Topic: Remote control of Octamic XTC with MADIface Pro, RME MIDI Remote AVB

I'm trying to make this setup run, but I haven't been successfull yet:

Octamic XTC
-- via MADI connected to --
-- via USB connected to --
Windows laptop
-- running --
"RME MIDI Remote AVB" software in Octamic XTC mode.

I'm pretty sure I activated the right options on the XTC: Control is connected with MADI In and Out.

But I fail activating the right options on the computer: Which options in the Remote software? What does the ID in the Remote software mean? Which options in TotalMix? In both of these pieces of software two MIDI ports are listed, named identically "MF Pro MIDI Port"  - ???

I'm curious wether I will ever be able to solve this mystery... Any hints?

2 (edited by ramses 2023-10-26 06:56:52)

Re: Remote control of Octamic XTC with MADIface Pro, RME MIDI Remote AVB

On the XTC use:

Options -> MADI Settings -> Delay Comp.  ->Auto CA
   then the MADI ID of the XTC will be determined automatically and the routing of channels from/to MADI
   will be done automaticall according to the devices MADI ID
   Furthermore, should you connect a 2nd XTC same happens plus delay compensation, that the little latency is the same
   no matter whether you connect a mic to 1st or 2nd ... (up to 8) XTC on the MADI bus ("delay compensation")
Options -> MADI Settings -> MADI Format -> 64 ch       (same settings also in MADIface Pro  driver settings)
Options -> MADI Settings -> MADI Frame  -> 96            (same settings also in MADIface Pro  driver settings)
Options -> General Settinga -> MIDI Device ID -> 1
Options -> Clock -> Clock Source -> MADI
Options -> MIDI Sources -> Control (Inp.) -> MADI In
Options -> MIDI Sources -> MIDI over MADI -> Control

ID refers to MADI ID.

Why do you want to use MIDI Remote AVB?
You can use Auxdevice Support and remote control the Preamp in TotalMix FX.

You need to decide on either Auxdevice or MIDI Remote AVB or RME Connector, only one remote control program may run.
If you choose two at the same time, then you issue the execution of random commands on the XTC.
BTW .. I would use the newer product RME connector. That is the last version also supporting 12Mic via LAN.

I strongly suggest remote control by "Auxdevice" / TM FX because then you have only to deal with one window on the screen and can save and recall the settings in/by TM FX snapshots and workspaces.

See my blog article for the settings in TM FX: … cber-MADI/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

3 (edited by ramses 2023-10-26 11:31:39)

Re: Remote control of Octamic XTC with MADIface Pro, RME MIDI Remote AVB

When configuring remote control by "Auxdevice" in TM FX, see Options -> Settings -> Aux. Devices

Digital Channels, select "1-8" for your 1st XTC and then in the 2nd pull-down menue device type: "Octamic XTC".

Regarding MIDI settings .. you need to look closely, you have different MIDI ports for MIDI In and MIDI Out.
To put an example: UFX III has among some more (ARC USB, ...)
- UFX III MIDI Port 1: refers to the physical MIDI port 1 on the device
- UFX III MIDI Port 2:  refers to the physical MIDI port 2 on the device
- UFX III MIDI Port 3:  this I had to choose: "MIDI over MADI" (this is for optical!!!)
- UFX III MIDI Port 4: MIDI over MADI (this is for MADI via BNC!!!)

You also have to choose / guess the MADIface Pro MIDI Port .. the 1st one will be the physical one, the 2nd might be MIDI over MADI via optical.

Also in the remote contol software like e.g. RME Connector you have to choose the correct MIDI In/Out port in terms of "MIDI over MADI over optical".

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Remote control of Octamic XTC with MADIface Pro, RME MIDI Remote AVB

Thanks! I hope I can try these settings soon.

Re: Remote control of Octamic XTC with MADIface Pro, RME MIDI Remote AVB

I could sort out the right MIDI devices (despite the fact they all have identical names..., RME, why?).
And I had overlooked a fault with the MIDI ID settings.

I tried the Aux device thing in TotalMix first, but I liked the MIDI Remote AVB much better, it gives better overview of everything. I ended up having disabled all MIDI settings in TotalMix and just using MIDI Remote AVB.

Thanks for your help! I hope everything remains stable now..

6 (edited by ramses 2023-10-26 21:31:54)

Re: Remote control of Octamic XTC with MADIface Pro, RME MIDI Remote AVB

You're welcome, nice to hear :-)

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10