Topic: Fireface 400 - Would having phantom power always on damage interface?

Hello, I am planning to move from my beloved FF400 to an USB Digiface, but keep using the FF400 as ADAT inputs only. I would like to know if leaving phantom power always on on the FF400 could damage its preamps. Since FF400 won't be plugged into FW anymore, I would have to leave +48V always on. I have seen on manual the Mackie Control messages could turn phantom on/off, but need to further check how to do that without a MC unit, so main plan is leaving 48V on FF400 always on.
Any advise will be welcome, great thanks.

Re: Fireface 400 - Would having phantom power always on damage interface?

No possible damage to the preamps.
General recommendation would be to connect and disconnect microphones without phantom power active, for which you'd just have to switch the unit off.

Daniel Fuchs