1 (edited by zephonic 2023-08-11 19:52:50)

Topic: USB Type A/B vs. USB-C

I made some comments on another forum about RME not using USB-C connectors, and was told by others this is because Type B connectors are sturdier?

That doesn’t seem like a good reason to me, but I figure better to ask here directly what the reason is -if any- for not adopting USB-C connectors?

UCXII | ARC | MBP M1Max | MacOS 12.7

Re: USB Type A/B vs. USB-C

You can get a cable with USB type B on one end and USB type C on the other, in fact this is included with some of the products. Not sure what you think would be a good reason to change these products? Bear in mind, most computers still use type A connections, so USB C would not work there.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: USB Type A/B vs. USB-C

Except being a younger standard there is no advantage for using USB C.

4 (edited by mkok 2023-08-11 22:52:54)

Re: USB Type A/B vs. USB-C

I tried the usb C cable with my Babyface pro fs and I didn’t like it because it was easy to knock out of the computer.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

5 (edited by ramses 2023-08-11 23:31:43)

Re: USB Type A/B vs. USB-C

zephonic wrote:

I made some comments on another forum about RME not using USB-C connectors, and was told by others this is because Type B connectors are sturdier?

That doesn’t seem like a good reason to me, but I figure better to ask here directly what the reason is -if any- for not adopting USB-C connectors?

You have also posted in this thread, so one might think (and expect) that you read it and digested already the information therein: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 54#p199154.

Among some other things, everything relevant has been explained on this topic in the thread.
Also, your current questions in this thread.
I really do not understand why you are now stirring again in the topic …

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

6 (edited by zephonic 2023-08-12 00:39:46)

Re: USB Type A/B vs. USB-C

I'm not stirring up didley.

I had an exchange on another forum and people there asserted USB type B is sturdier.

I'm simply asking the question here, so I can hear the answer from RME directly.

That's all.

And yeah, I forgot about that thread, but upon re-reading it, I guess you and I are on different wavelengths.

I believe my posts are courteous and civil, you seem to think I'm here looking for a fight.

I'm not. But I see nothing wrong with talking about things that I'd like to see in future products, or -as in this case- the pros and cons of one connector over the other.

Civil discourse propels humanity forward.

UCXII | ARC | MBP M1Max | MacOS 12.7

Re: USB Type A/B vs. USB-C

Picking up a new standard too quick may end up in a desaster like happend often.
FW 400 - FW 800 - Thunderbolt
Every time a new holy grail, then out of production.
When USB-C will survive then all interfaces from all brands will change to this format sooner or later.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

8 (edited by ramses 2023-08-12 08:17:51)

Re: USB Type A/B vs. USB-C

zephonic wrote:

I'm not stirring up didley.

I had an exchange on another forum and people there asserted USB type B is sturdier.

I'm simply asking the question here, so I can hear the answer from RME directly.

That's all.

And yeah, I forgot about that thread, but upon re-reading it, I guess you and I are on different wavelengths.

I believe my posts are courteous and civil, you seem to think I'm here looking for a fight.

I'm not. But I see nothing wrong with talking about things that I'd like to see in future products, or -as in this case- the pros and cons of one connector over the other.

Civil discourse propels humanity forward.

I don't want a fight. Sorry if I misunderstood your intent, but it was pretty easy to be misunderstood. because everything had already been mentioned in the other thread.

So to me it seemed like constant nagging on a topic, which isn't very nice to read either and that makes you wonder about the intent.

Further thoughts on the standardization efforts that led to USB-C. "One size fits all" doesn't fit everything well.

You often see results like this when standardization efforts overshoot the mark. Just because there are such standardization committees does not mean that something clever will come out of it.

Just because smaller and narrower designs of laptops and smartphones require such narrow plugs, it doesn't make sense
to make this a standard when there is no need at all to introduce such smaller fragile plugs for many other devices.
Rather larger designs, which also allowed a larger contact area for soldering the cables to it and thus higher cable diameters.

For example, the two casing halves of my USB-C cable have been falling apart again and again for quite some time. I had to glue it down with superglue, which I actually don't find that fancy either, then you can't get it open. This has never happened to me with other USB cables with Type A or Type B connectors.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: USB Type A/B vs. USB-C

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_hardw … 20removal.

"Standard USB has a minimum rated lifetime of 1,500 cycles of insertion and removal,[4] the mini-USB receptacle increases this to 5,000 cycles,[4] and the newer Micro-USB[4] and USB-C receptacles are both designed for a minimum rated lifetime of 10,000 cycles of insertion and removal.[5] To accomplish this, a locking device was added and the leaf-spring was moved from the jack to the plug, so that the most-stressed part is on the cable side of the connection. This change was made so that the connector on the less expensive cable would bear the most wear.[4]"

UCXII | ARC | MBP M1Max | MacOS 12.7