1 (edited by gmarinov 2023-07-23 23:06:30)

Topic: Fireface UCX Mac Studio M2 dropouts

happy FF UCX owner here, I've applied the necessary firmware updates and connected it to Mac Studio M2 Max.
I noticed that audio drops out if I quicklook multiple files from the internal or an external USB drive by just going through the list in finder.

to replicate:

  • put on some music, local file via quicktime, or remote via e.g. spotify, does not matter

  • quicklook through a directory of RAW photos (jpeg files seem to have no issues) on the internal drive, or external USB drive

expected: audio plays without interruptions
actual: audible drop outs - not just clicks or crackle, but audio repeats or silence/breaks

note: just browsing the files in finder column mode does not cause dropouts (or very rarely does). Quicklook does. Opening the folder in a single Preview window and going through the list does cause dropouts too. Large raw photos cause issues (.rw2 for instance), jpegs don't seem to.

firmware: v49
driver: v4.08 or v4.082
macOS: 13.4.1 (c)
mac: M2 Max 12c/38g 64GB, HDMI 4k display

the following appears in the Console app when dropouts occur:

default    14:19:29.669743+0100    RMEUsbAsp    Timer: Restart Request !
default    14:19:29.971019+0100    RMEUsbAsp    Timer: Restart Request !
default    14:19:30.470146+0100    RMEUsbAsp    Timer: Restart Request !
default    14:19:31.324462+0100    RMEUsbAsp    Timer: Restart Request !
default    14:19:31.850110+0100    RMEUsbAsp    WriteOutputData: unexpected position!
default    14:19:33.373186+0100    RMEUsbAsp    Timer: Restart Request !
default    14:19:33.375545+0100    RMEUsbAsp    WriteOutputData: unexpected position!
default    14:19:33.605032+0100    RMEUsbAsp    WriteOutputData: unexpected position!


default    14:05:28.036098+0100    RMEUsbAsp       ConvertInputSamples no microframe found

I tried connecting:
- to Mac's USB-A port (reported as USB2 Hub -> RME)
- to Mac's USB-C port (reported as USB3.1 -> RME)
- to TB3 hub's USB-A port

no difference at all.
I also installed 4.08.2 and it appears to be slightly less prone to this than 4.08.

in Activity Monitor
- de.rme-audio.dkusb seems to hang around 15% CPU (which seems a bit high?)
- QuickLookUIService (Finder) spikes to around 150-170% CPU with RAW files . GPU 40%

whether I run nothing else or saturate the CPU using e.g. 'yes > /dev/null' 16 times seems to make no difference to the likelihood/frequency or duration of dropouts.but if I time the changing of files I quicklook, i can get to almost complete silence, before the sounds resumes when I stop. Trying to renice the driver (dkusb) PID makes no difference.

but no crashing.

any ideas anyone?

Fireface UCX, Focusrite OctoPre, Sound Devices MixPre-D, Mac Studio M2 max, macOS Sonoma

Re: Fireface UCX Mac Studio M2 dropouts

How is it without any interface ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by gmarinov 2023-07-23 19:37:44)

Re: Fireface UCX Mac Studio M2 dropouts

waedi wrote:

How is it without any interface ?

as expected - no dropouts when using the internal output ("Mac Studio Speakers")

p.s. needless to say FF UCX itself is rock-solid, in terms of being a piece of hardware I've had connected to another computer for ten years without any complaints, and without any such issues.

Fireface UCX, Focusrite OctoPre, Sound Devices MixPre-D, Mac Studio M2 max, macOS Sonoma

Re: Fireface UCX Mac Studio M2 dropouts

did you try the 3.28 driver ?
Other users reported success.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

5 (edited by gmarinov 2023-07-23 23:41:46)

Re: Fireface UCX Mac Studio M2 dropouts

waedi wrote:

did you try the 3.28 driver ?
Other users reported success.

I haven't tried the 3.28 driver - that's not user space, right? I'd need to disable SIP. sounds like a last resort solution - and not of much use to the driver authors..

edit: I have now tried the 3.28 B driver - no dropouts. In Activity Monitor, everything RME or Fireface USB is at exactly 0.0% CPU. Quite a difference! But I worry that this won't work in next macOS Sonoma?

Fireface UCX, Focusrite OctoPre, Sound Devices MixPre-D, Mac Studio M2 max, macOS Sonoma