Topic: AES Input on UFX II from Axe FX 3 not working

I occasionally use my Axe FX 3 for re-amping to my UFX II. This used to work but not today. The clock is synced fine with RME as Master and Axe FX using AES. The Axe FX is receiving AES input and will play to the speaker connected directly to the Axe FX but will not output to RME thru AES. Cable tests fine and I tried a couple of short mic cables (don't have an extra AES cable). I even tried my Axe FX 2 XL+ but it didn't work either.
In Totalmix I loaded my saved workspace so it's settings should be correct.
Any suggestions? What did I miss?
I've attached my Axe FX & RME settings.

Re: AES Input on UFX II from Axe FX 3 not working

In Fireface Settings, Optical 2 In should be ADAT 2. It's currently set for AES/SPDIF (optical SPDIF input).

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: AES Input on UFX II from Axe FX 3 not working

Jeff wrote:

In Fireface Settings, Optical 2 In should be ADAT 2. It's currently set for AES/SPDIF (optical SPDIF input).

Changing Optical 2 In produces a lot of noise.

4 (edited by waedi 2023-10-10 20:31:58)

Re: AES Input on UFX II from Axe FX 3 not working

Axe settings USB mapping , why is channels 1/2 there ?
Not sure about this units internal routing, but I would take everything out of USB mapping as you don't use it.
Out1 is select for AES output, why is it available in the USB mapping ? Makes no sense. Better no mapping there at all.
In the Fireface settings, TMS is not needed for reamping, right ? Then it should not be activated.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: AES Input on UFX II from Axe FX 3 not working

You can see in the Input Staus at the bottom (your screenshot Settings dialog) that there is no AES input signal. Does it show input signal when set as Jeff said? Then the next step is to find the reason for the noise.

Matthias Carstens

Re: AES Input on UFX II from Axe FX 3 not working

MC wrote:

You can see in the Input Staus at the bottom (your screenshot Settings dialog) that there is no AES input signal. Does it show input signal when set as Jeff said? Then the next step is to find the reason for the noise.

Yes. That's what I did last night. Had to mute the AES inputs in totalmix. Must have been feedback.