1 (edited by jetset 2023-06-21 07:40:09)

Topic: UCX II Issue with DURECorder playback

I'm experiencing an issue during playback of DuRec files in TotalMix where after an arbitrary amount of time the audio will stutter before playback stops and the UCX II initializes the drive. I've noticed that scrubbing the file position causes the issue to occur more frequently. The drive has about 65 GB free out of 128 GB capacity. The R/W-Time is around 34 ms during playback. Most of the files are multitrack files but I am playing back a single pair. Issue occurs regardless of which file I choose. The files show no errors.

Audio: UCX II
Durec drive: Samsung Fit PLus 3.1 USB 128 GB 400 MB/s
PC: 2017 MacBook Pro 2.5 GHz i7 16 GB RAM

Firmware: v42
Driver: v4.08

Re: UCX II Issue with DURECorder playback

Have you tried another USB medium?

Daniel Fuchs

Re: UCX II Issue with DURECorder playback

From what I was able to gather on the best practices video (https://www.rme-audio.de/durec.html) the Samsung drive I am using is mentioned among the recommended drives. I was unable to find any information in the forum link provided regarding crashes during DUREC playback.

I am also using a Samsung drive of the same model but larger capacity (256 GB) and notice the issue occurs much less often however still happens from time to time. The 128 GB has about 63 recordings and the 256 GB has about 25 recordings. I thought that since the 128 GB has around 64 GB of available space that the issue was not likely due to the contents of the drive but I am only guessing. All of the recordings are multitrack files not exceeding 14 channels of audio and many of the files that cause the playback to crash on the 128 GB are 5 channels of audio or less.

Observing the record page on the Rec/Play page on the UCX II, I don't notice any jumps on the R/W time or the HD % when the issue occurs.