Topic: Is reported round trip latency correct when using DANTE/MADI/ADAT?
I've recently bought a UCX II and are thinking in investing more into the RME ecosystem in my semi-pro studio. I have previously used MOTU, and connected other MOTU converters via AVB and ADAT.
With MOTU I noticed that the measured round trip latency is different if I use the main interface's analog inputs and outputs compared to if I use analog inputs and outputs on the converters that go into my main interface via AVB.
AVB, DANTE, ADAT and MADI, by nature have additional latency I assume. That's just how it works. Please correct me if wrong.
With my RME UCX II the drivers report 100% correct RTL values according to RTL Utility when measured.
My question is if I use a RME UFX III as my main interface and connect an M-32 AD and an M-32 DA via MADI to my UFX III, will the RTL value from the driver report correct values for when running audio out and in via the M-32 converters?