Topic: Cheapest RME digital output with wordclock on Windows 10 desktop?

Hi folks,

I need a dedicated soundcard or interface for Windows system sound, so i can play Windows sound and ASIO at different sample rates.

I see that Multiface's are getting really cheap now on the second hand market.

Does anyone have an opinion on which is the cheapest old RME soundcard or interface that'll reliably work on a new Windows 10 machine?

I need a digital output (any) and a wordclock input.

Obviously we're looking at driver issues and also connection method for which i might need a PCIe to ??? converter.

I have two old digi96/8 pad soundcards gathering dust but i fear these have no working drivers for a modern PC.


2 (edited by vinark 2023-12-03 17:26:07)

Re: Cheapest RME digital output with wordclock on Windows 10 desktop?

Hdsp9652 working great here. You do need a PCI slot. If complete it has wc.
Hdsp9632 to but you need an additional WC module.
Hdsp digiface and Multiface will work great to but the hdsp cards are becoming rare. Drivers are still updated

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632