Topic: UFX3, with Multiface2 as DACs via ADAT
I have a possible plan to expand my IO a little.
I currently use 2x Multiface 2 units and a Multiface 1, to give me 24 analogue inputs and 1 SPDIF input.
If I were to use the Multiface 2 units in "Disconnect mode", would I be Able to power them without the PCIe cards and use them to get 16 channels into the UFX3? Ideally, I'd be able to use a SPDIF input somewhere too, but I'm not sure that's actually possible in this scenario.
Never really used disconnect mode. Does it just hard-route the analogue IO via ADAT?
Would this work...? Only gains 2 4 analogue inputs I think, but might be worth me ditching the Sonnet Chassis and not having to aggregate the units.