Topic: USB transfer errors with Babyface Pro on laptops with Nvidia graphics
I ran into this issue about a year ago with a Lenovo laptop (thread here: and am now having the same issue with a new Dell laptop. Both have Nvidia graphics and it appears that card is the issue because the Lenovo laptop worked with Nvidia graphics disabled.
I know the Babyface works because I can use it on my desktop computer with Nvidia graphics with no issues. And I know the laptop works with other audio interfaces. But the USB transfer error counter in the RME control dialog shows errors and they produce audible pops/stutters that do not occur with other USB audio interfaces. The laptop also works fine with the onboard audio.
Since this has now happened on two different laptops, it seems it's an incompatibility between the Babyface and the Nvidia card. I have only tried it in Cubase, so the issue might not occur in other DAWs. Regardless, the combination of Babyface+Nvidia+Cubase does not work for me on two different laptops.
Has anyone found a way to make that setup work?
I can, of course, just disable the Nvidia graphics but that's a pain. I'll just get rid of the Babyface if that's the only option.
EDIT: note that I can get rid of the errors by changing the PCIE link state power management option as described in that other thread but that only works for the Intel graphics. I can't get it to work at all with Nvidia graphics.