Topic: Ucx2 error problem seeking help

Hello, dear RME official! I am a buyer in China. I bought a RME UCX2 sound card in 2022, but it failed frequently in May of this year. At the beginning will only stay a few days, and the last one or two months more and more frequent, often one or two days will crash once. During the use, I did not artificially damaged. For this question, I contacted the RME official in China, that is, the dealer in China, but they replied to me that it could not be repaired on the reason that the sound card was not purchased through the RME authorized dealer in China. I was very troubled, so I went to the repairman to repair the sound card for repair, but they could not repair it. When the sound card failed, I checked the information, it was because I bought this batch of sound card products have a fault, this is the information I saw on the official website. I sincerely hope that RME official staff can see this email and reply, the sound card is I used the best sound card, but broken now, my work all by the sound card, the hand also very need this sound card to help me finish the work, so I hope RME website can repair or exchange. thanks!

Re: Ucx2 error problem seeking help

Machine display failure inbootloader RAM error detected 80008000 or FFFFFFF

Re: Ucx2 error problem seeking help

PLEASE CONTECT THIS email : 1923144956@QQ.COM


Re: Ucx2 error problem seeking help

Please contact Synthax in Hong Kong, they might be able to help.

Synthax Hong Kong Limited
Unit 509, 5/F., Tower A, Regent Centre, 63 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung
Hong Kong

+852 3158 0219

Matthias Carstens

Re: Ucx2 error problem seeking help

MC wrote:

Please contact Synthax in Hong Kong, they might be able to help.

Synthax Hong Kong Limited
Unit 509, 5/F., Tower A, Regent Centre, 63 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung
Hong Kong

+852 3158 0219

Hello, thank you for your reply. The official distributor of Beijing Synthex contacted me yesterday and explained that the reason why I did not receive any help before was because I missed the email from Beijing Synthex. Currently, Beijing Synthex is helping me solve the problem. Thank you again and we hope that the issue can be resolved as soon as possible.