1 (edited by Blindsmyth 2023-10-10 20:33:35)

Topic: Controlling Submix 9/10, 11/12, 13/14 etc.

I'm controlling my UCX MK2 with an emulation of a mackie control surface. This works fine so fare for doing submixes to the analog outs. However I can't seem to find a why of controlling the submixes for the digital outs.

The manual states that I can shift the input row to the right with
BANK RIGHT or ARROW RIGHT move eight channels right

I can select the first 8 outputs like this:
REC Ch. 1 – 8 select output bus (Submix

But how would I select the next 8? Is there something like a bank change for the outputs/submixes?

Re: Controlling Submix 9/10, 11/12, 13/14 etc.

CHANNEL LEFT or REWIND                  move one channel left
CHANNEL RIGHT or FAST FORWARD     move one channel right
BANK LEFT or ARROW LEFT                 move eight channels left
BANK RIGHT or ARROW RIGHT            move eight channels right
ARROW UP or Assignable1/PAGE+       move one row up
ARROW DOWN or Assignable2/PAGE-   move one row down

You shoud have navigation Arrow buttons in your control surface...?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue