1 (edited by riffwraith 2023-10-08 00:41:21)

Topic: Extra noise when opening Cubase

Hi all

I have an RME HDSPE AIO PCIE card, and use the XLR breakout cable to send audio to a few pieces of gear, and then back in. When I turn the level on my monitor controller all the way up, there is to-be-expected noise floor. When I launch Cubase (empty shell; no plugs), the noise increases. That doesn't make any sense to me; the noise changes when I change the buffer size in the RME's control panel.

Thoughts? I dont know if this is more a Cubase thing, but I figured I'd try here first. I do not have any other sequncer to test, outside of Audacity, which does not do this.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Extra noise when opening Cubase

The VST-system of Cubase occupy its audio channels when program starts. Reduce the enabled audio channels in Cubase VST-system to a minimum and see if it reduces the noise.
There is a lot of channel activity without playing music.
And the audio buffer of the software is active buffering noisefloor.
Audacity probably activates only one stereo-channel and the noise-floor is much lower.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Extra noise when opening Cubase

As stated, this happens with the Cubase empty shell. No VSTs, no plugs, no MIDI channels, no audio channels, no project open.

4 (edited by waedi 2023-10-08 03:34:30)

Re: Extra noise when opening Cubase

Yes but how is the VST-system ? How many audio channels are enabled ?
Menu : Studio - audio connections

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Extra noise when opening Cubase

Oh, I see what you are saying. Two. Two in, and two out.

Re: Extra noise when opening Cubase

Oh, only two ? That should not be that noisy.
But you can test, disconnect all channels...

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Extra noise when opening Cubase

Thanks for the help. That didnt do it. Maybe this is a Cubase thing more than a card thing?