Topic: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

I was using my Fireface 800 with my MacPro 3.1 but recently got a MacPro 2013 trashcan version.
I'm trying to use my 800 with it but haven't had much luck.
I'm running 12.6.8 and trying to use to record vocals into Logic Pro

I downloaded the driver version 3.41... Nothing shows up in Logic.
I have a adapter that takes my firewire 800 to thunderbolt.. I thought this might work but hmmm.

When I double click fireface settings it looks like it wants to open up the software but doesn't...

Any ideas?? Thank a lot guys!

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

May you check what is listed in the system report ?
And also see the Audio-Midi-Setup, the interface has to show up there before Logic can access it.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

The adapter should work fine, it's probably just an Apple security block. Check the System Report in the Utilities folder, you should see the RME unit as Vendor 0XCA or something like that in the Thunderbolt tree.

If so, just reinstall the driver and make sure to Allow it to run in the Apple Security & Privacy panel.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

waedi wrote:

May you check what is listed in the system report ?
And also see the Audio-Midi-Setup, the interface has to show up there before Logic can access it.

I don't see it listed in the system report anywhere... I looked at thunderbolt and nothing is showing there in the bus 1, bus 2, or bus 3.. I think that's where it may be??

Also, it's not listed anywhere in the audio midi i/o either.. Hmmmm...

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

Jeff wrote:

The adapter should work fine, it's probably just an Apple security block. Check the System Report in the Utilities folder, you should see the RME unit as Vendor 0XCA or something like that in the Thunderbolt tree.

If so, just reinstall the driver and make sure to Allow it to run in the Apple Security & Privacy panel.

Thanks for the response.. I don't see vendor oxca or anything like that.
I went to system report and clicked on thunderbolt and everything around it.. I don't think it's recognizing it for some reason.

Hmmm.. Any ideas? Thanks!

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

Switch OFF and ON the FF800 ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

UnderRated wrote:

I have a adapter that takes my firewire 800 to thunderbolt.. I thought this might work but hmmm.

Is this an Apple adapter?
Does the red HOST LED remain on?

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

waedi wrote:

Switch OFF and ON the FF800 ?

Thanks for the idea... I tried and still nothing... Not showing up in the system report in the thunderbolt section.
Also my input in the Audio Midi Setup is greyed out and doesn't show the fireface either... Hmmmm

Any other ideas? Thanks!

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

RME Support wrote:
UnderRated wrote:

I have a adapter that takes my firewire 800 to thunderbolt.. I thought this might work but hmmm.

Is this an Apple adapter?
Does the red HOST LED remain on?

Hello, thanks for the response...

Yes, here is the adapter I got:

The HOST LED is remaining on and lit red.

Still not showing in my system report, audio midi, or logic pro... Maybe i need a different driver?
I'm not sure sir... Any ideas? Thanks!

10 (edited by waedi 2023-12-08 00:58:07)

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

If you connect that adapter alone to the mac without Fireface, the adapter should show up in the system report as thunderbolt device.
If it doesn't show up at all, the adapter probably is faulty.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

Hi guys...
I still haven't figured out how to get my fireface 800 to work with my computer. I have the apple firewire 800 to thunderbolt 2 adapter. The adapter plugged in without it connected to the Fireface/fw 800 still doesn't show up in the system report.
I bought this cable brand new... Could it just be the cable??
I did do some more research and realize my late 2013 mac pro is in fact equipped with thunderbolt 2 connections so i'm not sure why it's not showing up... Maybe just try to send the cable back and get a new one??
I feel like maybe I'm doing something wrong tho.. Would be weird for this brand new apple cable to not work.
I'm not sure... Any ideas again?? Thanks so much!!

12 (edited by waedi 2023-12-10 10:23:35)

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

UnderRated wrote:

Maybe just try to send the cable back and get a new one??

It is not just a cable, it is a device with a computer chip inside translating protocols.
Cheap produced in masses and sold for expensive, if it's faulty it's not the first one.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

waedi wrote:
UnderRated wrote:

Maybe just try to send the cable back and get a new one??

It is not just a cable, it is a device with a computer chip inside translating protocols.
Cheap produced in masses and sold for expensive, if it's faulty it's not the first one.

OK thanks... I'll order another one and see if that works...

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

waedi wrote:
UnderRated wrote:

Maybe just try to send the cable back and get a new one??

It is not just a cable, it is a device with a computer chip inside translating protocols.
Cheap produced in masses and sold for expensive, if it's faulty it's not the first one.

Just received a new cable and viola!!! It's showing up in audio midi and now Logic Pro X!!

Thanks for all the help in here guys!!! Much appreciated!!

Re: Fireface 800 with Mac Pro 2013 trashcan?

Thanks for the report.
May you let us know what exactly is showing up in the system report ?
What name has the adapter there ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue