Topic: Help to connect Subwoofer in RME Babyface Pro FS.

Hello RME,

I have been an RME user for many years and I can only thank you for your work, excellent products and great support.

I currently have a RME Babyface Pro FS to which I connected 2 "iloud MTM" monitors to the monitor outputs.

Currently I want to add 2 Eve SC203 monitors with the Eve TS107 Subwoofer. I don't know how to properly connect the subwoofer. Is it only possible through the output of monitors that I already have occupied with the "iloud MTM"? Is there a way to patch a Headphone output to the Subwoofer with the two EVE Sc203 as satellites?

The Eve 203 have their own connection system with the Subwoofer and you would not need more outputs on the RME. In other words, if I connect the Subwoofer correctly the monitors will connect to the Subwoofer perfectly.

I had thought of a Y cable to duplicate the main monitor output of the RME, even if I lost some output level. But I don't know the Subwoofer requires a specific setting in Total MIx that could affect the sound of the Iloud MTM.

Thank you very much for your help. I hope I have explained the problem correctly.

All the best

Re: Help to connect Subwoofer in RME Babyface Pro FS.

The Eve SC203 speakers have an unbalanced RCA input, so you simply can use a stereo 3.5mm to chinch Y-cable from the (small) headphone out. They also have a digital input, so the TOSLink would be another option.

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