Topic: Changing buffer size in cubase

Hi guys.

Just got a babyface pro yesterday and getting it all set up.
I'm using windows 11, cubase 9.5 and sonarworks reference 4. Happy to provide more details if necessary.

My problem is when I try and change the buffer size in cubase (it seemed to defualt to 1024) the audio completely cuts out when playing back.
If I switch back again it comes back on.

If I close cubase, change the buffer size using the rme icon, and open cubase again I still get no sound. When I change back, it starts again.

If I close cubase, change the buffer size, reboot the pc, and open cubase I finally get sound coming out at the new buffer size. Hooray. But obviously I don't want to do that every time I want to change it.

Has anyone else come across this issue? Is it a sonarworks thing (btw, disabling systemwide sonarworks has no effect) ? A WMD thing? Or just a very annoying babyface quirk?

Any help greatly appreciated.

2 (edited by davidlaijiajun 2023-06-08 22:58:58)

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

I've also not had smooth moments changing the buffer size, and I'm also on Windows 11. Different from you, I get faster or slower audio if I change the buffer size, slower audio adjusting from a big size to a small size, and faster from a small size to a big size. My solution, since I'm using a laptop, is to switch the default playback device to my laptop speakers first, then I adjust to the desired buffer size using the RME Fireface USB Settings icon, then reboot the computer, then switch it back. That way I get the buffer size I need and the sound is normal again. This is very strange behavior, but since I only need to adjust this once, I've not cared too much about it. I'm sorry you are not alone in this, but hope this helps a bit!

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

I’m using the bfp fs on win 11 with Cubase 12 and I have no problem changing the buffer size without having to do anything special. Do you have another program that is using the windows driver and is holding onto it?

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

mkok wrote:

I’m using the bfp fs on win 11 with Cubase 12 and I have no problem changing the buffer size without having to do anything special. Do you have another program that is using the windows driver and is holding onto it?

I'm not sure tbh. How can I tell?

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

Good question. Well, I find that if the Babyface Pro / Pro FS is the default playback device for the computer, then whatever changes we make in the "RME Fireface USB Settings" icon will not work as expected. Case in point, for some reason my list of WDM devices has gone back to 6 while I need 3. I could only successfully ask it to remember this setting when setting the default playback device from my babyface to my laptop. It's the same situation with the buffer size adjustment. Very sad that this is the "normal" behavior for me. Windows 11 latest build, driver 1.2.45, hardware revision 203.


Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

The question about 'another program that is using the windows driver and is holding onto it' - Sonarworks is known to do that, cause these exact buffer size switch issues, and I am not sure it is enough to disable it from within Sonarworks. Windows 11 runs perfectly (as Windows 10) on our computers, there is no change in behaviour.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

MC wrote:

The question about 'another program that is using the windows driver and is holding onto it' - Sonarworks is known to do that, cause these exact buffer size switch issues, and I am not sure it is enough to disable it from within Sonarworks. Windows 11 runs perfectly (as Windows 10) on our computers, there is no change in behaviour.

Thanks Matthais.
So is there a way around this without uninstalling sonarworks? Maybe someway of disabling sonarworks?

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

No tengo mucha experiencia y puede que algo de lo que diga no sea correcto. Me he registrado expresamente por si mi caso puede ayudar a otras personas. Escribo en Español y luego traduciré al Inglés por lo que puede haber alguna inconsistencia.

Estoy muy contento con mi nueva adquisición, RME fireface UCX II. Soy propietario de una RME fireface UC desde hace unos 10 años…ahora tengo las dos…soy un afortunado.

Problema resuelto con la UCX II nueva.

Cada vez que cambiaba el buffer en la configuración (settings) de la UCX II, la reproducción, grabación…variaba la velocidad de reproducción dentro de Reaper acelerándola o ralentizándola dependiendo de si el cambio de buffer era de menos a más o de más a menos respectivamente…haciendo además todo tipo de artefactos distorsionados…una vez que fallaba, hasta alimentar con phantom 48V una pista hacia un pitido distorsionado con una cola sin fin…esto está roto pensé…parecía como cuando hay discrepancia entre varios samples rates 48000/44100 entre dispositivos o software…pero además distorsión, clics, ecos, artefactos de todo tipo…una desgracia. Apagaba la UCX II sin reiniciar el ordenador y todo volvía a la normalidad. Un día entero cambiando configuraciones aquí y allá…nada…esto está roto volvía a pensar una y otra vez…hasta que ayer por la noche, agotado y desilusionado…se me ocurrió volver a mirar la configuración de Windows, panel de control/sonido/reproducción/grabación y demás…y resulta que ahí, en opciones avanzadas del dispositivo predeterminado, hay una opción que suelo dejar deseleccionado por consejo de muchos tutoriales de optimización de Windows para audio, me refiero a la de “Permitir que las aplicaciones tomen el control exclusivo de este dispositivo” y la de abajo “ Dar prioridad a las aplicaciones en modo exclusivo”, las seleccione las dos y…voilà…desde ese momento todo volvió a la normalidad. Nunca me había pasado, en unos ordenadores lo tengo marcado y en otros no…en ese mismo ordenador con la RME UC da igual si lo marcas o lo desmarcas…en este caso con la UCX II, en ese ordenador (Windows 10) por lo menos, es necesario marcarlo. Bueno, pues eso, si a alguien le pasa lo mismo (davidlaijiajun), aunque sea otro modelo RME, que pruebe esta solución por si es el mismo caso. A mí es la primera vez que me pasa.
(No uso Sonarworks, y todo está actualizado en la nueva UCX II. USB 105/DSP 26/USB CC 104)

Saludos a todos y Gracias a RME.


I don't have much experience and some of what I say may not be correct. I have registered expressly in case my case can help other people. I write in Spanish and then I will translate into English so there may be some inconsistencies. I am very happy with my new purchase, RME fireface UCX II. I have owned an RME fireface UC for about 10 years…now I have both…I am lucky.

Fixed issue with the new UCX II.

Every time I changed the buffer in the settings (settings) of the UCX II, the playback, recording... I varied the playback speed within Reaper speeding it up or slowing it down depending on whether the buffer change was from less to more or from more to less respectively…plus making all sorts of distorted artifacts…once it failed, even 48V phantom powering a track to a distorted beep with an endless tail…this is broken I thought…it seemed like when there is a discrepancy between various 48000/44100 sample rates between devices or software... but also distortion, clicks, echoes, artifacts of all kinds... a misfortune. I turned off the UCX II without restarting the computer and everything was back to normal. A whole day changing settings here and there...nothing...this is broken I kept thinking again and again...until last night, exhausted and occurred to me to look again in Windows settings, control panel/sound/ playback/recording and so on... and it turns out that there, in the advanced options of the default device, there is an option that I usually leave deselected on the advice of many Windows audio optimization tutorials, I mean the "Allow applications to take control exclusive to this device” and the one below “Give priority to apps in exclusive mode”, I selected them both and…voilà…from that moment everything went back to normal. It had never happened to me, on some computers I have it checked and on others I don't... on that same computer with the RME UC it doesn't matter if you check it or uncheck it... in this case with the UCX II, on that computer (Windows 10) so less, it is necessary to mark it. Well, that's it, if the same thing happens to someone (davidlaijiajun), even if it's another RME model, try this solution in case it's the same case. It's the first time it's happened to me.

(I don't use Sonarworks, and everything is up to date on the new UCX II. USB 105/DSP 26/USB CC 104)

Greetings to all and Thanks to RME.

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

lulu wrote:

No tengo mucha experiencia y puede que algo de lo que diga no sea correcto. Me he registrado expresamente por si mi caso puede ayudar a otras personas. Escribo en Español y luego traduciré al Inglés por lo que puede haber alguna inconsistencia.

Estoy muy contento con mi nueva adquisición, RME fireface UCX II. Soy propietario de una RME fireface UC desde hace unos 10 años…ahora tengo las dos…soy un afortunado.

Problema resuelto con la UCX II nueva.

Cada vez que cambiaba el buffer en la configuración (settings) de la UCX II, la reproducción, grabación…variaba la velocidad de reproducción dentro de Reaper acelerándola o ralentizándola dependiendo de si el cambio de buffer era de menos a más o de más a menos respectivamente…haciendo además todo tipo de artefactos distorsionados…una vez que fallaba, hasta alimentar con phantom 48V una pista hacia un pitido distorsionado con una cola sin fin…esto está roto pensé…parecía como cuando hay discrepancia entre varios samples rates 48000/44100 entre dispositivos o software…pero además distorsión, clics, ecos, artefactos de todo tipo…una desgracia. Apagaba la UCX II sin reiniciar el ordenador y todo volvía a la normalidad. Un día entero cambiando configuraciones aquí y allá…nada…esto está roto volvía a pensar una y otra vez…hasta que ayer por la noche, agotado y desilusionado…se me ocurrió volver a mirar la configuración de Windows, panel de control/sonido/reproducción/grabación y demás…y resulta que ahí, en opciones avanzadas del dispositivo predeterminado, hay una opción que suelo dejar deseleccionado por consejo de muchos tutoriales de optimización de Windows para audio, me refiero a la de “Permitir que las aplicaciones tomen el control exclusivo de este dispositivo” y la de abajo “ Dar prioridad a las aplicaciones en modo exclusivo”, las seleccione las dos y…voilà…desde ese momento todo volvió a la normalidad. Nunca me había pasado, en unos ordenadores lo tengo marcado y en otros no…en ese mismo ordenador con la RME UC da igual si lo marcas o lo desmarcas…en este caso con la UCX II, en ese ordenador (Windows 10) por lo menos, es necesario marcarlo. Bueno, pues eso, si a alguien le pasa lo mismo (davidlaijiajun), aunque sea otro modelo RME, que pruebe esta solución por si es el mismo caso. A mí es la primera vez que me pasa.
(No uso Sonarworks, y todo está actualizado en la nueva UCX II. USB 105/DSP 26/USB CC 104)

Saludos a todos y Gracias a RME.


I don't have much experience and some of what I say may not be correct. I have registered expressly in case my case can help other people. I write in Spanish and then I will translate into English so there may be some inconsistencies. I am very happy with my new purchase, RME fireface UCX II. I have owned an RME fireface UC for about 10 years…now I have both…I am lucky.

Fixed issue with the new UCX II.

Every time I changed the buffer in the settings (settings) of the UCX II, the playback, recording... I varied the playback speed within Reaper speeding it up or slowing it down depending on whether the buffer change was from less to more or from more to less respectively…plus making all sorts of distorted artifacts…once it failed, even 48V phantom powering a track to a distorted beep with an endless tail…this is broken I thought…it seemed like when there is a discrepancy between various 48000/44100 sample rates between devices or software... but also distortion, clicks, echoes, artifacts of all kinds... a misfortune. I turned off the UCX II without restarting the computer and everything was back to normal. A whole day changing settings here and there...nothing...this is broken I kept thinking again and again...until last night, exhausted and occurred to me to look again in Windows settings, control panel/sound/ playback/recording and so on... and it turns out that there, in the advanced options of the default device, there is an option that I usually leave deselected on the advice of many Windows audio optimization tutorials, I mean the "Allow applications to take control exclusive to this device” and the one below “Give priority to apps in exclusive mode”, I selected them both and…voilà…from that moment everything went back to normal. It had never happened to me, on some computers I have it checked and on others I don't... on that same computer with the RME UC it doesn't matter if you check it or uncheck it... in this case with the UCX II, on that computer (Windows 10) so less, it is necessary to mark it. Well, that's it, if the same thing happens to someone (davidlaijiajun), even if it's another RME model, try this solution in case it's the same case. It's the first time it's happened to me.

(I don't use Sonarworks, and everything is up to date on the new UCX II. USB 105/DSP 26/USB CC 104)

Greetings to all and Thanks to RME.

Thanks mate. I'll check this out when I'm back in the studio. I fear it is more likely to be a sonarworks thing though as that adds another layer of complication.

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

MC wrote:

The question about 'another program that is using the windows driver and is holding onto it' - Sonarworks is known to do that, cause these exact buffer size switch issues, and I am not sure it is enough to disable it from within Sonarworks. Windows 11 runs perfectly (as Windows 10) on our computers, there is no change in behaviour.

So if I understand correctly, my problems are caused by Windows using the RME driver as the playback device? Then why do other audio interfaces not have this buffer size adjusting problem where the audio will speed up or slow down? Only the Babyface Pro FS has this interesting thing.

Thanks for your explanation!

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

davidlaijiajun wrote:
MC wrote:

The question about 'another program that is using the windows driver and is holding onto it' - Sonarworks is known to do that, cause these exact buffer size switch issues, and I am not sure it is enough to disable it from within Sonarworks. Windows 11 runs perfectly (as Windows 10) on our computers, there is no change in behaviour.

So if I understand correctly, my problems are caused by Windows using the RME driver as the playback device? Then why do other audio interfaces not have this buffer size adjusting problem where the audio will speed up or slow down? Only the Babyface Pro FS has this interesting thing.

Thanks for your explanation!

I never heard about wrong playback speed related to buffer size, but related to the sample rate. Having audio files (in a DAW project) and mismatched settings for the audio interface can cause this. I’m using Mac. I don’t know how different it is on Windows, but this sample rate mismatch only happens when the interface is slaved to an external clock (so the software cannot dictate the sample rate because the interface is locked) or when multiple audio applications are active, using different sample rates.
Do you use your Babyface pro with its internal word clock? Do you use different sample rates in different applications? Do you maybe use WDM and ASIO at the same time?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2


Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

oli77sch wrote:

I never heard about wrong playback speed related to buffer size

That happens if the buffers are not transmitted correctly, with samples missing and lots of dropouts occur...broken communication and interrupt handling. Not a typical Mac issue but Windows...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

MC wrote:

That happens if the buffers are not transmitted correctly, with samples missing and lots of dropouts occur...broken communication and interrupt handling. Not a typical Mac issue but Windows...

So, from this reply, I'm concluding that this is a Windows issue and not having anything to do with my Babyface Pro FS.

Then, may I ask a follow-up question? Why can I adjust buffer size on the fly when I used my FocusRite interface? If it's a Windows issue, it shouldn't make a difference between different brands and interfaces.

Thanks for your explanation!

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

davidlaijiajun wrote:
MC wrote:

That happens if the buffers are not transmitted correctly, with samples missing and lots of dropouts occur...broken communication and interrupt handling. Not a typical Mac issue but Windows...

So, from this reply, I'm concluding that this is a Windows issue and not having anything to do with my Babyface Pro FS.

Then, may I ask a follow-up question? Why can I adjust buffer size on the fly when I used my FocusRite interface? If it's a Windows issue, it shouldn't make a difference between different brands and interfaces.

Thanks for your explanation!

This ☝️

I checked lulus suggestion about allowing applications to have exclusive control. But that was already checked.

So in my case I'm guessing it's definitely a sonarworks issue.

Does anyone know how to temporarily disable sonarworks at a deeper level rather than just on the sonarworks reference application?

There must be plenty of people who have an rme Interface, sonarworks and use cubase (no idea what other audio programs have issues with this). It's a pretty typical set up. Seems incredible that there isn't a way around this.


Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

davidlaijiajun wrote:

Then, may I ask a follow-up question? Why can I adjust buffer size on the fly when I used my FocusRite interface? If it's a Windows issue, it shouldn't make a difference between different brands and interfaces.

Thanks for your explanation!

The Focusrite might use a different transmission format/method than the BF Pro, most probably. You can use the same one when activating CC mode on the BF Pro for testing.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

MC wrote:
davidlaijiajun wrote:

Then, may I ask a follow-up question? Why can I adjust buffer size on the fly when I used my FocusRite interface? If it's a Windows issue, it shouldn't make a difference between different brands and interfaces.

Thanks for your explanation!

The Focusrite might use a different transmission format/method than the BF Pro, most probably. You can use the same one when activating CC mode on the BF Pro for testing.

Sorry Matthias. This has me even more confused. In your opinion is there a way around the issue between babyface and sonarworks re: buffer size? I just need concrete things to try really. Thanks.


Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

You need to stay in context. This (davidlaijiajun) was about buffer size can be changed, but has severe side effects like playback slow / fast and distortion.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

So when I tried to change buffers before in Cubase I said I had no problem because I didn’t think I had. However I noticed that although the fireface settings showed as changed in Cubase the reported latency in Cubase hadn’t and the performance was the same. So I closed Cubase and then changed the buffers and hit the exact same problem with the slowed down stuttering. Yes I also use sonarworks. Now it really doesn’t impact me as I work recording and mixing at 128 which still has low latency so have no need to change and is why I’ve never noticed.

Anyway you don’t have to restart the computer to fix it.
1. Go to the little arrow on win 11 task bar and right click on the sonarworks icon and quit.
2. Change buffer size.
3. Cubase now works fine when you change buffers.
4. You can start sonarworks or if you change buffers regularly leave it disabled for the session.
5. The sonarworks plugins work in Cubase when you do this. It’s only the global settings (media player YouTube etc) that lose the room correction.
6. Sonarworks is a startup program so can be disabled from startup if you are going to be doing a session where you need to change buffers. As mentioned sonarworks will still work as a plugin and asio bypasses windows sound output.

It takes seconds to do any of this without a reboot. I’m not sure RME can be blamed for this as it works fine without the system wide sonarworks running. By the way I’m using Sound ID reference and not the older version.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

mkok wrote:

So when I tried to change buffers before in Cubase I said I had no problem because I didn’t think I had. However I noticed that although the fireface settings showed as changed in Cubase the reported latency in Cubase hadn’t and the performance was the same. So I closed Cubase and then changed the buffers and hit the exact same problem with the slowed down stuttering. Yes I also use sonarworks. Now it really doesn’t impact me as I work recording and mixing at 128 which still has low latency so have no need to change and is why I’ve never noticed.

Anyway you don’t have to restart the computer to fix it.
1. Go to the little arrow on win 11 task bar and right click on the sonarworks icon and quit.
2. Change buffer size.
3. Cubase now works fine when you change buffers.
4. You can start sonarworks or if you change buffers regularly leave it disabled for the session.
5. The sonarworks plugins work in Cubase when you do this. It’s only the global settings (media player YouTube etc) that lose the room correction.
6. Sonarworks is a startup program so can be disabled from startup if you are going to be doing a session where you need to change buffers. As mentioned sonarworks will still work as a plugin and asio bypasses windows sound output.

It takes seconds to do any of this without a reboot. I’m not sure RME can be blamed for this as it works fine without the system wide sonarworks running. By the way I’m using Sound ID reference and not the older version.

Thanks for that suggestion mate.

Unfortunately though it didn't work

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

Even if you kill sonarworks altogether? It should do. It works ok on mine and I can start it back up again. It is the newer version than what you are using. I’m on Cubase 12 pro and latest win 11.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

mkok wrote:

Even if you kill sonarworks altogether? It should do. It works ok on mine and I can start it back up again. It is the newer version than what you are using. I’m on Cubase 12 pro and latest win 11.

I'm on windows 10 pro and cubase 9. 5. Maybe that's why.

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

Any other audio/MIDI devices connected?

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

RME Support wrote:

Any other audio/MIDI devices connected?

Just a Midi Keyboard via USB. Although my old focusrite drivers are still installed come to think of it. Could that be the problem?

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

Is the issue reproducible without? I had a customer whose MIDI keyboard (which also had some USB audio functionality) appeared to be interfering somehow.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

RME Support wrote:

Is the issue reproducible without? I had a customer whose MIDI keyboard (which also had some USB audio functionality) appeared to be interfering somehow.

Just tried. Doesn't affect it.

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

i have a ucx2 rme on windows 11 i have a problem if i try to vary the buffer size the sound in my daw studio one 5 deteriorates if i try to fiddle with the windows sound settings it fixes but if i turn off the pc and turn on the problem comes back .. has anyone solved??

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

lulu wrote:

No tengo mucha experiencia y puede que algo de lo que diga no sea correcto. Me he registrado expresamente por si mi caso puede ayudar a otras personas. Escribo en Español y luego traduciré al Inglés por lo que puede haber alguna inconsistencia.

Estoy muy contento con mi nueva adquisición, RME fireface UCX II. Soy propietario de una RME fireface UC desde hace unos 10 años…ahora tengo las dos…soy un afortunado.

Problema resuelto con la UCX II nueva.

Cada vez que cambiaba el buffer en la configuración (settings) de la UCX II, la reproducción, grabación…variaba la velocidad de reproducción dentro de Reaper acelerándola o ralentizándola dependiendo de si el cambio de buffer era de menos a más o de más a menos respectivamente…haciendo además todo tipo de artefactos distorsionados…una vez que fallaba, hasta alimentar con phantom 48V una pista hacia un pitido distorsionado con una cola sin fin…esto está roto pensé…parecía como cuando hay discrepancia entre varios samples rates 48000/44100 entre dispositivos o software…pero además distorsión, clics, ecos, artefactos de todo tipo…una desgracia. Apagaba la UCX II sin reiniciar el ordenador y todo volvía a la normalidad. Un día entero cambiando configuraciones aquí y allá…nada…esto está roto volvía a pensar una y otra vez…hasta que ayer por la noche, agotado y desilusionado…se me ocurrió volver a mirar la configuración de Windows, panel de control/sonido/reproducción/grabación y demás…y resulta que ahí, en opciones avanzadas del dispositivo predeterminado, hay una opción que suelo dejar deseleccionado por consejo de muchos tutoriales de optimización de Windows para audio, me refiero a la de “Permitir que las aplicaciones tomen el control exclusivo de este dispositivo” y la de abajo “ Dar prioridad a las aplicaciones en modo exclusivo”, las seleccione las dos y…voilà…desde ese momento todo volvió a la normalidad. Nunca me había pasado, en unos ordenadores lo tengo marcado y en otros no…en ese mismo ordenador con la RME UC da igual si lo marcas o lo desmarcas…en este caso con la UCX II, en ese ordenador (Windows 10) por lo menos, es necesario marcarlo. Bueno, pues eso, si a alguien le pasa lo mismo (davidlaijiajun), aunque sea otro modelo RME, que pruebe esta solución por si es el mismo caso. A mí es la primera vez que me pasa.
(No uso Sonarworks, y todo está actualizado en la nueva UCX II. USB 105/DSP 26/USB CC 104)

Saludos a todos y Gracias a RME.


I don't have much experience and some of what I say may not be correct. I have registered expressly in case my case can help other people. I write in Spanish and then I will translate into English so there may be some inconsistencies. I am very happy with my new purchase, RME fireface UCX II. I have owned an RME fireface UC for about 10 years…now I have both…I am lucky.

Fixed issue with the new UCX II.

Every time I changed the buffer in the settings (settings) of the UCX II, the playback, recording... I varied the playback speed within Reaper speeding it up or slowing it down depending on whether the buffer change was from less to more or from more to less respectively…plus making all sorts of distorted artifacts…once it failed, even 48V phantom powering a track to a distorted beep with an endless tail…this is broken I thought…it seemed like when there is a discrepancy between various 48000/44100 sample rates between devices or software... but also distortion, clicks, echoes, artifacts of all kinds... a misfortune. I turned off the UCX II without restarting the computer and everything was back to normal. A whole day changing settings here and there...nothing...this is broken I kept thinking again and again...until last night, exhausted and occurred to me to look again in Windows settings, control panel/sound/ playback/recording and so on... and it turns out that there, in the advanced options of the default device, there is an option that I usually leave deselected on the advice of many Windows audio optimization tutorials, I mean the "Allow applications to take control exclusive to this device” and the one below “Give priority to apps in exclusive mode”, I selected them both and…voilà…from that moment everything went back to normal. It had never happened to me, on some computers I have it checked and on others I don't... on that same computer with the RME UC it doesn't matter if you check it or uncheck it... in this case with the UCX II, on that computer (Windows 10) so less, it is necessary to mark it. Well, that's it, if the same thing happens to someone (davidlaijiajun), even if it's another RME model, try this solution in case it's the same case. It's the first time it's happened to me.

(I don't use Sonarworks, and everything is up to date on the new UCX II. USB 105/DSP 26/USB CC 104)

Greetings to all and Thanks to RME.

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

hello i have the same problem could you explain better the steps you took to solve it. Thank you

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

Thank you for your reply, Lulu! it looks like the exclusive mode for my RME audio devices are checked by default, and now the adjusting of the buffer size can be done on the fly again. If anyone has a similar problem, try to make sure all your RME WDM devices have the exclusive mode check box checked, and the one following that "allow apps with exclusive mode to take priority" to also be checked. Problem solved for me! Thanks!!!

30 (edited by enripelle 2023-07-04 14:10:12)

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

i solved it today i disabled all the inputs and outputs of the card towards window except 1 and 2 out and 1 and 2 in in advanced audio i unchecked the precedences finally i set the audio priority to the rme outputs and the priority for the I stay at an audio output of my video card... so it works for me even if I don't understand why the wdm always returns to 10.

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

What a joy. I'm very happy about it, guys.

And remember: if it works, don't touch it anymore...

(I don't know exactly why these buffer switching problems happen either, it's the first time it happens to me).

enripelle, if it goes back to 10 WDM try to select "NO" in the popup window after the WDM Devices number change in RME settings. And do it without any audio program running. Anyway, it doesn't matter if there are 10, 8, long as there is a minimum number of devices it's enough. If for whatever reason it doesn't change from 10, it could be that windows needs all of them. I don't think it's very important. I have 9 WDM in the UCX II (as in my previous RME UC) and I don't have any problem.

RME is a saint, but it cannot always work miracles. Many times the problems arise from Windows, Apple, Intel... and above all from the particular configuration of each user. Each system is different and it takes a lot of testing to find the solution.

Greetings and good music.

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

davidlaijiajun wrote:

Thank you for your reply, Lulu! it looks like the exclusive mode for my RME audio devices are checked by default, and now the adjusting of the buffer size can be done on the fly again. If anyone has a similar problem, try to make sure all your RME WDM devices have the exclusive mode check box checked, and the one following that "allow apps with exclusive mode to take priority" to also be checked. Problem solved for me! Thanks!!!

Where are these settings?

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

mkok wrote:

Where are these settings?

Either go to "control pannel" on your Windows start menu and find sound, or if you're on Windows 11, click on the "More sound settings" button. In the opened dialogue box, you find tabs like playback, recording, ETC. In the playback and recording tabs, make sure the exclusive mode is checked. Hope this helps!

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase

davidlaijiajun wrote:
mkok wrote:

Where are these settings?

Either go to "control pannel" on your Windows start menu and find sound, or if you're on Windows 11, click on the "More sound settings" button. In the opened dialogue box, you find tabs like playback, recording, ETC. In the playback and recording tabs, make sure the exclusive mode is checked. Hope this helps!

Got it. Had to dig deep for that. Thanks

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

35 (edited by tonpalt 2024-08-03 12:13:34)

Re: Changing buffer size in cubase


I'm aware that OP refers to Buffer Size but this thread pointed me in the right direction to solve why can't set Sample Rate via Cubase→Project→Project Settings.

In my Fireface USB Settings WDM Devices are always set to 0, I'd must set at least to 1, since this I can change Sample Rate via above path and FF USB Settings synchronizes correctly. It has not been necessary to maintain any WDM Devices, I'd reset to 0 again and without issues. Really weird, this didn't happen to me with Ableton Live 12 Lite.

Thanks OP and RME Community


RME Support wrote:

Is the issue reproducible without? I had a customer whose MIDI keyboard (which also had some USB audio functionality) appeared to be interfering somehow.

Yes, I forgot to mention that I have a Yamaha MX61 connected via MIDI to UCXII but not via USB.

UCX II FW106/34/104 v1.270 TM1.98 - PC Win11 24H2 / Fedora WS 41 - Reaper 7.31