Topic: Fireface UC DIED

Hi guys,
I have a Fireface UC for nearly 5 years, working on my Imac i5 (Mojave), current firmware version was 125. I performed the flash update to 126 and when I turned off the sound card and turned it on again, the only lights that went on and steady were the YELLOW LED for 48V and the GREEN LED for CH, nothing more. After that, I´ve tryed to re-install the driers and then updating the fimware again but the Fireface Flash Update USB TOOL doesn't even run. I´ve checked and the device doesn't show up anymore on the USB list on my computer. Turned on and off again the FF UC and then the only light that got on was the YELLOE LED FOR 48V :s
I´ve also checked the power supply cable and it´s fine, the usb cable works well and still the only light that is on is the yellow one from the 48v.
Any miracles around?

here is a picture of how it´s now: … lgenerator


2 (edited by waedi 2023-10-07 06:58:17)

Re: Fireface UC DIED

Try :
Disconect USB and push and hold the rotary knob for a few seconds.
It should switch from CC-mode to normal-mode.
Take away from power and reconnect everything.
Fingers crossed.

Did you download that FUT long ago or just recently ?
Is the FUT version 2.71 ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Fireface UC DIED

waedi wrote:

It should switch from CC-mode to normal-mode.

Vorsicht: there is no CC mode on the UC! But there are separate working modes for Mac and Windows. Maybe it switched over for some reason?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Fireface UC DIED

FF UC should have Safety BIOS.... Page 11 of printed User Manual (English), last paragraph.

To activate Safety Bios one should push rotary encoder while switching unit on. Maybe it helps and you will be able to reflash FF UC.

I have never tried personaly, but I guess it should work. Generally, it is very good idea to incorporate such feature and make it easily accesible to user. (It could have been done in a such way, that one would have to send it to RME and pay for "repair". Yet another example of how well RME treats its customers.)


Re: Fireface UC DIED

126 was replaced with 127 in March 2023.

Matthias Carstens