1 (edited by zephonic 2024-01-10 21:03:35)

Topic: is there a business case for a line-IO only unit?

Many studios/producers have their own choice of hardware, be it mic preamps or consoles, and they just need line ins/outs on their audio interfaces.

For those users RME doesn't really have a good all-in-one line IO solution, like Lynx Aurora or MH LIO. Would there be sufficient demand to make it a solid business case?

It could use the UFX chassis, with something like 16 I/O on the back only, and daisy chaining via ADAT or Dante.

Or did you guys already look into that and decided demand was too low?

UCXII | ARC | MBP M1Max | MacOS 12.7

Re: is there a business case for a line-IO only unit?


3 (edited by zephonic 2024-01-10 21:43:01)

Re: is there a business case for a line-IO only unit?

That is a converter, not an interface.

UCXII | ARC | MBP M1Max | MacOS 12.7

Re: is there a business case for a line-IO only unit?

Yes, but you can connect to a HDSPe AES (PCIe card) or Digiface USB (USB ADAT interface) and it's the same in the end.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: is there a business case for a line-IO only unit?

Functionally, yes. Practically, no.

That’s why I stipulated “all in one” solution.

UCXII | ARC | MBP M1Max | MacOS 12.7

Re: is there a business case for a line-IO only unit?

No, interfaces all have microphone inputs and other inputs and outputs.

UCX ll and UFX lll have plenty of line I/O.

A pure line I/O would be Madiface USB + M32ProDA + M32ProAD

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: is there a business case for a line-IO only unit?


Re: is there a business case for a line-IO only unit?

People, I was of course aware line IO only can be accomplished in a modular way.

I just want to know if RME considered (or is considering) a proper line-only USB (or Thunderbolt haha) interface.

UCXII | ARC | MBP M1Max | MacOS 12.7

Re: is there a business case for a line-IO only unit?


10 (edited by ramses 2024-01-11 07:58:33)

Re: is there a business case for a line-IO only unit?

Please read the thread closely, in particular post #6-8 where he makes his point clear.
He wants / suggests a recording interface with much more line I/O.

Let me say something like the Ferrofish Pulse 16 from the ports and this as recording interface with TM FX.
The M-1610 Pro is a pure AD/DA converter which needs additionally a recording interface.

For me personally such a products is against RME's modular approach and finally leasing to disadvantages.
It is a "one trick pony" where such a setup with a surely not cheap product can not be expanded.

Rather than that I would propose the combination of e.g. MADIface USB and a 16-port MADI AD/DA converter.
Aren't we all waiting for a 16 port AD and DA version of M-32 Pro MK II?

That would IMHO the better solution in the spirit of RME flexibility.
And the customer has at any time the possibility to add something via MADI (or AVB if this would be implemented like with the other new models).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

11 (edited by darkinners 2024-01-11 08:06:42)

Re: is there a business case for a line-IO only unit?

ramses wrote:

Please read the thread closely, in particular post #6-8 where he makes his point clear.
He wants / suggests a recording interface with much more line I/O.

Let me say something like the Ferrofish Pulse 16 from the ports and this as recording interface with TM FX.
The M-1610 Pro is a pure AD/DA converter which needs additionally a recording interface.

For me personally such a products is against RME's modular approach and finally leasing to disadvantages.
It is a "one trick pony" where such a setup with a surely not cheap product can not be expanded.

Rather than that I would propose the combination of e.g. MADIface USB and a 16-port MADI AD/DA converter.
Aren't we all waiting for a 16 port AD and DA version of M-32 Pro MK II?

That would IMHO the better solution in the spirit of RME flexibility.
And the customer has at any time the possibility to add something via MADI (or AVB if this would be implemented like with the other new models).

Well if RME releases M16 ADDA Pro (16 in 16 out) with MADI, I will be all over that.