Topic: Ferrofish A32 Help

Hello all,

I figured this is a good place to ask this question as you all are likely to have used the Ferrofish A32 (not the pro). The screws on the db25 cable I bought aren’t long enough to lock the connector in place. What should I look for here?  Any help would be appreciated!


Re: Ferrofish A32 Help

Isn't that a question for the Ferrofish forum? Or a reason to return the cable?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Ferrofish A32 Help

I wasn’t aware of a ferrofish forum.  Also, I cannot return the cables because they are used. Sorry for posting here. I didn’t realize that it was not a good idea. Thanks anyway

Re: Ferrofish A32 Help

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue