Topic: Total Mix FX and Ableton Live

Hey I just got my new UCX ii a few weeks ago and it's really changed the way I work in Ableton. When I monitor a track in Ableton, I cannot control the levels of the input unless I go all the way back in my signal chain to my mixer and adjust them there. I can't figure out how to adjust the incoming audio in Total Mix, (the faders are all down to nothing and still there is audio coming through into Ableton. The only way I can adjust the incoming signal is the adjust the faders on my A&H analog mixer. I like to record everything kinda hot (like -6 db) and adjust it after the fact, but with this new Total Mix everything is at a fixed level once it's set on the mixer and I can't monitor it in Ableton like I used to, where if I turn down a fader in Ableton, the audio will respond accordingly. Everything has to be done at the mixer stage. Is there any way around this so that I can set the levels on the mixer and run it through Total Mix and be able to adjust the input monitoring inside of Ableton instead of having to go all the way back and do it on the mixer? I wasn't having any problems with my cheap Presonus interface. I must be missing something here. Thanks!

Re: Total Mix FX and Ableton Live

In Totalmix the input channels have a gain knob inside, open the channel with the wrenchtool button.
There is the input gain.
The fader controls the forwarding signal to the output for monitoring.
The input signal is always fully available in the DAW regardless of fader position.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Total Mix FX and Ableton Live

Ah ok. That helps some. I'll muck around and see what I can figure out.