Topic: Digiface Dante virtual interface question

We've recently purchased a Digiface Dante for testing before outfitting the rest of our playback systems. An oddity I've noticed is the network interface is a virtual interface that doesn't show up in MacOS network settings. We're in production environments and frequently change IP addressing schemes.

MacOS11 & MacOS12
Digiface Dante fw56
Digiface Dante driver 3.28B
Netifc 6/22/23 installed
feth10002 & feth10003 & bridge9999 show up in ifconfig
I'm able to change the bridge9999 network address via cli to fit the Dante network.

The device appears to be working fine so far with Madi and Dante.

I'm able to change ip addressing using cli. However the Dante network interface does not show up in Mac Network Preferences, not even under Manage Virtual Interfaces. Reading the information on netifc my impression was the device would function as a "normal" usb>ethernet interface - appearing to MacOS as a "real" network interface. Obviously that's not the case.

The reason I care is these systems are deployed on a large number of television shows with a variety of operators. Most of the operators have (sort of) come to terms with Dante and can set up a network interface on the Mac. However, if you've ever dealt with a large number of operators you'll realize expecting them to use terminal and set an interface with cli is challenging at best. The mere sight of terminal will cause agitation and lock-up among some folks. Obviously I'll put a doc on the desktop with copy/paste statements but you know how that goes - they'll still mess it up.

Is there any way this can be changed? My expectation is the network interface will appear as a real interface to MacOS similarly to a standard usb>ethernet adaptors, plus of course the audio interface part. Our operators and I specifically will appreciate the exponentially fewer number of support calls I will get.



Re: Digiface Dante virtual interface question

That is unfortunately not as easy as it seems. Apple removed the kernel based network extension that such a solution would need. The netifc workaround is officially not 'allowed' to replace it and become visible in the system. netifc's IP address can be changed via command line, which - understandably - you don't like.

A future solution might be a DriverKit driver. AFAIR this one was not available in the beginning (that's why we started early with netifc), and there is no date when and if such a DK based solution might be available from RME.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Digiface Dante virtual interface question

Hello Matthias,
Thank you for the response, I understand the issue and appreciate RME attempting to get ahead. Hopefully this can be improved in the future.