1 (edited by theskydk 2023-12-08 02:37:15)

Topic: adi-2 DAC fs build quality


I've sent one ADI-2 DAC fs back so far for build quality, but the one I received is nearly just as bad.
The first one had poorly bent sheet metal and very crooked feet as well as crossthreaded screws in the back

New one has screws in at weird angles, off centered in the slots, not sitting flush, somewhat crooked feet.

Is this build quality typical for RME, or should I keep exchanging units with the retailer?

FWIW both serials fall in the s2011(400-600) range

2 (edited by waedi 2023-12-08 02:47:33)

Re: adi-2 DAC fs build quality

From my own experince, no, never had such issues.
I would contact retailer for exchange and also send photos in good quality to this email address : support@rme-audio.com

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: adi-2 DAC fs build quality

I find the build quality of my adi-2 dac excellent. I also have a Babyface FS with fantastic build quality. Strange experience you had.

Re: adi-2 DAC fs build quality

I have the ADI-2/4 Pro SE.
It has perfect built quality, absolutely nothing to complain about - just gave it a complete inspection.

Same applies to my 1st Gen. ADI-2 Pro, and several RME converters I do use in my studio.

Maybe someone with no thumbs fooled around with your devices, is the seal at the bottom still in place?

Re: adi-2 DAC fs build quality

Never seen, never heard. Mine are all three perfect. May be you bought one from an ali express or temu manufacturer? -:)

Re: adi-2 DAC fs build quality

There are many fake Sennheisers, Neumanns and so.... Maybe also RME.... :-(

Re: adi-2 DAC fs build quality

My ADI-2 DAC has an "unsmooth" top rotary encoder, where it kind of binds up at certain rotation angles, but that's about it build complaint-wise. Not sure if there is a remedy for that?

Re: adi-2 DAC fs build quality

It is really shocking to read about any build quality issues with the RME ADI-2 variants. I have had 5 different versions- all with absolutely flawless build quality and operational reliability.