Topic: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

Hi all, I’ve decided to move from my SSL 2 to an RME device. I impulsively ordered the UCX II and ARC remote controller last night, but the more I think about it, I may have been fine with the Babyface Pro FS. I’d love to hear any thoughts on which would fit the following situation better!

I will be using this as my interface for a personal gaming/music desktop and a work sound design desktop, both Windows. I monitor using a pair of Focal Twin 6Be’s in my living room in a semi-treated end of the room with occasional use of Beyerdynamo DT770 Pro 80 ohms for sound design, mixing, and zoom meetings.

I do game sound design for work and want to start making electronic music on the side (would be smaller sessions).

I only really need 1-2 mic inputs and stereo output, for recording foley/voice, occasional jam with my friend who records vocals, and to have a mic always setup for zoom/discord.

After the price increase, the UCX II and remote ends up being about twice the price of a Babyface, but I do prefer the form factor of the UCX II a little more.

Would it be smarter to return the UCX II and stick with a Babyface? I don’t intend on needing more than my current inputs/outputs.


Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

All I can say is I really like my Babyface and it's formfactor. The choice is yours.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

Leaning towards the Babyface Pro FS, may have found a local one for around $700 new! If I do that, I’ll see how using it without the Arc remote is, since I’ll mostly be using TotalMix for simple headphone routing.

4 (edited by pschuegr 2023-08-30 00:53:12)

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

UCX II vs Babyface (I have both atm):

+ more track count
+ onboard compression in the DSP
+ can standalone

+ more portable
- needs to be plugged into the computer

Those are the big differences for me.  If you're recording vocals and you don't have offboard compressor, it's pretty nice, and being able to unplug my computer and still have signal coming through the UCX II is pretty nice.  FWIW.

5 (edited by ramses 2023-08-30 01:02:10)

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

Lots more features with the UCX II ...
In easy words .. BBF Pro FS delivers you everything which is possible from energy consumption for a bus powered device which has a focus on mobility.

UCX II is the more capable product with way more features and types of ports.

Don't buy too small.

Another point, look how the cables are being connected to BBF Pro ... With the UCX II its better possible to hide the cables.

To compare features, see my Excel.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

Just a small note, Babyface may be used standalone.

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

pschuegr wrote:

UCX II vs Babyface (I have both atm):

+ more portable
- needs to be plugged into the computer

The Babyface does NOT need to be connected to a computer.
It has a power in connector and can work standalone.
The UCX II does have more functionality in standalone mode, though.

8 (edited by ramses 2023-08-30 11:23:28)

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

Dragos wrote:
pschuegr wrote:

UCX II vs Babyface (I have both atm):

+ more portable
- needs to be plugged into the computer

The Babyface does NOT need to be connected to a computer.
It has a power in connector and can work standalone.
The UCX II does have more functionality in standalone mode, though.

UCX II offers way more functionality in whatever mode and whatever aspect (port types, features).

Only to mention a few things that you might consider / which are very useful:
- Display for better operational feedback and standalone operation
- Mic preamps with 75 dB Gain like the flagship products
- Full implementation of FX chipset without any load/latency of calculation in the driver
- Support for Word clock which you need in some scenarios
- Very useful / advanced features like DURec (Direct USB recording) and Autoset
- USB port that can be used for either connecting ARC USB or USB memory stick
- AES port which can greatly be used to connect reference converter to have still one ADAT port free for other expansions.
- More analogue ports to make it possible to connect analogue devices like FX or whatever

As a side note, it's great that DURec and the nice display came into this product, which was previously a unique feature of the flagship products…

BBF Pro is out of question, a nice compact product if you require mobility, bus powered device with the option to connect a PSU which is great. But you should be certain that it fits perfect for you, or whether you want the more complete feature set of an UCX II.

As I mentioned already, I wouldn't buy too small if price is no real hindering point. Eventually, you have more fun with a richer feature set, and you save money if you do not have to sell and buy something different when it turns out later, that you need this and that additionally.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

9 (edited by halloweenman 2023-08-30 11:43:39)

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

If funds allow then my choice would be UCX II for the reasons stated above, in particular full implementation of TotalMix FX - you get Compressor, Expander, Auto Level extra which are useful tools to have. Could always drop the ARC remote and see how you get on without it.

Babyface has advantage for mobile use/portability being bus powered. Saying that you can get an external battery pack to power the UCX II if the need arises.

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

ramses wrote:

UCX II offers way more functionality in whatever mode and whatever aspect (port types, features).

And the Babyface Pro offers a better headphone amp, 2 headphone outs, no need for an available power outlet (if connected to your computer) and a better / more direct interface for the basic and most common used features.
If I'm not mistaken, there's even a difference in conversion quality, in favour of the babyface Pro.

UCX II is great, but if you only need a monitoring solution with few inputs, the Babyface seems a much better package.

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

The only question is, why to pay 70-100% percent more for features one does not expect to need....

But you are right that having FX section in audio interface is very handy. It is a pity Babyface does not have it.

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

Dragos wrote:

And the Babyface Pro offers a better headphone amp, 2 headphone outs, no need for an available power outlet (if connected to your computer) and a better / more direct interface for the basic and most common used features.
If I'm not mistaken, there's even a difference in conversion quality, in favour of the babyface Pro.

No doubts, the Babyface pro (FS) is a high quality product and for some applications just right (I have one since seven years). Why do you think it has better headphone amp and better conversion quality than the UCX II? And yes, it has two headphone outputs, but they share the same channels. These are not separate outputs as on UFX models.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

13 (edited by Dragos 2023-08-30 14:10:29)

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

oli77sch wrote:

Why do you think it has better headphone amp and better conversion quality than the UCX II? And yes, it has two headphone outputs, but they share the same channels. These are not separate outputs as on UFX models.

The RME marketing insists quite a bit on the headphone amp in the BBF Pro:

ADI-2 Series Headphone Power
The two headphone outputs, offering TRS and mini-jack sockets in parallel, have completely separate driver stages to perfectly match low and high impedance headphones, guaranteeing pristine sonic results no matter what type of headphone is used.

The 3.5 mm TRS phones output power rises to 90 mW. THD of both phones outputs improved by up to 10 dB. and uses same output op-amps as ADI-2 Pro now. Finally the output impedance of 3.5 mm TRS was lowered from 2 Ohms to 0.1 Ohms.

And while they serve the same output channels, the two outputs, as described above, are a nice solution for connecting a pair of headphones and IEMs at the same time...

I have a similar decision to make as the OP, I want a high quality interface for my work desktop where I do video editing, graphics and some audio mixing and sound design.
I need good monitoring in video editing software and in Nuendo, a mic input for temp voiceover recording (and Zoom) and a nice headphone out. I might, rarely, also want to connect a hardware synth.
I also want a very direct interface for basic tasks like setting volume and muting stuff, as close as possible to a hardware mixer.

Why in the world would I want anything else than the BBF Pro for all this stuff?

I have 0 need for Durec, AES, multiple outputs and a deep UX with access to lots of features, for the required application. FX might be nice in very very rare situations, but totally not required.

(Now, home, where I have 3 synths and a DJ interface, that's another thing. UCX II is the one I'm looking at, but even there a BBF Pro + an ADAT expander would give me more analog channels for less money than an UCX II).

14 (edited by ramses 2023-08-30 15:04:01)

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

> Why in the world would I want anything else than the BBF Pro for all this stuff?

If you know what you need, then all is well.

I usually just write a bit more on the same topics because I have often seen situations where people only plan for the current need or don't even know exactly how many details RME recording interfaces differ in. If you do not know them or the purpose of them, well then you can't draw a good decision.

Take me as an example. Although as a guitarist, I might have a rather modest need. But I have been able to fully exploit the features of the RME flagship interfaces for my needs, and I would not dream of doing without even one of the features. I am glad that the platform supports any of my demands. It's good if your environment does not limit you in any way.

But there have always been people who are extremely diverse in their plans and strategies, who want or have to approach everything possible minimalist. Another approach is to work with reserves and save in the medium to long term.

You can expand a BBF Pro, but as soon as you go beyond single speed, you also lose ports through port multiplexing.
It is always better to have a few free analogue ports directly on the device so that sample rate changes don't change the port count.

Furthermore, with one ADAT port, you won't get far either, you'll have to go for either a quite cheap ADA8200; otherwise most devices are either only preamp or AD/DA converter but mostly not both. It's just a question of your demands, whether you prefer the quality of RME for analogue ports or think a Behringer ADA8200 would be sufficient.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

> The Babyface does NOT need to be connected to a computer.

Right, I'd totally forgotten about the power connector cos I hadn't used it for so long! Sorry!

Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

get both. I did smile

seriously though, both fantastic interfaces and you should get the one that fits your needs. neither will disappoint however, DuREC is an awesome feature on the UCXII. RME did a great job designing and marketing these units so that you would probably WANT both.

I really like using the ARC with the BBF Pro Fs because I'm right handed and I don't want all the cabling routed to that side of my desk. I primarily use the BBF at home and the UCXII for field work.

Just thought I'd weigh in smile Good luck whichever way you go!


Re: Rethinking UCX II purchase, advice wanted!

Dragos wrote:
oli77sch wrote:

Why do you think it has better headphone amp and better conversion quality than the UCX II? And yes, it has two headphone outputs, but they share the same channels. These are not separate outputs as on UFX models.

The RME marketing insists quite a bit on the headphone amp in the BBF Pro:

The UCX II has a more powerful headphone amp that's better able to drive high-quality, high-impedance headphones.  The Babyface is somewhat constrained by the fact that it has to do everything on USB bus power.  Even if you plug in a power adapter, it's still operating within the same power budget.