Topic: ARC-USB feels gross

Sorry for the title, but it does. It's time for ARC-USB 2.0

Compared to Babyface, this thing feels and sounds like a toy. I just got mine in today and I'm disappointed

I can comfortably rest my hand on the Babyface.. not so on ARC-USB. Those rounded corners make a huge difference and the lower profile is nicer on the wrist

Babyface's buttons sound nice... ARC-USB's have a hollow pinging sound (this stuff is important.. you know how us audio guys are)

Babyface's buttons don't wobble... ARC-USB's wobble and make noise as you roll your hand over it to find the right button

ARC-USB's illumination on the buttons is nice, but if it means wobbly buttons give me the Babyface style all day long

It's clear someone put serious research, time and effort into the physical design of the Babyface and I would love an ARC-USB that matches that form factor, fit and finish. I was surprised the housing was different, but I suppose it makes sense, Babyface has had more updates

RME - has any effort been made to update the ARC-USB?

Also, can I use the Babyface to control Totalmix while using a UFX? I hate to lose the extra buttons and it's stupid to wear out the buttons on my expensive interface when I could use the cheaper controller, but I rest my hand on the controller so often I just can't with the ARC-USB. I'm too spoiled by the pleasant tactile experience of the Babyface

Re: ARC-USB feels gross

BobLordAlge wrote:

Sorry for the title, but it does. It's time for ARC-USB 2.0

Compared to Babyface, this thing feels and sounds like a toy. I just got mine in today and I'm disappointed

I can comfortably rest my hand on the Babyface.. not so on ARC-USB. Those rounded corners make a huge difference and the lower profile is nicer on the wrist

Babyface's buttons sound nice... ARC-USB's have a hollow pinging sound (this stuff is important.. you know how us audio guys are)

Babyface's buttons don't wobble... ARC-USB's wobble and make noise as you roll your hand over it to find the right button

ARC-USB's illumination on the buttons is nice, but if it means wobbly buttons give me the Babyface style all day long

It's clear someone put serious research, time and effort into the physical design of the Babyface and I would love an ARC-USB that matches that form factor, fit and finish. I was surprised the housing was different, but I suppose it makes sense, Babyface has had more updates

RME - has any effort been made to update the ARC-USB?

Also, can I use the Babyface to control Totalmix while using a UFX? I hate to lose the extra buttons and it's stupid to wear out the buttons on my expensive interface when I could use the cheaper controller, but I rest my hand on the controller so often I just can't with the ARC-USB. I'm too spoiled by the pleasant tactile experience of the Babyface

I have a Babyface (original) an ARC Mk1 and Mk2.  After using the Mk2 for a few months, going back to the older style feels weird.  I abolsutely love the ARC USB.

Matt McKenzie-Smith (UFXII, UFX, Babyface) MacStudioUltra OS13.2.1

Re: ARC-USB feels gross

The original Babyface is quite a bit different than the newest style

ARC MK1->MK2 is a drastic change, for sure. The original Babyface to the latest iteration is a drastic change--they've done an incredible job with the Babyface

If I didn't like the product I wouldn't say anything... I do think RME makes quality gear, that's why I bought it; however, if you put the Pro FS and ARC-USB side by side it's immediately apparent which is the more premier product, and imo RME should polish up the ARC-USB

...unless it's considered a second-tier device. Which would be crazy because they connect with RME's flagship product. As an extension of the flagship product and the most common point of contact with the user wouldn't you want to put your best foot forward? And it's more prominent than anything in the rack

"Music is a creative endeavor. If looking at something you don't like is uninspiring it can kill the mood of the performance. The most important part of making music is what happens between the chair and the instrument so it doesn't matter how good the instrument is if it negatively affects the musicians ability to perform and imagine." (/u/Lopiano on reddit)

ARC-USB looks and feels utilitarian... that's not very inspiring. I mean I feel screws poking out when I rest my hand on it. It's clunky in comparison

I might return this... gonna give it a few days idk. If I do keep it I'll open it up and stick some butyl mat on the thin black piece of metal so it at least doesn't sound so cheap :\ I have no idea what would happen to the finish if I sanded the corners but I'm tempted to try it

Re: ARC-USB feels gross

BobLordAlge wrote:

The original Babyface is quite a bit different than the newest style

ARC MK1->MK2 is a drastic change, for sure. The original Babyface to the latest iteration is a drastic change--they've done an incredible job with the Babyface

If I didn't like the product I wouldn't say anything... I do think RME makes quality gear, that's why I bought it; however, if you put the Pro FS and ARC-USB side by side it's immediately apparent which is the more premier product, and imo RME should polish up the ARC-USB

...unless it's considered a second-tier device. Which would be crazy because they connect with RME's flagship product. As an extension of the flagship product and the most common point of contact with the user wouldn't you want to put your best foot forward? And it's more prominent than anything in the rack

"Music is a creative endeavor. If looking at something you don't like is uninspiring it can kill the mood of the performance. The most important part of making music is what happens between the chair and the instrument so it doesn't matter how good the instrument is if it negatively affects the musicians ability to perform and imagine." (/u/Lopiano on reddit)

ARC-USB looks and feels utilitarian... that's not very inspiring. I mean I feel screws poking out when I rest my hand on it. It's clunky in comparison

I might return this... gonna give it a few days idk. If I do keep it I'll open it up and stick some butyl mat on the thin black piece of metal so it at least doesn't sound so cheap :\ I have no idea what would happen to the finish if I sanded the corners but I'm tempted to try it

I did at one point consider building/flush mounting it in to my desk.. but have not done that as yet.

Matt McKenzie-Smith (UFXII, UFX, Babyface) MacStudioUltra OS13.2.1

5 (edited by Kubrak 2023-11-11 10:25:18)

Re: ARC-USB feels gross

BobLordAlge wrote:

I might return this... gonna give it a few days idk. If I do keep it I'll open it up and stick some butyl mat on the thin black piece of metal so it at least doesn't sound so cheap :\ I have no idea what would happen to the finish if I sanded the corners but I'm tempted to try it

I do not have Babyface, just ARC USB, so I cannot compare.... I am very satisfied with ARC, but I understand your "complaints".

What one could do to improve things DIY is, attach wooden (or any other material) rounded elements to the sides of ARC. It would cover the screws, and convert sharp edges into pleasant rounded. Also wood would be pleasant to touch and would not be cold as metal is.

The only thing against such a "mod" might be cooling of internals of ARC. If the proper cooling requires also metal sides, metal and not wood would be better.... But I guess, there still would be handfull of metal to disipate internal heat.

Maybe that someone from RME could say, if such a mod is OK concerning cooling requirements....


Re: ARC-USB feels gross

There is no cooling needed at all. Wooden sideplates sound like a nice (hifi-esque) idea...

Matthias Carstens

7 (edited by hselters 2023-11-11 20:37:53)

Re: ARC-USB feels gross

While I really appreciate the more visible orange backlight, jack connection for foot controller and option for 0.1 dB fine control on the ARC USB, I much prefer the look and feel of the old ARC, the rounded case and volume wheel (including the press to dim and the more obvious steps) felt much nicer.
Good idea with the wood, maybe including a wrist rest? They might do it:

Re: ARC-USB feels gross

Nice! Guys from my country. ;-)

But well, I can do it myself. Like most of Bohemians. We all have learned to work with wood at school. Maybe just boys, girls had cooking and so.