Topic: Big difference between Total Mix and Cubase input level

Hello forum,

I recently switched to the Fireface 802 FS. So far everything is working fine but I have a problem with the input levels.

If I connect a microphone to one of the front microphone inputs, then I have to open the input gain of the interface very wide (about 3 o'clock) so that I can get a reasonably high input level in Total Mix. Then of course the corresponding input channel completely clips in Cubase.

If I set the input gain of the interface so that the input level in Cubase is OK (gain control on the interface at around 9 or 10 o'clock), then I have a level of around -22 db in Total Mix.

My work environment:
- Interface: Fireface 802FS
- Latest firmware and drivers
- Windows 11
- Tested microphones: Shure SM7B and Neumann TLM 102
- Cubase 13 pro

Is the behavior normal or am I doing something wrong or a mistake in my thinking at this point?

Thank you for your help in advance.
Greetings, Markus

Re: Big difference between Total Mix and Cubase input level

There is contradiction in your post.
First Gain at 3 o'clock is clipping in Cubase
Then Gain at 9 or 10 o'clock is good level in Cubase
But this is much much more gain !

Sure you mean 3 o'clock and not 11 or maximum gain ?

Then your statement : Then of course the corresponding input channel completely clips in Cubase.
To me it is opposite : In Totalmix and in cubase the level should be the same.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Big difference between Total Mix and Cubase input level

Many thanks for your response

sorry for the confusion.
By three o'clock I mean that the input gain control points to the right, with 9 o'clock to the left. 9 o'clock is therefore a lower input gain in my example.
And yes, you're absolutely right, the level should be the same in Cubase and Total Mix, but unfortunately that's not the case, that's my problem.

4 (edited by waedi 2023-11-13 10:28:12)

Re: Big difference between Total Mix and Cubase input level

You are right, I had other knobs in my head, my bad.

If you record a file in Cubase where it is clipping but not in Totalmix, is the waveform showing clipping ?
And when playback, is it the same situation ?
Clipping in Cubase but not in Totalmix ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Big difference between Total Mix and Cubase input level

I have to test that first, I'm not at home at the moment.
But I think the waveform will certainly show clipping.
The playback behaves normally.

Re: Big difference between Total Mix and Cubase input level

Another test would include Loopback in Totalmix.
Play a music file from any player in the computer and route it in Totalmix via Loopback to an input channel.
The same input channel in Cubase should show the same signal level, is this the case ?
Or is there also a drastic increase of the signal happen ?
Do the test on different input channels.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Big difference between Total Mix and Cubase input level

The level in Cubase should not be higher. Can you test this with Reaper and/or Digicheck?

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Big difference between Total Mix and Cubase input level

Hello folks
That sounds a bit stupid, but it works now.

Before I noticed the error yesterday, I had tested a few things and changed and made settings. Maybe a driver or something screwed up at the end, I don't know.
In any case, I restarted all devices today and now the level in Cubase and Total Mix is the same. Everything works fine now.

Thank you very much for your professional and quick help.
I'll be happy to come back to you if I get stuck again.

Best regards, Markus