mopomiso wrote:I have just purchased a Fireface UCX II with TotalMix and have a similar question to the OP. I use a windows 10 PC as source.
The UCX II has only one input connected currently; a USB cable from the PC. The UCX II only has one (digital) output connected; a spdif coaxial cable to an external DAC. I wish to avoid routing through the DAC inside the UCX for obvious reasons.
Sorry, but I do not get your point here, please explain what you mean.
Describe the audio flow from source to destination that you mean, and what concretely worries you where.
So your setup is this?
UCX II------ADAT IN<-------[opt. SPDIF]--------SPDIF OUT---some other device
+--SPDIF OUT--------[coax. SPDIF]------->SPDIF IN---external DAC---
|-----lossless transport of digit. Audio data---------------------| |-----------|
^------ D/A conversion on external DAC (the "one and only")
Audio from, e.g., a player on the PC is digitally / lossless being transported from the player through USB, through coax SPDIF up to the external DAC which makes the one and only D/A conversion. So where is your point / issue?
If you had an ADI-2 DAC or Pro FS as "DAC", then you could validate lossless audio transport yourself using the Bittest, see manual or this diagram of one of my blog articles here:

mopomiso wrote:I am a little confused about which Fireface playback device to choose in Windows/Sound/Playback: 'Speakers', 'SPDIF coax' etc relative to my input? Thanks
In the driver settings "WDM submenu" you can create Windows compatible device entries for every pair of input and output port. One of the output ports you can define as a speaker device. Then you find it easier in the Windows audio settings as "Speaker device" which you can use as the default Windows audio device. This is for Windows and all applications which do not support ASIO, like an internet browser for playing YouTube stuff, etc.
In the Windows audio settings, you can right-click the device and make it as your default playback or communication device.
For the rest of your question. Simply select the input or output port to create a WDM device, which you need on Windows or for Windows application without ASIO Support. You should know what's connected where … Select those ports, where you require it.
BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10