1 (edited by Darius van H 2023-06-09 21:15:55)

Topic: ADI-648 - MADI coax to optical conversion?

Hi folks,

I read in the manual that the ADI-648 can do format conversion between optical & coax MADI.

My question is: does this just work, or are there some settings you need to set for it to be active? Something with the matrix?

The point is, i can't get it to work!

Any ideas about what i could try / check?

I see there's a little app for the unit that you control via MIDI (i didn't try it yet), perhaps this has some settings?

What i'm trying to do is connect an audio interface (Antelope Orion+) to the 125-192 inputs / outputs of my HDSPe MADI FX soundcard, using the ADI-648 to convert from coax to optical MADI....... but with no success!


Re: ADI-648 - MADI coax to optical conversion?

3 MADI devices, only one can have clock-source internal the other two device has to use clock-source external Madi.
Is this configuration done correct ?
And if you allow my question, why not just connect the Antelope to the HDSP via optical Madi ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by Darius van H 2023-06-09 22:42:37)

Re: ADI-648 - MADI coax to optical conversion?

Thanks for the reply!

I didn't yet sort out the clocking, but i'm not getting any signal at all, whereas a clock problem would just be jitter and clicks and stuff. but i would have signal.

I have 3 Antelope interfaces. So the first two MADI I/Os on the HDSP are already occupied.....that's why i need to use the coax MADI 3 on the RME for 125-192!

Re: ADI-648 - MADI coax to optical conversion?

Ok, so i sorta got it working.

But i still have one problem.

The last 8 MADI channels aren't transmitting.

This is confirmed when i look in the HDSP settings (see image below).

In the ADI 648 manual it says:

"To activate the 56 channel format for the MADI output, the MADI output group 8
has to be set to Mute, and no signal must be present at ADAT input 8".

Ok, i so i guess that's my problem, output group 8 must be set to mute! But how and where do i unmute it? I searched the manual for the word "mute" but there is no further explanation.

Any ideas?



Re: ADI-648 - MADI coax to optical conversion?

2 possibilities:
1. connect something to input adat 8 - the ADI then switches to 64 ch mode.
2. Get a new firmware via RME that allows exactly that.

I did the same with my adi648.

Re: ADI-648 - MADI coax to optical conversion?

georgob wrote:

2 possibilities:
1. connect something to input adat 8 - the ADI then switches to 64 ch mode.
2. Get a new firmware via RME that allows exactly that.

I did the same with my adi648.

Thanks, gonna try that!

You said: "Get a new firmware via RME that allows exactly that".

Can you explain what you mean? After the firmware update, can you switch manually between 56 & 64 mode? If so, how?

7 (edited by Darius van H 2023-06-13 09:50:10)

Re: ADI-648 - MADI coax to optical conversion?

Ok, so i think i understand now, the firmware can only be updated by switching out a physical EPROM, right?

Anyway, i connected something to ADAT 8 and it did indeed switch to 64 chan mode. But it's temporary, if i disconnect, it switches back again.

Luckily i have a cheap old A/D converter that i don't use. so i'll hook that up as a permanent "dummy" ADAT load.

But @RME, it would be nice if you could include this info in the manual where it covers MADI to MADI conversion because there must be loads of people like myself running on older EPROMs and i've wasted hours working this all out.

Re: ADI-648 - MADI coax to optical conversion?

This is from the manual:

5.2 Firmware
The ADI-648's main part has been realized using programmable logic. By exchanging a little component called EPROM, both function and behaviour of the unit can be changed at any time.
At the time of writing this manual, the unit is shipped with firmware 2.5. This firmware is not
compatible to older units, which do not have the REMOTE key. The firmware version is dis-
played after power on by the AUDIO LEDs for about one second.
Since firmware version 2.5 not only ADAT input 8, but also the current Matrix configuration influences the output mode. If MADI output group 8 is assigned to any input, the device generates 64 channel format. This is also true when MATRIX STATE is set to OFF. As this channel assignment is factory default, all ADI-648 with firmware 2.5 will generate 64 channel mode as default mode. To activate the 56 channel format for the MADI output, the MADI output group 8 has to be set to Mute, and no signal must be present at ADAT input 8.

Mind that the 648 has been out of production for several years.

Daniel Fuchs