1 (edited by analogdreaming 2023-08-24 13:39:28)

Topic: [Solved] Only getting 1 input from my UFX over USB driver

Apologies if this has been answered many times, I've struggled to find anything on this forum or the web.

I have used my UFX as firewire for years with no problems. I recently needed to upgrade my graphics card and due to space restrictions had to swap out my firewire pci and connect UFX via USB.

It works fine in some programs like Studio One but in others such as Cubase and some standalone software when I select the new RME FIREFACE UFX USB driver I only get 1 input for all my channels. It will say INPUT 1 (1) and INPUT 2 (1) .. the bracketed (1) is there for all my channels and I dont know how to fix this so I can use more channels for recording?

Any help would be appreciated. I installed the latest usb driver when I did the switch so I dont believe thats the issue?

EDIT: I've attempted to record one of my adat tracks and successfully managed to assign the track despite the (1) being there next to the track. So in theory I can select what I need and record (although the naming I've given to each track hasn't been remembered so I need to rely on ADAT 1 instead of my synth name that was saved in my firewire settings. I also wonder if this recording is because every track is routed to (1) so will record but I won't be able to multitrack simultaneously?

TL;DR EDIT: Problem solved as (1) represented unit number identifier - if I had two RME units each would be given a number, so it was showing this next to the inputs on each channel and is harmless (though frustrating as it defeated my input renaming conventions and currently can't find a way to rename them back on selection).


Re: [Solved] Only getting 1 input from my UFX over USB driver

Sounds like you did not select the ASIO driver in Cubase.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] Only getting 1 input from my UFX over USB driver

I did select it - from the drop down menu I switched from RME Firewire to RME USB


Re: [Solved] Only getting 1 input from my UFX over USB driver

Selecting Fireface USB ASIO will result in 30 channels input and 30 channels output that are available after a reset and re-assignment of all channels in Cubase. Unless you use higher sample rates.

BTW, did you ever perform a fimrware update? Current version is USB 361, DSP 163, FireWire 344, Class Compliant 29.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] Only getting 1 input from my UFX over USB driver

Selecting the driver wont give you all the inputs in Cubase until you add then all in the connections page.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: [Solved] Only getting 1 input from my UFX over USB driver

MC wrote:

Selecting Fireface USB ASIO will result in 30 channels input and 30 channels output that are available after a reset and re-assignment of all channels in Cubase. Unless you use higher sample rates.

BTW, did you ever perform a fimrware update? Current version is USB 361, DSP 163, FireWire 344, Class Compliant 29.

Thanks, I didn't have the latest firmware (I was class compliant 28) so updated that - unfortunately no difference. I tried resetting Cubase settings by moving to no driver, then back to RME UFX USB. The odd thing in all of this is that some (read: most) music software I use has the correct inputs/outputs. It seems to be Cubase and a few guitar amp sims in standalone. Its odd but I literally dont know how to get my inputs lined up properly in Cubase and I've been using it for many years (and of course with Firewire driver selected it was perfectly fine).

Any other suggestions?

Re: [Solved] Only getting 1 input from my UFX over USB driver

mkok wrote:

Selecting the driver wont give you all the inputs in Cubase until you add then all in the connections page.

I'm familiar with Cubase and the Connections page. Normally its all laid out as default that I've saved. I even have presets and when I load them they will load but each input now says (1) instead of what it should really be. So say Analog 9 (1) + Analog 10 (1) will be written like this and I dont know what it means. It also doesn't display the inputs as I've renamed them. For example, my Supernova II synth was on Adat 1+2 but displayed 'Adat 1 (1) + Adat 2 (1) when I tried to select it from new audio track. To my surprise, when I did select it the track then reverted to Supernova II inputs and I was able to record. What I'm not sure about is what is going on with this (1)?


Re: [Solved] Only getting 1 input from my UFX over USB driver

This 1 is a unit identifier. If you have a second interface it will be 2.

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] Only getting 1 input from my UFX over USB driver

How interesting.. I guess thats that then. I'm not sure I understand why it overrides my naming settings for each track but I guess that will have to do, since the (1) doesn't impact anything like I feared it might.

Unless someone wants to discuss this further for curiosity I guess this is a case closed now. I can add this TL;DR to the original post for future reference.

Re: [Solved] Only getting 1 input from my UFX over USB driver

Thanks MC for your help!