1 (edited by hb82 2023-12-24 16:30:46)

Topic: Issue with UCX FX.

My UCX is sometimes failing to output FX.

My issue seems to differ from a lot of reports of FX problems in that:
- I don't get any error messages
- The FX load % is always fine
- I see level on the FX In meter, but nothing on FX out

This 'state' seems to occur fairly randomly but probably after power cycling - i.e. I'll power up the unit one day and it won't be working. Power cycling again seems to resolve it.

I recently updated to 1.246/1.84 but can't say for certain it's FW or SW related.

I've tried resetting the unit and deleting user settings.

There are other issues affecting my unit:
(1) Noise on mic input 2. it's still usable but there's audible 'crackle' at high gain settings (about 4 dB RMS above channel 1, which is clean).
(2) I seem to always get the 'mismatch detected' message when powering up the UCX. I assume this shouldn't happen if I
shutdown my PC fist before switching off the UCX (then switch the UCX on followed by me PC). I know I can avoid this message with the option to always use TotalMix settings, but i gather this behaviour is indicative of a writing issue to my UCX?
(3) A couple of days ago I was getting a loud noise/crackle on output, muting inputs didn't help. In a panic I plugged into a different outlet (at a venue) and it was fine. So I put it down to mains issue (wish I'd investigated further of course but I had no time - I guess that noise could have been from the FX chain?).

It would be good to know if I'm just on borrowed time at this point from these symptoms or if there's anything I could do to test it (lots of power cycling perhaps?!). Knowing my luck, it'll fully c**p out in the middle of NYE gig and I have no backup at the moment :-(

2 (edited by waedi 2023-12-24 18:30:31)

Re: Issue with UCX FX.

I don't see a possible help for today over a user forum.
For a backup of having FX on the output channels you could use a DAW, Reaper, and copy the whole scenario into a Reaper project manually.
Your UCX unit is suspect to have a broken DSP, it should go to service partner for inspection and if needed repair.
This is a contact Email for RME support : support@rme-audio.com

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Issue with UCX FX.

Thanks for the info. Yes, after a bit more testing it's getting the E2 (RAM write?) error when it's 'cold'. (For now) after 30 mins or so when it's 'warmed up' it'll reboot error free with fx working.

4 (edited by hb82 2023-12-30 17:58:34)

Re: Issue with UCX FX.

Managed to borrow a ufx. All working fine yesterday, powered it up for rehearsal today, horrendous noise with the echo fx enabled and no fx out on the meter. Switched it off and on and it's working again.

Unbelievable. I think this is exactly what happened to my ucx just before it started throwing the e2 error when 'cold'. Just hoping one or other will survive my gig tomorrow then I guess both will need to be sent for repair. sad sad sad

Won't be buying a lottery ticket any time soon.

Update: just to add that I also updated the ufx firmware. Makes me wonder if something about that update or an update in general risks messing up the RAM? Maybe if it's on it's last legs there's some reading/writing involved that brings forward catastrophic failure. (Pure conjecture/speculation -just trying to find some logic to my bad luck!)

Re: Issue with UCX FX.

Double bad luck ? May be Murphys law ?
What you can do, try before buy, or buy with send back option.
Bring your computer to the deal for test.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Issue with UCX FX.

2) I guess, it is better to switch off UCX before switching off computer.

3) It is advisable to power all gear from a single source/outlet. Or at least check, if electricity distribution at place is functioning correctly. Even two outlets that are near by may differ by a great deal. I have experienced that two "grounds" had over 100 V between them. It could cause problems even destroy appliances when interconnected and some connected from one outlet and others from other outlet.....


Re: Issue with UCX FX.

The described issues here are purely aging, and not caused by anything else. Most probably both units are > 10 years old and had a very high operation time per day.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Issue with UCX FX.

Hi matthias, does the UFX throw an error for ram/dsp issues like the E2 error on the UCX?


Re: Issue with UCX FX.

Yes, it can be found in the display menu. There are threads about that error statement here already.

Matthias Carstens

10 (edited by hb82 2024-01-02 15:43:18)

Re: Issue with UCX FX.

EDIT: Searched again and found a couple of relevant threads out of ~500 hits :-) Conclusion RAM and/or DSP as suspected.


MC - please see my 'Test Results' below.

I failed to match exactly from search and appreciate your advice/confirmation it's a hardware issue and whether it can be fixed by sending the unit in.


Cold boot / noise from FX out:
11853**, FFFF, FFFF, 18*, 0, 210

Second or third boot / no noise on FX out:
196**, FFFF, FFFF, 18*, 0, 146
1**, 0000, 0000, 18*, 0, 210

'Stabilises' to:
0, 0000, 0000, 18*, 0, 210

Note * actually goes from 40 -> 30 -> 22 -> 18 during boot (I think!)
** seems to take a lot of different values, these are examples.