1 (edited by Reflaction 2023-08-14 02:32:27)

Topic: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

Hey there RME community,

I'm encountering a perplexing issue with my RME Fireface UFX II audio interface. Whenever I activate channel 9 with a gain of 8 and connect different drum machines using various cables, the preamp goes into overload, accompanied by audible clicking sounds. Preamps 10-12 remain unaffected under the same conditions.

I'm eager to know if anyone else has faced a similar challenge and if there are any insights or solutions to this problem. Your input would be immensely appreciated!

Thanks a ton!

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

What does "activate" refer to?
Can you provide some screenshots that show the issue? Also screenshots of these channels with nothing connected for reference.

Daniel Fuchs

3 (edited by Reflaction 2023-08-15 21:55:23)

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

RME Support wrote:

What does "activate" refer to?
Can you provide some screenshots that show the issue? Also screenshots of these channels with nothing connected for reference.

Thank you for your replay

Channel 9 is clipping.

Here is a comparison between Chanel 10 and Chanel 9.
same loop from my drum machine
also, on the audio interface, I have a red light and a red signal on the screen



4 (edited by waedi 2023-08-15 23:03:17)

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

Switch off Inst button on the input channels.
Instead switch ON the button AutoSet.
A drum machine is not an "instrument".
It has not instrument-level, it has line-level.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

5 (edited by Reflaction 2023-08-15 23:47:20)

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

waedi wrote:

Switch off Inst button on the input channels.
Instead switch ON the button AutoSet.
A drum machine is not an "instrument".
It has not instrument-level, it has line-level.

so why do the other channels (10-12) work properly? (when Inst button on) Do they get damaged?

6 (edited by waedi 2023-08-16 01:24:35)

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

Nothing get damaged and channel 9 works proper too.
It is clipping when the input signal is too high and Inst button makes that signal even more high and on top of that you have added gain without AutoSet, thats all too much and clipping is normal.

The input sensitivity may be a very little bit different or you had different adjustments on the drum machine, a very small difference can do this clipping.
A proper test would be with a cable loopback from two line-outs to the input 9 and 10, playing a file from the DAW.
Both inputs should show the same signal level.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

Take some screenshots of both channels with nothing connected, at minimum and maximum gain.

And a loopback test (with a sine wave test signal) would be helpful indeed.

Daniel Fuchs

8 (edited by Reflaction 2023-08-16 13:27:42)

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

waedi wrote:

Nothing get damaged and channel 9 works proper too.
It is clipping when the input signal is too high and Inst button makes that signal even more high and on top of that you have added gain without AutoSet, thats all too much and clipping is normal.

The input sensitivity may be a very little bit different or you had different adjustments on the drum machine, a very small difference can do this clipping.
A proper test would be with a cable loopback from two line-outs to the input 9 and 10, playing a file from the DAW.
Both inputs should show the same signal level.

Still didn't try with loopback
but channel 10 seems and sounds fine
With less gain, channel 9 sounds distorted and clicky
I guess there's something totally wrong with that


9 (edited by waedi 2023-08-16 14:01:06)

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

A recording from a cable loopback would give you a measurement result.
2 audio files, one original, one recorded thru cable loopback.
Here a sinewave for the test :
https://www.mediacollege.com/audio/tone … _30sec.wav
You can send these files to the support for further investigation.
A defective input stage is possible.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

waedi wrote:

A recording from a cable loopback would give you a measurement result.
2 audio files, one original, one recorded thru cable loopback.
Here a sinewave for the test :
https://www.mediacollege.com/audio/tone … _30sec.wav
You can send these files to the support for further investigation.
A defective input stage is possible.

I will be out of the studio for the next few days
when I return I will make the test and update it here

I appreciate your support!

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

The results of the test aren't great.

I had this sinewave all set up on my computer, playing through software playback channel 1/2. From there, I sent the signal over to hardware output channel 3. I hooked up a physical cable from that output to both input channels 9 and 10 to check things out. I cranked up the gain to 45 and played the sine wave on both channels.

But, alas, things didn't go as swimmingly as I hoped. The kicker is that input channel 9 turned out to be much louder than its counterpart, channel 10. To top it off, the sound quality went for a toss and got all distorted.

I've got to admit, I'm feeling a bit on edge and nervous about this. Could this be a sign of some sort of defect? what should I do next?

Input 9
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2wthxjr4 … k&dl=0
Input 10
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/9lsvx37c … q&dl=0

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

RME Support wrote:

Take some screenshots of both channels with nothing connected, at minimum and maximum gain.

And a loopback test (with a sine wave test signal) would be helpful indeed.

minimum and maximum gain



Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

Thanks for making the recordings and the screenshots.
Input 9 did a lot of distortion to the signal.
Input 10 did record normal.
The second image with maximum gain shows a amplified noise floor and to me it looks normal, it is the same on both channels so the input stage seems to be fine.
If it would be my unit, I would contact the support and send-in the unit for inspection and repair.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME Fireface UFX II - Channel 9 Overload and Clicking Issue

waedi wrote:

Thanks for making the recordings and the screenshots.
Input 9 did a lot of distortion to the signal.
Input 10 did record normal.
The second image with maximum gain shows a amplified noise floor and to me it looks normal, it is the same on both channels so the input stage seems to be fine.
If it would be my unit, I would contact the support and send-in the unit for inspection and repair.

It's weird that with maximum gain it looks like a normal noise floor, but with the signal it looks different

I sent the email yesterday with all the details and I hope everything will be fine because I can't work without my unit

thank you so much for your support!!