Topic: FireFace UC update

Hi All!

I am new on this forum and hope someone here can help me out with my FIREFACE UC.

I have not used my UC for 2 years and now trying to get it working on my Macbook M1 MacOS Monterey 12.6.1

I have downloaded the latest drivers from the website. Also trying to do a firmware update but nothing much is happening.

Re: FireFace UC update

Difficult to give help with such unspecific informations.
Did you read all the information and instructions on the RME website concerning installation on macOS?
What exact driver version do you have installed? The kernel extension 3.28B or driver kit 4.08?
Went the installation process well?
What happens when trying to update the firmware?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: FireFace UC update

I just found a topic on the forum how to install it properly. I had to reduce the security! After this I was able to install the driver and update the firmware.
