Topic: Cubase 13 and RME: No audio until output changed
This is a new one for me, been using Cubase since 1.0. A fresh C13 install on a brand new Win 11 machine, using existing media drives. The soundcard is my existing RME Babyface with its rock solid ASIO multiclient driver (latest download)
What happens is that often on project launch - can be a blank or busy project - there is no audio at all. Then if I go to Audio Connections and change my main out from my preferred 3/4 to 1/2, it works. I change it back to 3/4, it works. If I save with the output set to 1/2 and reload, the exact same thing- no output initially on 1/2, then swtich to 3/4 and it works, back to 1/2 and it works. Happening a lot on first launch then subseuqnet project loads are okay. Conversely on at least one occasion when it started fine, a 2nd project loaded mute.
Another RME user on the Cubase forum reports:
i just started experiencing this in 12 on a Mac. I’ve just been dealing with it and changing it. Maybe it’s an RME thing? I have the RME UFX+
So it seems cross-platform and version. Any ideas gratefully received.