Topic: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

Does anyone know what the large rotary knob on the Babyface Pro FS controls when the Input is selected in the Opt (Optical) position?

I can't see anything in TotalMix being affected ...

Clint Goss - 2xBF Pro FS, UCX II, UFX II; 3xWin10Pro22H2
WindSynth:Sylphyo Cantabile Ableton Push3S

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

How did you select the input ?
By clicking the button IN ?
You may have to confirm the selection by clicking the button SELECT afterwards.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

I will check mine tomorow

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

I click [In] until the "Opt"(ical) LED lights up yellow. Then I click [Select] repeatedly, but nothing seems to happen (as it does with [Ch 1/2] and [Ch 3/4]. And, no matter how many times I click [Select], turning the large rotary control does not affect anything in TotalMix that I can find.

In fact, there does not seem to be any Gain control like the Gain control on the [Ch 1/2] and [Ch 3/4] strips in TotalMix.


Clint Goss - 2xBF Pro FS, UCX II, UFX II; 3xWin10Pro22H2
WindSynth:Sylphyo Cantabile Ableton Push3S

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

From page 11 in the user manual :
Input Gains
The gains of all four analog inputs can be controlled directly by the big encoder knob. Use IN to
select input 1/2 or 3/4, then push SELECT several times to step through left channel, right chan-
nel or both. The selected channel and amount of gain is shown by a single LED flashing in the
left INPUT level meters. Turn the wheel to increase or decrease the gain. The three INPUT
LEDs also show overload. Too hot levels will not be missed even if the level meter currently
shows a quieter channel.

Conclusion :
Adat input has no gain control

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

Thanks @waedi ... I did not catch the text on page 11 ... I only saw page 9 ("IN gives access to Gain control ...").

So ... it's sad that the big encoder knob does nothing for ADAT input. A bit of a waste. Having it control the mix fader on ADAT 1/2 Input would have been great in my use case ...

Clint Goss - 2xBF Pro FS, UCX II, UFX II; 3xWin10Pro22H2
WindSynth:Sylphyo Cantabile Ableton Push3S

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

Your adat interface controls the input levels. How can the Babyface control the input gain of a separate interface? It can control the output of the first two channels but not any of the others. I use it for that purpose as an extra headphone out. Now I do think that should be selectable but it isn’t.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

mkok wrote:

Your adat interface controls the input levels.

Ahhh, well, I don't actually have an ADAT interface hooked up.

I'm using the ADAT channels of the BBF to route audio signals between Cantabile (Live DAW that renders my WindSynth sounds) and Ableton Live (for clips and looping), to route a Windows media player (Amazing Slow Downer (ASD), which give me pitch and tempo adjustments) into my signal, and as a mixer to merge the ASD, Cantabile, and Ableton outputs to send to the House (out the XLRs), out to my local monitor (out the TRS ports).

I take a Mic feed in XLR 1 that goes to Cantabile. I also take the House monitor feed into XLR 2 and mix it with my outgoing signal and feed that into my own local monitor mix, so that I can control how much "ME" I can hear in my monitor versus the other sounds of whatever band I'm playing with.

This setup has been versatile and robust (thanks to *Zero* RME failures in 3+ years). It also manages to use every analog and ADAT port on the Babyface, which gives me some kind of ?perverse? satisfaction that I'm getting the most out of the RME.

I was hoping to use the big rotary encoder to control the mix of ADAT channel that handles my Amazing Slow Downer input.

My general alternative to controlling the RME for things where I don't want to use a mouse is using a Faderfox EC4 (which is routed through Cantabile, then LoopMIDI) to control TotalMix over MIDI, which works well, but the Big Encoder Knob would be more convenient ...

Clint Goss - 2xBF Pro FS, UCX II, UFX II; 3xWin10Pro22H2
WindSynth:Sylphyo Cantabile Ableton Push3S

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

So you actually mean the middle row virtual channels or loopback channels

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

One thing I forgot to mention is that I have an ADAT loopback cable on my UCX and UFX interfaces, and was thinking of the same setup for my on-the-road BFP. This gives the capability of physically looping back ADAT outputs so that they appear as physical ADAT inputs. The latency cost is pretty low - I think it cost 5-8 samples worth of latency at 48 KHz, if I recall correctly.

Clint Goss - 2xBF Pro FS, UCX II, UFX II; 3xWin10Pro22H2
WindSynth:Sylphyo Cantabile Ableton Push3S

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

Reason for this loopback cable ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

Here's the thread, with the use case for the loopback cable described in the first post and the latency measurements provided in later posts (6 samples @ 48K):

Clint Goss - 2xBF Pro FS, UCX II, UFX II; 3xWin10Pro22H2
WindSynth:Sylphyo Cantabile Ableton Push3S

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

I think the question is why can’t you use the internal loopback on the adat output?

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Babyface Rotary Knob on Optical Input

The internal loopback works (beautifully) for getting signals back into the *software* input for a given channel.

However, to get a signal back into the TotalMix input (so that it can be used in various mix busses with TMix faders), I am using the hardware loopback cable.

Clint Goss - 2xBF Pro FS, UCX II, UFX II; 3xWin10Pro22H2
WindSynth:Sylphyo Cantabile Ableton Push3S