Topic: USB noise

We understand that USB is noisier than FireWire.
In particular, we hear that Type-C is also noisy.

The RME USB connection is designed for such USB noise.
Is there anything to worry about?

Re: USB noise

I doubt that thousands of audio professionals and enthusiasts throughout the world would keep buying and using RME USB interfaces if there was any truth to your concern/question.

I have a Babyface Pro Fs and UCXII. They sound fantastic and work wonderfully via USB smile

Re: USB noise

Of course, I have no objection.
I have also used RME for many years, including Digiface AVB and UCX.

I would like to know how the manufacturers design, respond to, and think about, USB noise.

Re: USB noise

Your USB-noise is related to USB cables or USB connectors ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: USB noise

It is not an audible noise. Is there anything being done internally in the RME equipment regarding potential USB noise? I posted this because I was wondering.

In the USB audio world, there are devices that can be used to isolate noise by inserting something like an isolator between them.

With these things, I wanted to know, furthermore, whether there is any sound quality advantage in the use of RME products.

I myself have had no problems at all with RME products.

Re: USB noise

Interesting box with no other function than to allow USB to work as normal.
Can't see any relation to audio...

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: USB noise

east-power1130 wrote:

We understand that USB is noisier than FireWire.
In particular, we hear that Type-C is also noisy.

Who is 'we'?

east-power1130 wrote:

The RME USB connection is designed for such USB noise.

What do you mean by that?
I don’t understand in general what USB noise would be, maybe you can explain it?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

8 (edited by ramses 2023-07-20 09:27:02)

Re: USB noise

Some posts in this thread explain a few possible reasons for noise. … ise.29399/

I'm not an electronics expert, if you want expert advice, I would contact one or write an e-mail to RME support.
Because you are asking in a user forum, my understanding of this is this:

I wonder about the statement, too, that Firewire should be less noisy than USB. As far as I know, Firewire also does not provide galvanic isolation so should have the same issues as any other copper connection which connects different systems with different grounding potentials. Otherwise, please provide a link, I would be interested in reading.

To prevent or solve ground loop issues (hum) you need to solve the root cause for that or need to provide galvanic isolation.
To solve EMI related issues, you should try shielded USB cables with Ferrite Chokes (on one or both sides).

I do the following to prevent EMI and ground loop issues. I use a dedicated power outlet in the fuse box to connect the computer and recording components.
My multiple outlets have both overload protection and a line filter.
If possible, I connect the devices that work directly together to one multiple socket to avoid different grounding potentials.
I only use well (up to triple) shielded quality cables from Lindy to prevent interference here as well.
I use quality components in the computer regarding mainboard, power supply and housing.
Maybe that's why I have never had any problems in this area.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: USB noise

I have no idea what kind of "noise" this refers to....

Daniel Fuchs

Re: USB noise

Thank you all for your answers.
I'm sorry that some of the English sentences are not correct because I'm using a translation software.
I am sorry for any confusion my post may have caused.

I found that I can use the USB connection without any worries. Thank you very much.