WinXP I found in the archives. It installed properly and now, I have the mixer and the device up and running.

I have no idea if this yields a performance penalty but at least I can continue to work with my ucx / babyface devices as it seems.

Best regards



Re: Installer fails

Many driver versions are available for download. Simply change the number in the end: …

up until …

This way you could check which driver still runs on your system, starting with 1099. If it's really the XP compatibility then something is very very wrong with your Windows 10 installation.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Installer fails

It seems to be a certificate related problem: the version 1095 works, 1099 does not. But if I understood it correctly, the 1095 version does not support windows xp compatibility (1093 is reported to be latest xp compatible version), hence it is not related to the compatibility issue (?)

According to the shown dates version 1099 seems to mainly use another certificate than 1095..

The windows system that I use was installed in 02/2021. On march 11th I updated to Windows 20H2. Certificate problems were reported with 20H2 and there seems to be no workaround from Microsoft. The solution proposed by MS seems to be to revert to Windows 10 version 2004 - unfortunately, after 14 days I can not revert that update anymore - thanks Microsoft :-(

However, I use other drivers, e.g., from Behringer and Focusrite which install properly on the system.

Really strange ...

Re: Installer fails


today, I did a system reset of my Windows 10 Laptop. Now it should be like a clean Windows 10 install.

With this system, I was abe to install the RME driver version 1210. Hence, it seems that there may be
issues when updating Windows 10 to 20H2 but it is NOT related to the RME installer.

Thank you and best regards


Re: Installer fails


I've ended up in the exact same situation as TS with a failing installer that seems to disappear just after the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 x86 Minimum Runtime" environment (successfully as seen in the event viewer) has been installed.

The installer is still visible/running in the task manager and if I connect a debugger to it it reports:

"Exception thrown at 0x96EF0B1A in rmeinstaller.exe: 0xC0000008: An invalid handle was specified."

I can also confirm that the "last" working RME installer is version 1095

I've run the installer on 4 different Windows 10 computers and it fails on those who upgraded to windows version 20H2

regardless if the is a Windows or RME problem I'm looking for some assistance / workaround to install the latest RME software. Reverting my computers to a clean install is not an option at this point.... 

/best regards M


Re: Installer fails

Unpack the driver files (rmeinstaller.exe - manual) and do the old style installation as described here:

Matthias Carstens

Re: Installer fails

I am trying to install the driver (driver_madiface_win...) for Digiface USB on Windows 10 (very latest, all updates installed). I have exactly the same problem, for 0.9735, 0.9734, 0.9728, 0.9723. Is there a way to debug this ? and/or is there a way to install the drivers in a different way ?

Re: Installer fails

OK, I managed with the manual install, but still it is strange.

Re: Installer fails

I have the same problem. Babyface on Windows 10 x64 build 19041. My current driver is 1.168 and I am trying to update to 1.212

How can I do it manually? The rmeinstaller.exe seems not to be some kind of a zipped archive..


Re: Installer fails … 32#p168132

Daniel Fuchs

15 (edited by edwardhclau 2021-09-29 10:22:59)

Re: Installer fails

Annoyingly I'm also getting the issue on both 20H2 and 21H1 Windows builds when trying to install 1.212. Same issue with the 1.2 installer as well which I still have on my machine (and definitely worked in a previous windows build). The installer appears to be running in task manager but debugging it shows the same invalid handle error mentioned in a previous post. The manual update doesn't seem to work for me (I have the original Babyface USB) both using the "Search automatically for drivers" and "Browse my computer for drivers" options after unpacking the installer, unless I missed a step.

Any tips?


Re: Installer fails

Hi everybody!

I am facing the exact same problem as describe in the previous post.

edwardhclau wrote:

Annoyingly I'm also getting the issue on both 20H2 and 21H1 Windows builds when trying to install 1.212. Same issue with the 1.2 installer as well which I still have on my machine (and definitely worked in a previous windows build). The installer appears to be running in task manager but debugging it shows the same invalid handle error mentioned in a previous post. The manual update doesn't seem to work for me (I have the original Babyface USB) both using the "Search automatically for drivers" and "Browse my computer for drivers" options after unpacking the installer, unless I missed a step.

Any tips?

Does anybody have further ideas how to cope with this problem?

Any help is highly appreciated!


Re: Installer fails

How the problem was solved:

1.    Open the command prompt (Terminal) of windows.

2.    Navigate to the extracted driver folder. Use the command cd to navigate in the terminal.
(Example: cd  C:\Users\FFF\Desktop\driver_madiface_win_09736)

3.    Install your driver with the code: start rmeinstaller.exe /manual
Afterwards the following driver should be findable in C:\RMEdriver

4.    Open the device manager and navigate to the device (visible by a yellow exclamation mark).
Right click and hit update driver. Select the folder C:\RMEdriver to install the driver

5.    Have fun!

Re: Installer fails

I am having exactly the same problem with fireface UC on windows 10. tried to install different versions of the driver, _1168, 1219, and 1227. none of them works.

the driver was working (1219). but accidentally removed the driver. the reinstallation hasn't been success and stuck here. Please advise a clear path for the trouble shooting. (unit is indeed in "PC" mode.)

19 (edited by whatudid2me 2023-06-06 00:32:26)

Re: Installer fails

I also have the exact same problem with RME BabyFace Pro on Windows 10.
I have flashed the card with the latest update but the driver installation does not do anything it just shows the Visual C++ screen then it stops.

Driver update was working a couple of months ago and I have no idea what has changed (probably a windows update ruined it) and all of the previous driver versions also do not work.
I have also tried updating the driver from the Device Manager but Windows keeps saying the best drivers for RME Babyface Pro are already installed, what am I missing?

Do you have any suggestions to solve this issue, thanks.

Re: Installer fails


FFF wrote:

How the problem was solved:

1.    Open the command prompt (Terminal) of windows.

2.    Navigate to the extracted driver folder. Use the command cd to navigate in the terminal.
(Example: cd  C:\Users\FFF\Desktop\driver_madiface_win_09736)

3.    Install your driver with the code: start rmeinstaller.exe /manual
Afterwards the following driver should be findable in C:\RMEdriver

4.    Open the device manager and navigate to the device (visible by a yellow exclamation mark).
Right click and hit update driver. Select the folder C:\RMEdriver to install the driver

5.    Have fun!

21 (edited by jyri_tynkkynen 2024-01-31 09:46:14)

Re: Installer fails

PS. I had to use Google to find this topic. The search function for the Forum seems to be, I would like to say, dysfunctional.

Re: Installer fails

jyri_tynkkynen wrote:

PS. I had to use Google to find this topic. The search function for the Forum seems to be, I would like to say, dysfunctional.

That is a known issue, you have to use google.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue