1 (edited by mike G 2023-12-12 08:33:49)

Topic: SPDIF Issue active signals in total mix but no source (UCX II)


I'm running a T.C. Electronics M-One XL via Spdif with two digital RCA cables I got from guitar center into the UCX II. I've done this in the past with no issues. I don't know why but I'm getting these strange signals from the hardware inputs and outputs even when I'm not running Logic Pro or providing any source input. The signal is also coming out of the ADAT hardware output.

I tried reversing the cable ends but then I get no signal at all.


2 (edited by waedi 2023-12-12 08:50:58)

Re: SPDIF Issue active signals in total mix but no source (UCX II)

The input signal SPDF is routed to the SPDIF output and to the Adat 1/2 output.
For having this input-signal no longer to the Adat output, just pull down the fader of Hardware Input SPDIF.
For having this input-signal no longer to the SpDIf output, click onto the SPDIF output channel and pull down the fader of Hardware Input SPDIF again.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by mike G 2023-12-13 04:57:31)

Re: SPDIF Issue active signals in total mix but no source (UCX II)

Thank you DAW Mastermind
Yes, that fixed it. It was a loop.

I just thought that the hardware input needed to be up because after all, the M-one unit is plugged into the interface via a hardware SPDIF. I noticed I still need to keep the hardware SPDIF channel up in order to hear the effect though my speakers. The M-One unit is being routed in Logic Pro though an I/O channel bus in software. So the playback in logic is providing the input to the unit via software which makes sense why having the hardware input up created a loop. Thanks again

On a side note. I'll be honest. I need to do a little more to improve my skills with routing in general. I get mixed up in my head with it at times.

Re: SPDIF Issue active signals in total mix but no source (UCX II)

The hardware input fader is up - for the active Output !
But at the same time for other outputs the fader is down.
The fader is multifader.
If you have 12 Output stereo-channels, then the Inputchannel fader is 12 faders in one.
You always see the fader for that particular activated Output.
Glad you can work and already congratulations for the upcoming improving skills.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

5 (edited by mike G 2023-12-13 07:25:01)

Re: SPDIF Issue active signals in total mix but no source (UCX II)

I'm looking in the manual. The only thing that not totally clear is, The routing target.

When I click on an hardware input, and change the routing target for that channel, all the channels change to the same target. How do you create unique targets for each channel?

Re: SPDIF Issue active signals in total mix but no source (UCX II)

You will not have individual routing targets as this is not useful.
The individual routing of the signal is the goal.

You also should not use this dropdown list.
Click the hardware output channel for having it active routing target.
The routing target is something for the moment, not a durable configuration.
The routing of the signal is persistent.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: SPDIF Issue active signals in total mix but no source (UCX II)

mike G wrote:

When I click on an hardware input, and change the routing target for that channel, all the channels change to the same target. How do you create unique targets for each channel?

By disabling Submix view.

Matthias Carstens

8 (edited by mike G 2023-12-13 09:58:29)

Re: SPDIF Issue active signals in total mix but no source (UCX II)

Thanks MC
I see what's going on now. In submix mode, you're selecting the output tracks first, then making your changes on the inputs and software playback. Each time you select an output, a layer for each hardware out is created and saved for the changes you make in the upper two tracks.  I see how this works now.

I found this page too, I'm looking though these videos