Topic: How To Route Virtual Instruments From Cantabile To TotalMix?

First, apologies if this has been asked before, but after several days of searching around I have been unable to find any information about how to do this. Nothing. Zip.

Ok, so I'm looking to replace my hardware keyboard rig with a VST instrument/laptop setup.

I'm trying to keep things simple, so a laptop configured from Scan [Windows 11] plus an RME UCX II.

I'm intending to use Cantabile to run my VST instruments/sample libraries, mix them in TotalMix, and send two stereo feeds from the UCX II, one for FOH, and one to my onstage monitoring [a pair of small powered PA speakers], plus a headphone output. The monitor output just needs to be a straight copy of the main FOH mix, but with its own independent output level control.

I don't need a detailed breakdown, I mainly just need to know how to actually route the audio outputs of my VSTi's from Cantabile into TotalMix.

So......can anybody help?


Re: How To Route Virtual Instruments From Cantabile To TotalMix?

There is nothing to "route" specifically. Set your application to use the RME outputs as required, and signal will appear in Totalmix (software playback). From then on, just mix and route as desired in Totalmix. Our tutorial videos at will help with that.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: How To Route Virtual Instruments From Cantabile To TotalMix?

Ok, so it's much the same as a DAW then, VSTi outputs to Software Playback. got it.

Thank you for your help.

Re: How To Route Virtual Instruments From Cantabile To TotalMix?

Yes, shouldn't be any different essentially.

Daniel Fuchs

Re: How To Route Virtual Instruments From Cantabile To TotalMix?

Thanks again.