1 (edited by samurabe 2023-10-19 19:04:34)

Topic: No input signal in Cubase 11

Hi there...
We have a problem here... smile

I have RME UFX 2 and Cubase 11. Everything was working all the time without any serious problem for really long time.
But at the moment i can not record anything into my DAW. Simply i can not get any signal- In Totalmix i dont see any signal in software playback, but i hear everything ( my synth connected to rme) But it looks like there is some wall between Rme an Cubase. I reinstall the drivers, update to new os ( Monterey) and still nothing. I dont see any blocked permissions in preference....really strange
Any ideas welcome


Re: No input signal in Cubase 11

Maybe this: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?pid=188269

MC wrote:

Cubase / Nuendo users: this driver now signals the correct 'transport type', USB. Steinberg is already working on a fix so that RME's driver with this (correct) type indication will be usable within Cubase and Nuendo 12. Until then there is a very easy, simple and penalty-free workaround. Open Audio MIDI Setup, Audio Window, click on the lower left + sign, select Create Aggregate Device, then add your RME interface as the only device. This gives the interface a different transport type that Cubase accepts.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

3 (edited by samurabe 2023-10-19 20:22:13)

Re: No input signal in Cubase 11

well, this is about beta version...i can not find myself in this situation...i just realise that Cubase dont give any sound at all...other media programs without any problem...

Re: No input signal in Cubase 11

The point is Cubase and Nuendo do not work with the RME DriverKit driver at the moment (until the apps get updated), so you need to use the Aggregate Device to make Cubase happy.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: No input signal in Cubase 11

Thank You

Re: No input signal in Cubase 11

Great, thanks for reporting back!

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: No input signal in Cubase 11

Cubase 12 works with the driverkit driver. Otherwise just use the kernel driver in Cubase 11.

Audio AG Support