Topic: Audio drops Fireface UFX III + 12mic-D over MADI opt

I have some audio drops during recording. About a second of absolute silence in all the recorded tracks. After the drop it continues recording normally.
In a 4 hours recording session it only happened twice, but non acceptable…
My setup is:
- Fireface UFX III (driver 4.08 (2), firmware USB 20 DSP 7 CC 44, connected to computer over USB 3 (C).
- 12mic-D (firmware 1.1.0) connected to UFX III over MADI optical (SFP module + 50m extension ALVA cable)
- MacBook Pro 2021, M1 Pro, macOS Monterey 12.6.3
- Pro Tools Studio 2023.6.0
- Recording 10 channels at 96kHz/24bits, UFX III master clock and 12mic-D slaved over MADI opt and 96k frame.
Any idea where is the problem? Or any test I could do to find it?
Thank you!

Re: Audio drops Fireface UFX III + 12mic-D over MADI opt

You could try a loopback test with the UFXIII only. Feed a test signal in the UFXIII, route to the MADI out channels. Cable from MADI out to MADI in, and start a recording. That way you test the UFXII only.
BTW, you have the Durec possibiltiy for a backup recording. That would be helpfull as well to find the fault.

Audio AG Support

Re: Audio drops Fireface UFX III + 12mic-D over MADI opt

As soon as it happened I started a Durec recording but drops never appear again in that session...
I will try that loopback test, as soon as I get single MADI cables (just have duplex format).

Re: Audio drops Fireface UFX III + 12mic-D over MADI opt

You may open the housing of the duplex connector with a small screwdriver or even with your fingernails and easely get separate plugs.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue