Topic: Babyface pro fs source connect issue

I've been trying to use my new Babyface pro fs with source connect and I've been getting crackling/clicky sounds only when talking.

Every other app I use is fine, whether it's through my DAW or through something like Discord or Zoom.

I've also used other interfaces on source connect with no issue.

Does anybody know how to fix this?

2 (edited by waedi 2023-12-01 07:42:40)

Re: Babyface pro fs source connect issue

i just wanted to try this software but it turned out to be an online service.
Not a recording software.
They claim to record with ultra low latency over the internet and without dropouts or glitches.
So they are aware of this problems, and then I aborted further tests. Creating online account etc is a nightmare.
If you want to record your voice, use a recording software, Reaper, for free.
For such online transfer/recordings ensure to have a good internet connection.
Their abos for source-connect are very expensive and if it doesn't work proper they may say it's bad internet on your side.
I would stay away from this service by looking at their website full of heavenly promises and claims.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue