1 (edited by ramses 2023-08-12 18:16:17)

Topic: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

Feature request for the next HW update.

It would be nice to make the different available D/A filter selectable for at least UFX II and UFX III flagship interfaces.

It would be useful for playback / monitoring.

Proposed settings / options
- fix selection for all analogue outputs supporting D/A filters
- individual selection per hw output
- reset all to default filter

Design decision, whether D/A filter is being saved in snapshots or whether this is a global setting.

Rationale: no issue for people with ADI-2 / ADI-2/4 in the setup for the monitoring.
But not everybody can afford the reference converter additionally to a flagship interface.

Now where at least the UFX III has the converter of the ADI-2 Pro FS I think it would be worth (and fair for the user),
to make the D/A filters in the chip accessible / selectable.

And again a nice option which makes a RME product different to the competition .. more advanced.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

Totally agree, it would be a great feature addition.

Some audio interfaces already have this feature, such as Neumann MT 48.

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

Great idea!!

Windows 11 / Nuendo 12 / UFX+ / M-1610 Pro / ADI-2 Pro FS R / Sonnet USB 3.0 PCIe

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

Listening to the playback of the UFX III it ruthlessly exposes poor recordings. Perhaps a different D/A filter selection to the default most linear filter would make playback a little more forgiving.

Hoppípolla by Sigur Rós or Everything Now by Arcade Fire can make ears bleed, great songs though.

5 (edited by ramses 2023-08-25 20:13:12)

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

halloweenman wrote:

Listening to the playback of the UFX III it ruthlessly exposes poor recordings. Perhaps a different D/A filter selection to the default most linear filter would make playback a little more forgiving.

Hoppípolla by Sigur Rós or Everything Now by Arcade Fire can make ears bleed, great songs though.

I was thinking about KaiS discoveries regarding the use of "Slow filter" for ADI-2 Pro FS.

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 08#p157808
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 68#p177168

And as we now have the same converters in the UFX III like in the ADI-2 Pro FS ... the idea came up.

EDIT: as a side note: I have not yet been able to accurately reproduce the acoustic properties of the slow filter, which KaiS described in various postings, in my environment. Perhaps I would need an acoustic optimization of the room for such subtleties, which is unfortunately not possible in our flat.
Subjectively, I tend to say that I also like the Slow Filter when I listen to it, but I can't really say why.
Maybe it's psychoacoustic, or the differences in this room are just so small that you can't hear and describe it exactly.
For now, I tell myself, it's good if KaiS could figure it out in his studio with blind tests. Then I just tell myself that it will not be wrong for my environment in principle for listening (healthy pragmatism). If it had sounded worse, then I simply would not have used the D/A filter.

I think that everyone should decide for themselves, with their ears, in their premises.
It would at least be nice to be able to use the D/A filters in the recording interface for those who want / need or simply want to it (at least for the monitoring, mastering, listening to music).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

6 (edited by halloweenman 2023-08-19 08:51:03)

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

It's interesting you mention that ramses as the designer of Merging Technologies audio interfaces such as Merging Anubis have Slow filter as the default.

He talks about it here:
https://www.audiosciencereview.com/foru … ing.13252/

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

Curious if to implement the different digital filters for UFX III DAC chip it would require a physical hardware revision or would only require a firmware/software update?

8 (edited by ramses 2023-08-20 09:56:53)

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

The converter chip has the capabilities, it would require IMHO (guessing mode on)

a) a firmware update so that on FPGA / firmware level
- the required settings in the converters can be performed
- to give you the possibilities to dial-in those settings via the display on the device (new menu entries)

b) a TM FX upgrade
- to make this selectable in the GUI

Also, the 6 configuration slots need to be changed/enhanced to store/recall additional settings.

Then the different D/A Filter have different converter latencies.
Maybe even the ASIO driver needs the information which filters are in use.

Which brings me to the point, that it is maybe only useful to change D/A filter for all HW outputs at once, because otherwise you can not store accurate latency compensation numbers for the DAW in the driver.

Maybe this is one of the reasons, why RME refuses to implement because it makes things more complicated.

TBH .. The latency compensation is something which I didn't think of in my request, but perhaps there is a solution for it.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

9 (edited by halloweenman 2023-08-20 22:18:08)

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

It doesn't have to be complicated, a simple setting in Fireface USB Settings selecting one of the DAC filter types would do it.

RME competitors (Neumann and Merging Technologies) are currently including such a feature in their audio interfaces.

It would be a great addition.

10 (edited by ramses 2023-08-20 19:27:35)

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

It depends on the implementation.

Thinking further it would complicate much, if you would want such D/A filter settings on a per port basis.

If you would implement it as a setting for all analog outputs then it might be easier and wouldn't need a change in TotalMix FX.

Then I agree with you that it could be a field in the driver settings dialog. This sets the filter for the hardware and the driver can send the proper output latency (as this changes with the choice of D/A filter) for all analog outputs through ASIO to the Host / DAW.

To make it even easier, one could align on, that you want this only for the D/A, not A/D filter.
For recording linearity might be key.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

11 (edited by halloweenman 2023-08-21 09:35:58)

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

I hope RME implement this as they appear to have a gap in their product range.

My requirements were a high end recording interface that also could perform as a high end DAC in a home hifi system. I'm sure many people have this dual use for their audio interface.

Some will say you could buy UFX III and the ADI-2 DAC FS. Yes, that would meet my needs but it would cost significantly more and also creates duplication and waste.

The duplication is because the UFX III already has great DAC conversion - it just lacks some of the useful settings of ADI-2 DAC FS -  the most important of which (for me personally) are the digital filters and the ability to accurately control volume remotely.

In a world of diminishing resources and the need to reduce emissions and waste it would be ridiculous for me to purchase ADI-2 DAC FS simply for the digital filters and better remote volume operation.

Both these things could be well implemented in the UFX III.

When controlling Main output using the sliders on the TM remote iPad app there is a slight delay and it's difficult to get a smooth volume transition using touch screen.

A feature that would act more like a physical volume remote control in the app. Tap an up arrow/button (or perhaps above slider) to increase volume 0.5dB and tap a down arrow/button (or below slider) to decrease volume 0.5dB.

I can but dream.

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

> I hope RME implement this as they appear to have a gap in their product range.

I definitively do not regard this as a gap.
A recording interface main scope is to use the converter with most linear frequency range and least latency.
This gives you from recording interfaces perspective the best transparent conversion which is the main goal, period.

I would regard this as an add-on service from RME for RME customers to expand the typical use of a recording interface to support such things like D/A filter change, which is not a regular use case for the "main goal" of a recording interface.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

I didn't explain myself very well.

When I say gap, I mean an entirely modular approach with no redundancy. See:


Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

Selectable DA filter would be great; I also prefer the Slow filter on my ADI-2 DAC FS. While we're at it, I'd also throw in some other features from the DAC... Crossfeed would be nice (shouldn't be too resource hungry?) And maybe Loudness, although that would probably a bigger thing because it relates to the PEQ.

UCX II, Quadmic II, ADI-2 DAC FS
Follow me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thedilettantepianist

15 (edited by halloweenman 2023-08-25 09:35:12)

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

Managed to get a loan of ADI-2 DAC (revision B so AK4493 DAC chip) and have to say I enjoyed the slow filter playback.

It's criminal this feature is not included in the entire Fireface range UFX III, II, 802 and UCX II.

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

New to the world of RME with the purchase of my Fireface 802 FS. Intrigued by this thread.

For a more layperson, can you help me understand the differences in the sound of these filters? Is it very noticeable or just for golden ears?

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

anza808 wrote:

New to the world of RME with the purchase of my Fireface 802 FS. Intrigued by this thread.

For a more layperson, can you help me understand the differences in the sound of these filters? Is it very noticeable or just for golden ears?

You surely will need a good and trained ear.

Using various D/A filters offers sonically subtle and delicate differences, which are likely discernible only to those with very keen ears, using high-quality equipment, ideally in an acoustically optimized environment.

The utilization of D/A filters is only possible in products where the built-in digital-to-analog converters (DACs) support D/A filtering. Each type of D/A filter has distinct characteristics. The standard filters address typical requirements, such as low latency and a nearly linear frequency response. Therefore, recording interfaces typically incorporate converters with fixed D/A filters.

Now, in certain products (e.g., UFX II and UFX III), by chance, converters are integrated that support different D/A filters. This isn't the case for every recording interface.

Consequently, the desire arose to perhaps make the D/A filters switchable, specifically for the purpose of pure monitoring or music listening.

For the standard operation of a recording interface, however, it would be advisable to use the standard filter, as low latency and a linear frequency response initially constitute the foundation—elements that anyone might require in recording, mixing, and mastering situations.

The question now is whether RME intends to overhaul its products for "potentially questionable" benefits (regarding the normal use case of a recording interface) , given that, in most cases, utilizing the standard filter with a linear frequency response would likely be more suitable for working with the recording interface.

One could argue that someone who needs all these features should consider acquiring the ADI-2*. However, not everyone can afford to do so, making it quite considerate and friendly of RME to make it switchable in the already relatively expensive flagship interfaces. This would be appealing to those who don't have the funds to purchase the ADI-2 DAC/Pro solely for monitoring purposes.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

18 (edited by halloweenman 2023-08-26 11:59:23)

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

Ramses summed it up nicely.

I find that when comparing it's best to simply rely on how much you are enjoying listening to the music, your emotional involvement.

You can listen out for things like timbre of instruments, how real the instruments sound, how three dimensional the soundstage is, its width and depth, placements of instruments in the space etc. These can be subtle but can make a difference to your overall listening experience.

I tend to personally prefer the one which sounds the smoothest without any noticeable loss of detail. The one where my brain and ears just relax. For me the Slow filter at the moment, I've not listened fully to some others yet. For listening pleasure, I certainly prefer listening to the Slow filter on the ADI-2 DAC (AK4493 version) to the default filter of the UFX III. If I was recording and mixing only, I really wouldn't care which I was listening to.

Some people say all DACS sound the same. In my experience, I couldn't disagree more. You do need a decent system to hear the differences, for example going directly into a decent power amp and passive speakers or powered speakers (such as neumann kh 310). Differences are far more obvious to me using speakers in a reasonably well treated room rather than headphones.

19 (edited by halloweenman 2023-08-29 12:19:07)

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

What is the benefit of the SD Slow filter, if any? Looking at the ADI-2 DAC manual the impulse response timing of SD Slow filter looks identical to Slow filter but has a small amount of additional ringing and is not phase linear. What's the point/benefit?

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

halloweenman wrote:

What is the benefit of the SD Slow filter, if any? Looking at the ADI-2 DAC manual the impulse response timing of SD Slow filter looks identical to Slow filter but has a small amount of additional ringing and is not phase linear. What's the point/benefit?

Did you read the posts from Kai regarding this topic?

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 68#p177168

https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 08#p157808

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

Yes, he doesn't mention the SD Slow filter, just the Slow filter.

I'm kind of wondering what the point of SD Slow is, what benefit it brings over just Slow?

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

halloweenman wrote:

Yes, he doesn't mention the SD Slow filter, just the Slow filter.

I'm kind of wondering what the point of SD Slow is, what benefit it brings over just Slow?

Is the answer in the ADI-2 Pro FS R BE manual not sufficient to you? See page 23

DA Filter
Short Delay Sharp, Short Delay Slow, Sharp, Slow, NOS, Short Delay Low Dispersion.
The Digital to Analog Converter chip offers several oversampling filters.

Default is SD Sharp, offering the widest and most linear frequency response and lowest latency.

SD Slow causes a small drop in the higher frequency range, but has a less aggressive (less steep) filter.
Sharp and Slow are similar, but have a higher latency.
NOS is the filter with the smallest steepness and therefore affecting treble more than the others, but offers the best impulse response.
See the Technical Reference section for graphs illustrating the results in frequency response and impulse response.

In other documents I found these statements:
- SD Slow (IIR filter) is similar to SD Sharp but with less ringing. P: 850°, 0,11ms, R=0,2/0,6V
- Slot (FIR filter) is a phase linear version of SD Slow, not much difference in group delay. P=1050°, 0,15ms, R=0,5V

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

23 (edited by halloweenman 2023-08-29 20:28:13)

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

Thanks, I did read the ADI-2 DAC manual but still none the wiser.

The frequency response of both SD Slow and Slow appears identical at 44.1 kHz.

Slow has linear phase, SD Slow doesn't.

The impulse responses of SD Slow and Slow appear almost identical except for some slight additional ringing on SD Slow.

So, I'm still struggling to see any advantage or purpose to SD Slow? Why would you use it over Slow?


Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

The difference between Slow and SD Slow is 6.5 to 5 samples of delay. Now if AKM would not have added SD Slow (because it obviously is not needed at all) then people would have complained why this expected filter is missing. Same when we would not have added it to the DAC's selection.

That said this whole discussion will not change that we won't add those filter selections to our multichannel audio interfaces.

Matthias Carstens

25 (edited by halloweenman 2023-08-30 11:46:30)

Re: D/A filter for UFX III and II (feature request)

Okay, thanks for the clarification MC.

I think you were right to include both Slow and SD Slow and let the listeners decide.

I'm not sure it's the right decision not to include these in your audio interfaces from both a commercial point of view (your competitors such as Neumann and Merging are including slow and fast filters in their audio interfaces) and from an end-user use case for listening pleasure/preference.

Even though I prefer Slow DA filter for listening I won't be persuaded to buy an additional ADI-2 DAC FS or ADI-2 Pro FS R just for DA filters, it's just not worth it and would make the already excellent DAC side of the audio interface a waste and redundant.
