1 (edited by KeyboardDancer 2023-11-20 22:54:10)

Topic: Equipment neophyte confused

I just purchased a Multiface II which is supposedly in 100% operating condition.

By simply using a digital audio cable from my Computer-Xonar Essence spdif out to a Rotel RC-1590 Pre-amp coax in --  I’m able to hear audio from my computer through my main Monitor speakers.

(The Rotel has an abundance of connections ADAT, COAX, Analog, balanced and unbalanced, AES.)

May I assume, for the Multiface, (since it has a DAC), I can input analog and output from the spdif and expect to hear sound through my speakers?  (Yes, the firewire cable is connected to the computer.)

Could someone explain any one of several physical cable connection combinations that I would need to use in order to hear sound going into and out of the Multiface to my speakers?

(I can hear output from the Multiface headphones)

That way, I would know for sure that my issue is in TotalMix.


Re: Equipment neophyte confused

Did you also get the other part of that 2-piece RME system? The HDSP PCI or HDSPe PCI host card that is installed inside the PC?

Without a host card the Multiface is unusable. It does not work with FireWire, it just uses a FW400 cable to connect to the RME card.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Equipment neophyte confused

Jeff wrote:

Did you also get the other part of that 2-piece RME system? The HDSP PCI or HDSPe PCI host card that is installed inside the PC?

Without a host card the Multiface is unusable. It does not work with FireWire, it just uses a FW400 cable to connect to the RME card.

Yes -- that's why I mentioned the firewire cable being connected to the computer.

4 (edited by waedi 2023-11-21 08:59:24)

Re: Equipment neophyte confused

You have to do the routing in Totalmix.
The sound you hear on the headphone, did you routed this there or was it just there after cabling and power up ?
A screenshot from your Totalmix would be helpful.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Equipment neophyte confused

I’m beginning to wonder if there’s something wrong with the output stage of the Multiface.

Obviously, I connect from my Rotel preamp to my Crown amp to my speakers to get sound.
(As I said above, a digital audio cable from my Computer-Xonar Essence card spdif out to a Rotel RC-1590 Pre-amp coax in and  I’m able to play an  audio file on the computer and hear it through the speakers)

So, what I’m asking is: what combination of coax cables, or adat cables, or analog cables should I connect?  What cables should connect to what -- and in what in-out order?

(Other than the firewire cable between the Multiface and the pci card – which is already connected)

I don’t don’t know how else to ask.  Between the computer and the Multiface and the Rotel – what to connect??

In this screenshot you see I ran a  dual analog cable from the analog out of the Xonar Essence sound card to analog 3&4 input on the Multiface.

On the bottom of analog 3-4 input slider’s drop-down list I sent out to phones & spdif & adat 1-2. You can see output appearing in the phone outs and the main outs which I here assigned to spdif and connected to a coax input on the Rotel.

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/oiivjfxa … r&dl=0

6 (edited by waedi 2023-11-21 21:10:57)

Re: Equipment neophyte confused

Is the coax input at the Rotel a SPDIF input ?
If so then it should work.
In the Fireface settings you should set the sample rate to 48kHz, Hifi equipment like the Rotel usually use 48kHz.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Equipment neophyte confused

Also SPDIF may be Pro or Consumer, you have to set it the right in RME device driver....

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS

Re: Equipment neophyte confused

Waedi, Thank you for replying again.

Yes, I already had the MultiFace set to -10dbV.

Well, here’s the good news: It’s working! Yay!

I just got back, pulled and re-plugged everything, and turned it on..I have no idea..But the first thing I did was store the settings as mix 1!

Both situations are plugged in and functioning – From the Xonar digital out directly to coax1 in on the Rotel – AND out of the Xonar analog out to analog in on the MultiFace to spdif out and into coax3 in on the Rotel.

So it appears to be fully functional ...now I can get to work!

To waedi & Kubrak:
On the Rotel specs: COAX/OPTICAL●DIGITAL INPUT SIGNALS: LPCM (Up to 24-bit/192kHz)

Again, thanks for looking in KD.