1 (edited by NL440 2023-06-16 22:09:08)

Topic: Two strong suggestions for the UFX III firmware (or TotalMixFX):

It's a really great piece of gear - I love it! These two suggestions can be implemented easily with firmware or added to TotalMixFX, and would be welcome by many I bet:

1. Make the Display more flexible with what it shows as far as meters. Sometimes (or always in my case!) we won't be using ADAT or MADI, so to have a display that only shows the 8 Analog I/O would be much better visually. An option would be to have a third alternate display that has only the 8 Analog I/O (like the UFX II has, I think?) -- this would make a significant difference and would make the unit more flexible for different needs. Because it's MADI, that secondary screen is useless to someone like me but would be very useful with this option. It's a tiny display (I feel the front MIDI ports should be eliminated to make a much larger screen, but that's just my opinion), so these options are necessary.

2. Let us turn off the pop-up volume graphic on the screen. Why? It's distracting (to me) and it blocks everything else on the screen, so if we're monitoring levels and are also changing the Main output levels, we can't see what's going on when that graphic is up. I feel it's an unnecessary thing to have in the first place, but others may feel differently...so a simple option to disable it would be ideal for everyone.


Re: Two strong suggestions for the UFX III firmware (or TotalMixFX):

I think that most users of this interface have it standing somewhere where the screen is not visible, or don't care what the screen shows anyway. There is TM FX (Layout option to show only specific channels) and DC NG (fully configurable) to show whatever you want. BTW, this unit has 12 analog I/Os, which already makes the bars on that small display quite thin.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Two strong suggestions for the UFX III firmware (or TotalMixFX):

MC wrote:

I think that most users of this interface have it standing somewhere where the screen is not visible, or don't care what the screen shows anyway. There is TM FX (Layout option to show only specific channels) and DC NG (fully configurable) to show whatever you want. BTW, this unit has 12 analog I/Os, which already makes the bars on that small display quite thin.

Sorry, I meant 12 I/O...was used to my former interface. :-)

I didn't know about TM FX and DG NG...that's great. I will check those out in the manual, must have not seen them.

4 (edited by NL440 2023-06-17 22:46:21)

Re: Two strong suggestions for the UFX III firmware (or TotalMixFX):

MC wrote:

I think that most users of this interface have it standing somewhere where the screen is not visible, or don't care what the screen shows anyway. There is TM FX (Layout option to show only specific channels) and DC NG (fully configurable) to show whatever you want. BTW, this unit has 12 analog I/Os, which already makes the bars on that small display quite thin.

TM FX won't work for me I don't think because I need the interface to be used both in my DAW and outside of it/without the DAW.

Can you show me specific instructions on how to be able to fully configure the meter layout options with DigiCheck NG? I'm in the process of switching over to Mac so I'll be able to use it.

Re: Two strong suggestions for the UFX III firmware (or TotalMixFX):

TM FX works with both DAW and outside. If a pc it will work with asio while also working with windows sounds. Don’t use it in DAW mode use full mode where it is incredibly powerful

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.


Re: Two strong suggestions for the UFX III firmware (or TotalMixFX):

NL440 wrote:

Can you show me specific instructions on how to be able to fully configure the meter layout options with DigiCheck NG? I'm in the process of switching over to Mac so I'll be able to use it.

See chapter Layout options in the manual. To use it as meter bridge hold ctrl while clicking on any of the arrow buttons at the bottom of the channel - also mentioned in the manual.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Two strong suggestions for the UFX III firmware (or TotalMixFX):

Please, whatever you do, don't loose the pop-up volume display! I use it all the time with the ARC USB and it has become integral to my workflow. There's no level display on the ARC, so how would I know what level the UFX+/AES are set at for monitoring. Before I play anything I check the playback level on the UFX+ display - haven't blown any speakers yet..


Windows 11 / Nuendo 12 / UFX+ / M-1610 Pro / ADI-2 Pro FS R / Sonnet USB 3.0 PCIe

Re: Two strong suggestions for the UFX III firmware (or TotalMixFX):

Robin Walsh wrote:

Please, whatever you do, don't loose the pop-up volume display! I use it all the time with the ARC USB and it has become integral to my workflow. There's no level display on the ARC, so how would I know what level the UFX+/AES are set at for monitoring. Before I play anything I check the playback level on the UFX+ display - haven't blown any speakers yet..


Yes, that's why I wrote to make it an option. Then everybody is happy!

9 (edited by Robin Walsh 2023-06-19 19:10:13)

Re: Two strong suggestions for the UFX III firmware (or TotalMixFX):

NL440 wrote:
Robin Walsh wrote:

Please, whatever you do, don't loose the pop-up volume display! I use it all the time with the ARC USB and it has become integral to my workflow. There's no level display on the ARC, so how would I know what level the UFX+/AES are set at for monitoring. Before I play anything I check the playback level on the UFX+ display - haven't blown any speakers yet..


Yes, that's why I wrote to make it an option. Then everybody is happy!

Just re-read..  smile

Windows 11 / Nuendo 12 / UFX+ / M-1610 Pro / ADI-2 Pro FS R / Sonnet USB 3.0 PCIe