1 (edited by hera 2023-12-15 11:54:38)

Topic: [Solved] Mac doesn't recognise Fireface UC, Totalmix not opening


My Fireface UC does not show up in sound in system preferences or when choosing input/output device in ableton or logic.
I have installed the newest driver for totalmix using recovery mode. Totalmix is installed and it opens, but no window opens with it.

I have a Macbook with version Monterey 12.6.8
My Fireface UC is in AP mode.
I have tried using different usb cables.
There is a red light where the word HOST is written.

I have used this interface with another mac, and it worked well, but now it does not work on my new or my old mac (where it used to work).

Hope you guys can help!

Re: [Solved] Mac doesn't recognise Fireface UC, Totalmix not opening

Sure it is still in operating mode Mac ? AP ? not PC ?
From the user manual page 10 :
Check the correct firmware version by a double click on the rotary encoder button. The display PC means Windows, the display AP means Mac. The double click automatically switches between both versions. Note: a change of state is only possible when the unit is not connected to the computer.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: [Solved] Mac doesn't recognise Fireface UC, Totalmix not opening

I just bought a Mac m3 and I have the same issue, if you have the answer I will take it thanks

Re: [Solved] Mac doesn't recognise Fireface UC, Totalmix not opening

Yes, I am sure that it is in AP mode.


Re: [Solved] Mac doesn't recognise Fireface UC, Totalmix not opening

Which firmware in the UC, which driver installed? Check the driver readme!

Also as you two are new here - did you just buy the UC used?

Matthias Carstens

Re: [Solved] Mac doesn't recognise Fireface UC, Totalmix not opening

I have tried with: 3.28b2 and 4.09. Have installed it using recovery mode.

It may be that I have to update the interface firmware, since it is an old Fireface UC.

I bought it used around 5 years ago and have used it for 4 years on an older mac. Haven't used it for about a year. I got a new mac and wanted to use it again, but have not succeeded in installing it correctly.

Re: [Solved] Mac doesn't recognise Fireface UC, Totalmix not opening

Hi, I have a similar problem. I want to use a Fireface UC on an Intel iMac running Monterey. I flashed the Fireface to 138 as recommended, then installed the newest driver package. In the security settings I then enabled the driver (after insrtalling) and the USB Settings App opened but my fireface is not recognized by the iMac. After rebooting the machine, the USB settings App won‘t open, it just bounces one time and shuts down. And now a strange sidefact: when i start the computer in recovery mode and go to start security program, i can only set a password for the volume, but nothing else appears, i cannot see the dialogue where you can choose if you want full security settings etc. Even after reinstalling mac OS it is like that. I also used the terminal in recovery mode to turn off the sip with crs util disable. Nothing. Can anybody help?


Re: [Solved] Mac doesn't recognise Fireface UC, Totalmix not opening

Which driver did you install? Also the process that you try is only valid for M CPU machines (Apple Silicon), as mentioned clearly in our documentation. Finally your UC might be in PC mode, not AP.

Matthias Carstens

9 (edited by oli77sch 2023-12-21 09:40:27)

Re: [Solved] Mac doesn't recognise Fireface UC, Totalmix not opening

martin.kasper wrote:

I flashed the Fireface to 138 as recommended, …

On what computer did you do that?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: [Solved] Mac doesn't recognise Fireface UC, Totalmix not opening

Thanks Matthias,
I judt installed the driver again. The Interface was running AP Mode but as I recognized afterwards, the Firmware was still at 135 not at 138. Finally the unit runs as it should and sounds great!