Topic: sync problem rme 802


I have been fighting with this almost all day: is it possible to route sound through my daw to raydat out to ´802 then out to my tc electronic m5000 (all adat)?

(is that called daisychain?)

it works with optical spdif via raydat (with hardware option 1 in m5000), but i cant when ´802 to m5000 (hardware option 2)

my m5000 have all tha hardware options installed

i cant sync (slave) m5000 to ´802 in ADAT 2, (´802 is slave to raysat) I think THATS the problem(?) i have even tried to turn spdif on (and off) in m5000

I have the rca spdif cable from raydat i could try, but i rather use the optical cable :-)

Re: sync problem rme 802

back again - is this the solution?

Clocking Multiple Audio Interfaces with a Mastering Clock

using wordclock cable...

3 (edited by waedi 2023-08-26 04:33:19)

Re: sync problem rme 802

Why 802 ?
Why from RayDAT to a802 ?
Is this 802 connected to the same computer where the RayDAT is in ?
This wordclock gear scenario is for a museum !
You have modern RME equipment with Steady clock technology inside.
The rule is simple : One unit is the master (clock-source internal), all other units are slave (clock-source external Adat optical input in your case)
To your questions
Yes you can connect the M5000 via ADAT to the DAW
No/yes, daisychain is more related to MADI as to Adat, it is possible to route the signal thru several units.
No it's no problem when the 802 and the RayDAT are synced together.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

4 (edited by ramses 2023-08-26 06:21:53)

Re: sync problem rme 802

kim wrote:


I have been fighting with this almost all day: is it possible to route sound through my daw to raydat out to ´802 then out to my tc electronic m5000 (all adat)?

(is that called daisychain?)

it works with optical spdif via raydat (with hardware option 1 in m5000), but i cant when ´802 to m5000 (hardware option 2)

my m5000 have all tha hardware options installed

i cant sync (slave) m5000 to ´802 in ADAT 2, (´802 is slave to raysat) I think THATS the problem(?) i have even tried to turn spdif on (and off) in m5000

I have the rca spdif cable from raydat i could try, but i rather use the optical cable :-)

Its quite obvious that you need the 802 to get some analog ports and preamps, as the RayDAT is a pure digital card.
I would keep the 802 connected through USB to keep it operational in TotalMix FX.

You can either operate RayDAT and 802 in one TotalMix FX instance and then switching between them.
Another possibility is to open a new TM FX window (2nd one) and to select RayDAT in the 1st and 802 in the 2nd window.
If you save the workspace, then the window positioning will be saved as well along with it.

Usage of ports on the RayDAT.
For me it is not 100 clear what I/O modules you have on the M5000 and whether they support
- AES, coax SPDIF, ADAT or optical SPDIF (optical SPDIF is only possible on ADAT4 port of the RayDAT)
- whether the M5000 is able to be clock slave or not, if not then you need to take this device as clock master
  and all other RME devices will be the perfect clock slave due to steadyclock technology (802 and raydat).

A basic layout of the setup would be this:

PC------PCIe---------RayDAT<--------ADAT1----------802 (e.g. for analog ports of the 802)
                                          <--------ADAT2----------802 Rest of the ports: -mic preamps
                                          ----------ADAT2-------->802                              -headphones

For the M5000 the following ports would be free
                                          ADAT4 (optical SPDIF)
                                          SPDIF (coax)
PC------USB3/2------802 (only for operation (TM FX) and to perform firmware upgrades; for that USB driver is needed)

Clock distribution (again):
- there can be only one master clock in a setup
- the master clock has the setting clock source = internal
- on the rest of the devices which are clock slave you need to configure the port where the clock signal will arrive or WC (word clock)

You do not need word clock and it also has no better clock quality.
You achieve the same clock quality by using the clock signal in the data stream of ANY digital port (AES, ADAT, SPDIF, MADI).

As your M5000 seems to have digital inputs and digital outputs it should have the possibility to get the clock source from its digital input, then you would not need word clock at all or as I said, make the M5000 clock master.

It might be an advantage to use the RayDAT as clock master in the setup (if the M5000 can be clock slave), because then all devices (clock slaves) in your setup would follow the RayDATs master clock if you change samplerate in your DAW between 44.1 and 48 kHz. Then the application/DAW sets the sample rate in the driver for the RayDAT and all slaves automatically would learn it. Surely an easier handling ...


#1 if 8 ports of your 802 would be sufficient, then you could even use ADAT2 additionally for connecting the M5000.

#2 I didn't find a good product description, I am currently not sure, whether all four I/O modules in the M5000 work independend from each other. It seems they own have their own digital inputs and outputs.
So it could maybe even be, that each of them has its own clock, but I am not sure. It was not fun to read some of the manuals through external manual providers, maybe you (should!) have more clue about your M5000 device. Sorry here I am out of time and fun to investigate deeper into the M5000 manuals.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

5 (edited by kim 2023-08-26 07:02:13)

Re: sync problem rme 802


thank you all for answering

I have added the settings from 802 hope that helps

nearly all adats on raydat are used by other hardware effect, i only have 1 adat left (which goes to m5000 hardware option 1)

well why from 802 - i have skipped the old fireface, so im using raydat adat to 802, and raydat to other my hardware effekts

and all analog´s to 802

yes on same computer

"You can either operate RayDAT and 802 in one TotalMix FX instance and then switching between them" - yes i do that :-)

The options in m5000 are 2 pieces of "ADA-1", and 2 pieces of "DSP-1"
So the m5000 are actually 2 effectmachines in one, which can operate at the same time
the ADA-1 are analog connections, and DSP-1 are digital (rca spdif, and spdif optical)
i dont see any AES on the back, but when connected, 802 says it sync to AES ???? see

m5000 DO show thats its connected TO RAYDAT - but 802 doesnt even say no sync,lock or anything in its settings on the adat port 2 on 802  ( i have tried a other new cable too)
its like 802 cant see m5000, it worked fine before it was connected to other hardware.

I cant choose internal in 802, because its slaved to raydat

the one of m5000´s hardware options are sync in raydat as spdif (optical)

i have even tried the clik all ins and out on both raydat and 802 in the matrix, i allways do that as last resort :-)  and still no sound from  m5000 (hardware option 2)

i tried using the rca spdif from raydat, that works, but unfortunately only one hardware option at a time - i have to click in the raydat settings to shift between the 2 hardware options in m5000

i will need to read ramses and others andsers again to see if i missed something :-)

6 (edited by ramses 2023-08-26 07:17:22)

Re: sync problem rme 802

Your current cabling / setup is still unclear to me, too many words/information, too few overview for my taste.

One little drawing is easier to understand the information in your posting and the screenshots.

Make an ASCII drawing that shows the connections, how you set it up now.
Add information which device is clock master and detail the settings of each clock slave ("gets clock from digital input xyz").

> I cant choose internal in 802, because its slaved to raydat
As I said, only one device can be clock master, fully normal.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

7 (edited by kim 2023-08-26 08:31:05)

Re: sync problem rme 802

Yes, im confused too :-) m5000 says its locked to 802, but 802 i can only se its locked to AES but no lock to the adat 2...thats weird :-)

802 just wont lock to m5000. no problem in raydat though

i have raydat set as master, rest is slave

regadinng your EDIT - 1# thats what i set 802 it up for :-) but i dont have enough analog i/o for a m5000, and i hate analog patchbays :-)  so i added ADAT 2 to the m5000 module 2

2# theres not 4 modules in m5000, there is 2 modules (top and bottom) each has a analog i/o and digital i/o, i can choose analog or digital in the menu of m5000.

m5000 do have AES/EBU in a menu, but that cant be adjustable, it is set as "--"

but it works fine in raydat ADAT´s

all the settings in each hardware option 1 and 2 (we can call them modules) in m5000 are the same, and it works fine in raydat, but apprently not 802

i cant choose spdif in and out, in fireface usb settings, as i can in raydats

Re: sync problem rme 802

i was thinking...maybe its the old fireface settings thats messing things up..802 was connec to that "back in the days" :-)

it is now connected to usb, only to see its totalmix

9 (edited by ramses 2023-08-26 08:54:53)

Re: sync problem rme 802

I would still prefer to get something like the requested diagram.

Sorry, but I have no intention to spend the time to create one on my own to be able to understand your setup / postings better and to make it supportable.

Your scenario is not so "isi pisi" for me any more, that I can keep and solve all in memory, if you do not deliver, then sorry, somebody other has to look.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: sync problem rme 802

kim wrote:

The options in m5000 are 2 pieces of "ADA-1", and 2 pieces of "DSP-1"
So the m5000 are actually 2 effectmachines in one, which can operate at the same time
the ADA-1 are analog connections, and DSP-1 are digital (rca spdif, and spdif optical)
i dont see any AES on the back, but when connected, 802 says it sync to AES ???? see

m5000 DO show thats its connected TO RAYDAT - but 802 doesnt even say no sync,lock or anything in its settings on the adat port 2 on 802  ( i have tried a other new cable too)
its like 802 cant see m5000, it worked fine before it was connected to other hardware.

I cant choose internal in 802, because its slaved to raydat

the one of m5000´s hardware options are sync in raydat as spdif (optical)

i have even tried the clik all ins and out on both raydat and 802 in the matrix, i allways do that as last resort :-)  and still no sound from  m5000 (hardware option 2)

i tried using the rca spdif from raydat, that works, but unfortunately only one hardware option at a time - i have to click in the raydat settings to shift between the 2 hardware options in m5000

As far I can see, the digital (dsp) hardware option cards have an input and output pair of each XLR (which probably is for AES), chinch (SPDIF?) and optical. Now my question is: what protocol can be used on the optical connection? And to what of these protocol is it set on your units? Could it be there is some confusing with different kind of connectors and digital audio protocols?
The other thing which is not clear to me is: are you sure to have the signal routed correctly within the Fireface 802. If I understand it right, the signal should make this way:
Computer DAW out > Raydat optical (Nr?) out > 802 optical 1 in > internal Totalmix routing > 802 optical 2 out > M5000 optical 2 in
M5000 optical 2 out > 802 optical 2 in > internal TotalMix routing > 802 optical 1 out > Raydat optical (Nr?) in > DAW
If so, please check the routing on the 802 and also make sure to have matching settings for the audio transmission between all the devices. RME products normally can switch automatically to the right one given from an input. But some other products can’t (for example I have a very cheap interface (Zoom U-44) which has optical in/out only for SPDIF protocol. Sending an ADAT stream to it simply doesn’t work). How does the M5000 behave? And of course for the outputs it always must be set manually.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

11 (edited by kim 2023-08-26 10:29:54)

Re: sync problem rme 802

its pretty simpel connected:

raydat is in my pc as master - adat1 is connected to slave 802 adat1, then m5000 is connected to 802 adat2 (master/slave.. i tried it all).

slave 802 ADAT 2 connected with same cabletype to one of m5000 modules optical spdif, the other module of m5000 is connected to raydat ADAT 4 and that works fine
exactly same (meny)setup in each module of m5000

oli77sch - yes the xlr on the digital DSP-1´s i have not used, because i dont have the xlr cables for them. as i know that special cables i require i cant use ordinary audio cables, i have used optical spdif
i did try the rca spdif from raydat to m5000 that worked fine, but i can then not use both modules at the same time because i have to change over in raydats settings spdif out and spdif in, so useless

"Could it be there is some confusing with different kind of connectors and digital audio protocols?" maybe you are right

i cant see any protocol in the optical spdif m5000 except of the AES/EBU "--" and i cant change that, but in same meny i can change spdif to on or off, and it on
maybe because the "--" i dont use the digital xlr cable(?)

is it only me here that have this awesome machine connected digital with problems :-) there was no problems with analog side, all workd fine.

I tried all outputs in my daw

im soon convinced that its 802 missing settings, unlike raydats :-)

12 (edited by oli77sch 2023-08-26 12:27:11)

Re: sync problem rme 802

Now I also had a look into the M5000 manual and can tell you:
M5000 DSP module optical in/out is meant for consumer format, so SPDIF.
This for, in Fireface 802 settings you have to set the second optical output port ('ADAT 2 out') to AES/SPDIF and 'AES output' to consumer (instead of professional).
In TotalMix for 802 make sure you really have the signal routed to SPDIF hardware output.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

13 (edited by kim 2023-08-26 14:24:48)

Re: sync problem rme 802

Ok I didnt know about the consumer format :-) I followed what you wrote i hope i did it right see pics

yes i turned everything on i could, some had feedback so i turned them of :-)

still there is no sound from module 1 which is connected to 802 adat 2

see that "ADAT2" is No Lock

I know all modules work in analog i wil right now check if all modules work in digital

EDIT: yes all modules do work

EDIT: if you wonder about the "SPDIF" sync in raydat - thats is one of the modules which i told works fine

Re: sync problem rme 802

kim wrote:

still there is no sound from module 1 which is connected to 802 adat 2

Ok, that’s one thing. But the question is: does sound from Raydat and/or FF802 reach the M5000 for sure?
Oh, there is more or less every input going to every output on both your RME devices. I don’t know how much useful that is…? Don’t you work with the mixer view? Always matrix?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

15 (edited by kim 2023-08-26 14:46:47)

Re: sync problem rme 802

"does sound from Raydat and/or FF802 reach the M5000 for sure?" good question  i dont know about 802,  ADAT 2 isnt sync, only AES

but raydat reach m5000 module 2

802 reach my other hardware effects all 8 analog i/o

I use mixer free mode, and a bit matrix. i hate sub mix mode. in this case its just faster to turn everything on to see if there is a sound, if so then i begin to turn them off in matrix one by one :-)

i just did this so you could all is connected :-)

Re: sync problem rme 802

In the M5000 try another preset a basic simple reverb

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: sync problem rme 802

didnt help

i still think that its 802 missing settings, unlike raydats :-)

i have to change my setup now, or try a DMX cable


Re: sync problem rme 802

back again, i just tried a xlr AUDIOCABLE to test it, it was the same sync as with adat cable - no difference.

i dont think a dmx cable would change that, so back to change my setup again :-(


Re: sync problem rme 802

what, can raydat only take one spdif i/o ???

20 (edited by ramses 2023-08-26 21:23:11)

Re: sync problem rme 802

kim wrote:

what, can raydat only take one spdif i/o ???

Its all documented in the manual, you only need to read.


1st of all, you need to differentiate between coaxial and optical SPDIF.

The RayDAT has three ports which can handle SPDIF connections:

1. the coaxial SPDIF port (only for coaxial SPDIF connections)

2. the AES port which can be set to consumer in driver settings and with a special AES to SPDIF cable you can use it also for SPDIF connections.

3. (only) ADAT4 can be switched to SPDIF (2ch) protocol in the driver settings. Its also called "optical SPDIF" because TOSLINK cables are optical connections. Which is very nice because there you have galvanic isolation and the cables can be a little bit longer. ~10m according to specs, but usually RME has selected TOSLINKs which work up to approx 15-16m.

ADAD  = 8 channels at 44.1 - 48 kHz
S/PDIF = 2 channels at 44.1 - 192 kHz

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: sync problem rme 802

kim wrote:

what, can raydat only take one spdif i/o ???

Yes, only port 4 can be set to SPDIF. It doesn’t matter, when you use one of the other three output ports for the connections to (and from) the FF802, the ADAT protocol is used. So you use ADAT 1 i/o on the FF802 for this. FF802 'ADAT 2' can be set to SPDIF. So the connection from there to M5000 and back is optical SPDIF.
Make sure to have sound on FF802 SPDIF hardware output. Your settings are already right! Also double check settings and routing on M5000 to be sure the sound from FF802 comes in, is being processed and goes back over optical SPDIF to the FF802.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: sync problem rme 802

Still waiting for a drawing giving a good overview about your setup.
Your thread is becoming quite lengthy (expected).
Therefore I requested this.
You can not expect that others do all the work for you.
If you do not deliver slowly, then sorry, I am simply out of this thread.
I am customer like you and its your environment / problem, so you should know what work is on your side...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13


Re: sync problem rme 802

Here is also empty layout, i didnt add my analog gear but they are connected to 802 analogs

the behringer is for analog h9000

connect 2 is the new latest setup, only one spdif is working on m5000 (thats what i was fighting with) raydat and 802 and behringer is sync

connect 3 was my first setup, which only one spdif was avaible on the m5000 and not the 2 spdif (thats what i was fighting with)

connect 4, raydat and 802 and behringer is sync, so 802 isnt broken. only one spdif was avaible on the m5000 and not the 2 spdif (thats what i also is fighting with)

Yes i have been reading about spdif in the manual which needs to be read several times ;-)

i still dont know how many raydat have as SEPARATE spdif has, AT ONCE, i tried both with the coaxial and optical spdif and had to shift between them in the settings therefore useless as i wrote, but maybe i did something wrong :-)

24 (edited by ramses 2023-08-27 08:30:17)

Re: sync problem rme 802

Thanks kim, but if you make a drawing like this then a few things are still unclear / not visible:

1. there are no device names, the back of a device doesn't tell me what device this is

2. You should mark the device which is the clock master

3. in the cabling, the names of the ports are missing. It is better to name them like e.g. ADAT1 OUT or ADAT1 IN"
This provides the benefit if you check your clock slaves setting, that you directly can see from the drawing what's the exact name of the digital input port so that the device becomes a proper clock slave.

4. if ports can be configured for different protocols it would esp. in your case be very beneficial to write to such a connection, which protocol has been / or should be configured. To put two examples from memory:
a) RayDAT ADAT4 which protocol is in use: whether ADAT protocol (8ch) or SPDIF protocol (2ch) which was definitively needed in one case
b) RayDAT AES port: whether professional or consumer (SPDIF) has been configured in the driver settings. I think in one case you might have needed such a connection with a "XLR to Cinch" cable (the usual pinout for such a cable as outlined in the RME manual).

In such an (already quite complex setup) you should provide such an overview not only us.
Mainly for yourself how the setup should be.
Then such a drawing showing all relevant information can act for different things:
- design phase
- deployment phase and
- troubleshooting, if a connection does not work as expected.
During troubleshooting it may be the case that you find out that the design needs to be changed in certain aspects.
Then you update the drawing and have it much easier, in case of re-cabling to check each of the connections
and to configure the proper clock and protocol settings (if needed like told above).

Without such a clear plan you everybody is lost. I made already many of such drawings, but do not have the time anymore and in this case I had no fun to go through all the infromation again and again to provide this, therefore I asked you to provide, but maybe it was not clear enough what information is needed in such a diagram.

Therefore I want to provide you a few examples from threafs in the past, maybe you can refine beased on that information.
Many thanks for your efforts and patience.
With such a diagram it should be much easier for everybody involved to give you a good support, because the skill is here in this forum. But please be so gentle to accept, that also us customers have our private life and something like this is simply time sucking .. … 91#p181491 … 39#p189939 … 73#p190273 … 23#p191423

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: sync problem rme 802

kim wrote:

i still dont know how many raydat have as SEPARATE spdif has, AT ONCE, i tried both with the coaxial and optical spdif and had to shift between them in the settings therefore useless as i wrote, but maybe i did something wrong :-)

You didn’t do something wrong. It’s clearly written down in the manual for the Raydat:
You can have at once (at 44.1kHz or 48kHz)
- AES = 2 in, 2 out (or so to say 1 stereo in, 1 stereo out)
- SPDIF coaxial = 2 in, 2 out
- ADAT optical = 4x 8 in, 4x 8 out = 32 in, 32 out
So in total these are 36 channels per direction.

If 'ADAT 4' output is set to SPDIF, you loose the eight ADAT channels there. This optical output port doubles now the signal from the coax SPDIF out. You cannot have two separate stereo SPDIF outputs.
Important to know for this setup:
in TotalMix, you can’t see any difference. You have to know the signals on hardware output SPDIF are now going to coax as well as to 'ADAT 4'. The signals on the last eight ADAT output channels are going nowhere (though you could still use this channels for the loopback function if desired, the audio signals are still available in TotalMix).

What I already tried to explain above is: with the help of the Fireface 802, you can 'convert' ADAT or AES signals to SPDIF.
Raydat ADAT (1, 2 or 3) out to 802 ADAT 1 in > internal signal routing on 802 TotalMix > SPDIF (coax or optical) out to M5000.
To have two independent optical SPDIF stereo connections from the Raydat to the M5000, one would be directly wired from 'ADAT 4' (set to SPDIF), the other would have the 802 in between as signal converter.
Of course you still also have the option to use a direct AES connection from Raydat to M5000. I think for short cable runs you could use any 'normal' XLR cable. And for the SPDIF you could use the coaxial connection. …

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

26 (edited by ramses 2023-08-27 13:07:35)

Re: sync problem rme 802

While going through the devices and connections ...

If you could change the layout of your setup this way, you would not have the SPDIF problems (bridged) that Oli mentioned.
I may be wrong, but it looks to me like you lost track of the whole setup, because there was no overview and if you know the connection between the devices better, then you can make better suggestions, which may already be the better solution.

So please check, whether this could become your target setup with a few optimizations from my side as outlined below in the text.

                                                                                - 1x AES IN||OUT Maybe for DAW to be used as external FX
                                                                                     Clock Slave through AES IN (CM: RayDAT)
                                                                                - 8x Anal. IN/OUT Don't know what the purpose of 8 Anal. Ports might be
                                                                                 Eventide H9000
                                                                                 || || |||||||| (1x AES I/O, 8x Analog I/O)
PC+--USB3/2-----[only for operation]-------------------RME Fireface 802
PC+--PCIe--RayDAT---ADAT1 OUT---[ADAT, 8ch]--->ADAT1 IN----/
                    (clock-     ADAT1 IN<---[ADAT, 8ch]---ADAT1 OUT---/
                    master)  ADAT2 OUT---[ADAT, 8ch]-->ADAT2 IN----/
                                   ADAT2 IN<---[ADAT, 8ch]---ADAT2 OUT--/
                                  ADAT3 OUT----[ADAT, 8ch]--->ADAT IN-----------ADA 8200 (Preamp and AD/DA converter)
                                  ADAT3 IN------[ADAT, 8ch]---ADAT OUT-----------/                                      | | | |       | | | |  2x2 Analog IN/OUT
                                  ADAT4 OUT----[SPDIF, 2ch]---optic. SPDIF-------TC M5000 [DSP1#1]    [ADA2#1]  | | | |
                                  ADAT4 IN -----[SPDIF, 2ch]---optic. SPDIF--------TC M5000 [DSP1#1]   [ADA2#1]  | | | |
                                  AES OUT-------[AES, profess?, 2ch]---->AES IN---TC M5000 [DSP1#2]               [ADA2#2]
                                  AES IN<-------[AES, profess?, 2ch]----AES OUT---TC M5000 [DSP1#2]               [ADA2#2]

802 only connected to USB to be operational (TM FX)

RayDAT is clock master, clock slaves get the clock signal through their digital inputs
- H9000 from 802 AES IN (who is slaved to RayDAT)
- 802 from RayDAT through ADAT1 IN
- ADA8200 from RayDAT through ADAT3 IN
- M5000 DSP#1 and DSP#2 from AES IN and optical SPDIF (ADAT4) IN

I would try to connect as much as possible to the 802 to utilize more of RME's excellent analog I/O (high quality, transparent)
Therefore use two of the ADAT ports between RayDAT and 802 to have in total 16 channels for connections.

On the RayDAT I decided to use a combination of AES and optical SPDIF port (ADAT4) so that you do not get the limitaiton mentioned by oli77sch that coax spdif and optical spdif ports become bridged.

I am not sure what the purpose is to use analog and digital ports of the H9000, I simply assume its the way it works.
In the DAW I would define at least three external FX
- H9000 via 802
- M5000 module #1 and #2
The DAW will send a "ping" through the device and find the latency for correct compensation. Keep in mind to disable any delay effect as this will lead to an incorrect measure, perform measuring with activated "bypass" (100% dry). The delay introduced by two digital channels (ADAT, AES) will be minimal and can be ignored (only a few samples).

The ADA8200 you can use as Preamp and AD/DA converter.
I decided to connect the analog ports of the TC M5000 to the Behringer, this leaved you 4 ports to be used as Mic Pre.

EDIT: AES connection between RayDAT and TC M5000 DSP1 module #2 assumed to have professional format (to be validated).

You/we can use this ASCII drawing now to get a better understanding how the devices will be connected.
Who is clock master, who is clock slave.
Whether the AES ports are running in professional or consumer protocol (SPDIF).
Whether the ADAT ports are running in ADAT protocol (8ch) or whether optical SPDIF is in use (only ADAT4 of RayDAT).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

27 (edited by kim 2023-08-27 17:06:41)

Re: sync problem rme 802

back for a short time - Thank you very much for your ongoing help guys i AM reading them and trying to learn :-)

To make it more complex - i just connected a short XLR AUDIOcable EDIT: not a true AESCABLE, through 802 to M5000, and did a test in 802´s WDM AES - I could send the testtone to M5000 in each channel and see the input, but I couldnt hear it - so M5000 AES works

Nothing comes out of 802 to ph11..EDIT: Even though i can see in Totalmix it is send via AES...weird huh?? :-)

So Windows 10 can send a testsignal from WDM´s AES 802 to M5000 with success

I will read your comments, and thank you very much
i be back :-)

28 (edited by ramses 2023-08-27 13:04:51)

Re: sync problem rme 802

kim wrote:

back for a short time - Thank you very much for your ongoing help guys i AM reading them and trying to learn :-)

To make it more complex - i just connected a short XLR AUDIOcable through 802 to M5000, and did a test in 802´s WDM AES - I could send the testtone to M5000 in each channel and see the input, but I couldnt hear it - so M5000 AES works

Nothing comes out of 802 AES...weird huh?? :-)

I will read your comments, and thank you very much
i be back :-)

Please comment on my cabling proposal. If you like it, cable this way and perform the required routing through RayDAT / ADAT / 802 and required protocol settings in the driver settings dialog.

Either do so or please document your current setup in exactly the same way like I did (ASCII drawing containing all relevant information for cabling, ports and clock synch).

We need to get an easy / common understanding about your cabling / setup based on such a drawing.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

29 (edited by kim 2023-08-27 17:00:04)

Re: sync problem rme 802

thank you for showing a layout (i have always used pic so this is new to me) :-)

i like your setup suggestion, ecept the 1x AES IN||OUT Maybe for DAW to be used as external FX, Clock Slave through AES IN (CM: RayDAT)
and eccepts 802 only connected to usb

my PC is 12 meter away from me, the effect rack + 802 is right under my table here

Reason i connected it all to raydat via optical was partly to lower latency, and go away for analog patchbay - i want to do as much "live" downmixing as possible. im tired of recording effects to tracks - they will be done live 99%, come from my analog gear and h9000

So i am after as many i/o as possible in my setup and low latency :-)

ferrofish pulse 16 with raydat would solve it all, but current i dont have the money, and i dont know ferrofish
quality, and how long they update the drivers, as RME do. i know RME is quality. :-) had 802 since first version.
i could then skip ADA 8200.

Very important that 802 has ADAT connected to RAYDAT because of the 8 analog hardware effects.

Very important that H9000 have the 8 analog I/O connected to alternatively ADA 8200 (its already connected) (ADAT<->RAYDAT)
Very important that H9000 have the 8 ADAT connected to RAYDAT

suggestions above connected them to 802 instead of raydat, will make effects slower how much i dont know

Your suggestion with RAYDAT AES to TC M5000 [DSP1#2] will then be 12 meter long cable...thats why i tried 802 AES (which didnt work)

RAYDAT ADAT4 OUT----[SPDIF, 2ch]---optic. SPDIF-------TC M5000 [DSP1#1]    [ADA2#1] is working


Re: sync problem rme 802


kim wrote:

What I already tried to explain above is: with the help of the Fireface 802, you can 'convert' ADAT or AES signals to SPDIF.
Raydat ADAT (1, 2 or 3) out to 802 ADAT 1 in > internal signal routing on 802 TotalMix > SPDIF (coax or optical) out to M5000.
To have two independent optical SPDIF stereo connections from the Raydat to the M5000, one would be directly wired from 'ADAT 4' (set to SPDIF), the other would have the 802 in between as signal converter.
Of course you still also have the option to use a direct AES connection from Raydat to M5000. I think for short cable runs you could use any 'normal' XLR cable. And for the SPDIF you could use the coaxial connection. …

I tried this, there is no sound in module 2. only sound from module 1 which is from raydat´s spdif adat 4 or spdif coax

it was the one where i wrote its like 802 are missing some settings, unlike raydat

Re: sync problem rme 802

And how does it behave when you switch over and go into module 1 from 802?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2


Re: sync problem rme 802

yes i got sound from 802 AES! i does sound weird maybe because of wrong cable...what did i do, i be back

33 (edited by ramses 2023-08-27 19:53:21)

Re: sync problem rme 802

kim wrote:

thank you for showing a layout (i have always used pic so this is new to me) :-)

No problem and I am glad that you like it. We did it this way in the old days before Internet became commercial and WWW was invented and graphic terminals were available. Microsoft startet with Xenix, Windows was not yet there.

kim wrote:

I like your setup suggestion, except the 1x AES IN||OUT Maybe for DAW to be used as external FX, Clock Slave through AES IN (CM: RayDAT) and eccepts 802 only connected to usb
my PC is 12 meter away from me, the effect rack + 802 is right under my table here

I see no problem in it. AES is galvanic isolated and compareable to balanced connections.
Cables (should) have 110 Ohm and can be up to 100 m.

kim wrote:

Reason i connected it all to raydat via optical was partly to lower latency, and go away for analog patchbay - i want to do as much "live" downmixing as possible. im tired of recording effects to tracks - they will be done live 99%, come from my analog gear and h9000

You can use an external effect in your DAW like a send or an insert as you like.
I do it the same with two Lexicon (PCM 81 and 91).
By different TM FX snapshots I can either use both for my guitar amp or for the DAW or a mix, PCM81 for guitar and the PCM91 for the DAW.
Maybe you are not aware of how easy this can be setup or your DAW doesn't support it, sry, I don't know.
With Cubase this is no problem and it sends a ping properly through the device to calculate the proper latency for the device like for a VST or VSTi.

Both of your devices (TC and Eventide) could so very easily become nice connected external FX to be used as insert or send with a low latency.

kim wrote:

So i am after as many i/o as possible in my setup and low latency :-)

Don't we all do it this way?
[Nah, I forgot about the people who want to route everything through the DAW .... and prefer DAW mode]

kim wrote:

ferrofish pulse 16 with raydat would solve it all, but current i dont have the money, and i dont know ferrofish
quality, and how long they update the drivers, as RME do. i know RME is quality. :-) had 802 since first version.
i could then skip ADA 8200.

No problem, I think you can make good use of your equipment in this proposed setup.

kim wrote:

Very important that 802 has ADAT connected to RAYDAT because of the 8 analog hardware effects.

Well it is connected through ADAT1 and ADAT2 to have 16 channels for
- 4x Mic/Inst
- 8x Analog from Eventide
- 1x AES (2ch) from Eventide
= 13 out of 16 and 3 spares.

kim wrote:

Very important that H9000 have the 8 analog I/O connected to alternatively ADA 8200 (its already connected) (ADAT<->RAYDAT)
Very important that H9000 have the 8 ADAT connected to RAYDAT

Is it a problem for you to get the Eventide connected through 802 and then through ADAT? Why?
The 802 has excellent/transparent A/D converter.

kim wrote:

suggestions above connected them to 802 instead of raydat, will make effects slower how much i dont know

I do not think so, because the Eventide is quite old and will surely have slower A/D converters compared to the 802.
According to Eventide manual 1ms !!! … ation.html

The 802 only has 12 samples converter latency for A/D at 44.1/48 kHz. This is much lower (0,28/0,26ms at 44.1/48 kHz).
See manual ch 37.2 (Latency and Monitoring), p 99:

And for the transfer over ADAT maybe count with 3 samples additionally. Really, you can ignore that compared
to the much higher latency of the Eventide.
Via 802 and RayDAT you are doing much better.

kim wrote:

Your suggestion with RAYDAT AES to TC M5000 [DSP1#2] will then be 12 meter long cable...thats why i tried 802 AES (which didn't work)

I am pretty sure you might have done something wrong.
The Manual tells about two parameters that need to be set properly.

SOFT DIAL A: DO-TYPE* S/PDIF, Determines the digital out type, regardless AES/EBU of the input source used.
SOFT DIAL B: DO-CPY* on, off Copy protection on/off. The M5000 can remove the copy prohibit bit that is present in the S/PDIF format (DO-CPY=on). This means that you can edit your DAT recordings in the S/PDIF format more than once. If DO-copy is off the M5000 adds the copy prohibit bit to the digital output.

Maybe you didn't select AES protocol at the M5000 side and then you should have experimented to set the copy protection bit to on or off.
While also checking the settings on the RayDAT whether professional format was selected. Here copy is permitted, "no copy" will be ignored.

kim wrote:

RAYDAT ADAT4 OUT----[SPDIF, 2ch]---optic. SPDIF-------TC M5000 [DSP1#1]    [ADA2#1] is working

Maybe a MADI based solution would be easier for you to handle, from operational perspective.
Like e.g. UFX III and an RME converter, either M-1610 Pro or what might come next (there were some rumours ..).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13


Re: sync problem rme 802

back, i atually dont know what I did since it suddenly worked, but i remember i did a full reset on both totalmix

I did mess with all that DO-TYPE* AES/EBU etc., with no luck, i wrote that earlier, ´with the "--"

I orderd 1 meter, and 12 meter AES cables which arrive this week, they wasnt expensive

latency ok, but 802 is older than h9000. h9000 is a lot more than just a converter ;-) but i listen and will think it over regarding connect to 802.
there is a madicard in my h9000

im very happy that i now can skip the analog patchbay and do it all OSD

yes i know how ridiculous it is to talk about latency :-)

"A millisecond (ms) is one one-thousandth of a second. To put this in context, the speed of a human eye blink is 100 to 400 milliseconds, or between a 10th and half of a second"

35 (edited by ramses 2023-08-28 23:16:28)

Re: sync problem rme 802

kim wrote:

latency ok, but 802 is older than h9000. h9000 is a lot more than just a converter ;-) but i listen and will think it over regarding connect to 802.
there is a madicard in my h9000

I only referred to the converter, they seem to be older because they have higher latency in the h9000, did you check the information in the manual links that I provided to you?

kim wrote:

yes i know how ridiculous it is to talk about latency :-)
"A millisecond (ms) is one one-thousandth of a second. To put this in context, the speed of a human eye blink is 100 to 400 milliseconds, or between a 10th and half of a second"

Not entirely (ridiculous), starting with ~15ms you feel latency when having guitar plugged to Instr port and if you play through a virtual amp. Therefore it is best to stay under 10ms (ASIO buffersize of 128 samples at single speed).

But if you do not play a virtual instrument but only use the external FX .. then there is a latency compensation performed by the DAW. If you do not play through a virtual Instr. then it doesn't matter much, as usually you do not need monitoring happen in near-realtime, when listening to something (mixing, mastering, listening to music).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13